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Biofall is becoming a great contributor

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Biofall
    07-08-2010 09:53 PM - permalink
    No problem, and it was all the truth. I'm trying to work my way to the point where I can help people with any problems, I'm learning.
    Thanks again!
  2. iknowsquat
    07-07-2010 03:42 AM - permalink
    Thanks Man! That was a mighty nice of ya to say.
  3. silver523
    05-17-2010 01:33 AM - permalink
    2 things. First, go to quickGPS in your start menu under GPS folder and make sure your sats are automatically downloaded. Second, go to HTC GPStools and find out what com port your GPS radio is using. It probably is COM4 by default. Go to the settings menu in Bing and change your GPS device to COM4 or whatever port youre using and make sure you save. for some odd reason when u switch from intermediate driver to COM4 the option to select COM4 freezes and wont let you change the setting. change it one at a time (ie COM1 save, go back COM2 save go back...) until you get to COM4 and you should be good. you'll know what im talkin about.

About Me

  • About Biofall
    Pocket PC
    HTC TP, TP2, EVO 4G
    Games, biking, hanging out, movies
    Houston, TX
    Loves movies, reading, *gamez*, biking, football
  • Signature
    The Device.... HTC Supersonic - EVO 4
    The ROM....... Fresh 3.2 BETA with Froyo
    The Theme.... Manup456 rEVOlution 1.1r2
    The Kernel.... HTC Supersecret Supersonic 3.28.651.1 - unreleased OTA (thanks flipzmod!)


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-15-2011 02:40 PM
  • Join Date: 05-02-2010
  • Referrals: 0


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