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good to c ya around

I bought a new utstarcom ppc 6700 and I want to update it to wm 6.5 ..
can the hardware of ppc 6700 run wm 6.5 smothly without slowing down
I am a newbie to windowws mobile , please help me with a step by step guide on how to update it to wm 6.5
My boot loader version is 2.2 and the rom version is 2.06.00 wwe
please help
Hi, been reading until my eyes is xp pro sp3, phone xv6700 verizon with BL 2.05. Want to install either 6.1 or 6.5. I've tried what you offer on the site, but I get the error will not work on device (seems to be BL related). I'm hoping there is a ROM for 6.1 or 6.5 (standard, don't need anything fancey) on the site. Looked at the "kitchen" and down grading the BL and think both or beyond my expertise. thanks!!
Did you ever find a PRL file for Cellular South? I've searched everywhere online and it just isn't to be found. I know you had helped another with this issue, but didn't see any prl that was uploaded. Thank you in advance, it would be a big help.
hey did u get my post i need a 6.5 winkows for the 6700 htc......... um idk it is on its way here but the guys said that it would be the orginal windows and i want the new one
hey. i have a quick question about an error i keep having in the ppc kitchen.... i have all the slots set for my phone and everything i want in the rom but i keep getting this "wmain: (RGUComp) !ERROR failed building DEFAULT hives" and it says build failed. do i not have something right or am i using the wrong version of 6.5 in the drop down. i picked the last one on the list.
ok nevermind that. i found one that finished but when i try to flash the rom to my phn it brings up the info on the ohn and what it going to flash to but once it puts the phn in bootloader it comes up and says no connection. could this be bc im runnin windows 7? or is it still somethin im doin wrong
Thank you, thank you, thank you for replying. I have been at my MMS problem for over a month(almost daily). I have read every post and guide and I think the only "wall" in my way is that I cannot get QPST to recognize my Sprint PPC 6700. Thus I cannot reset my MLS/SPC to 6 "0"s. I hope this will solve all my problems , but I have been assured that this is critical. Any idea's?
Just want to introduce myself. I am attempting to get going with a partial-flashed PPC 6700 Apache(to Cricket). It's running WM6. I will activate soon and proceed. Any Recomendations? You seem to be the 6700 Guru. I will give thanx and likely donate. Just a Noob looking for a mentor.
I am using your latest WM6.5 build from your profile for the HTC apache. My bootloaded is version 2.02. When i run the executable it seems like it is not searching for my device like normal. It immediately jumps to the install screen (which has all of its fields blank). When i click the individual things (like ExitBootloader) i get an error message that RAPI.dll cannot be found. Perhaps this has something to do with it? I am on windows xp. Thanks for the help!
hey do you know how to restore my web to my treo 700w. It went away after i switched frojm verizon to page plus