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cflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIPcflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIPcflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIPcflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIPcflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIPcflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIPcflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIPcflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIPcflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIPcflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIPcflynt is still contributing even after becoming a VIP

cflynt Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. shotta305
    02-16-2011 02:12 PM - permalink
    need your help i read alot post on the touch pro 2 andriod it cool . Im in florida can i give you my cell call me 352 2196436 also email is cool to jermaine25u@yahoo.com. trying to see if you put the Android v2.2 Froyo (FRX00B): on your toch TP2
  2. mobius7107
    03-28-2010 10:39 AM - permalink
    To Dayton,> the phone has never been programmed so its going to show the first 6 as 0'S only explanation i can give you since i see it all the time and thats the only cause.
  3. daytons
    03-27-2010 03:10 AM - permalink
    hey im from canada and i have a buddy that stoll a few htc no simchip bell phones htc pro 3g he gave me 1 now it has no activatation on it cell numbers like 000 000 345 or somthin any ideas??

About Me

  • About cflynt
    Pocket PC
    Touch Pro and Touch Pro 2


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  • Last Activity: 11-03-2010 02:31 AM
  • Join Date: 10-25-2008
  • Referrals: 4


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