forgot to mention that i've had this plan for about 3-4 years now and was able to activate the following phones under this contract : mogul,touch,touch2 - i was told before ordering that i needed to upgrade my plan so i ordered through ecare and then just called to activate it with no problems.. might try going that rout again.
both sound like legitimate reasons. i forgot to mention that i also get 20% off my bill each month given to me a few years go for being a loyal sprint customer for over 9 years now. Thanks for your help. I really feel like jumping ship on to the Evo. always been a faithful win mobile guy but would love to see what android has to offer.
I have 2 guesses for why you cannot keep your current plan.
1.) The plan you have is not available anymore and when you change devices or any plan changes, you can no longer hold on to grandfathered plans
2.) Is what I call the iPhone effect LOL Some phones have their own list of compatible plans and options. This does suck and is a way for cellphone companies to get you on a newer plan so they can apply new rules to you.
I could be wrong but those would be my guesses, I hope I helped. Let me know what you think