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[ACL] is a trusted member of the community[ACL] is a trusted member of the community[ACL] is a trusted member of the community[ACL] is a trusted member of the community[ACL] is a trusted member of the community[ACL] is a trusted member of the community[ACL] is a trusted member of the community[ACL] is a trusted member of the community[ACL] is a trusted member of the community[ACL] is a trusted member of the community[ACL] is a trusted member of the community

[ACL] Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. liu775420
    11-25-2011 05:29 AM - permalink
    Have Stable android?
  2. MassStash
    03-12-2011 07:02 PM - permalink
    brudda man, may i get a copy of that recooooooovery image yet>??? Please and thank in advance good sir
  3. CageOff
    02-10-2011 06:41 AM - permalink
    Hi, Master! Remember me? Think no...
    I read in forum: Just as a heads up to everyone. ACL ported over the HD2 NAND driver, and once that was done, ...
    I work for Topaz. Have a very good results with TinBoot. But...
    About HD2 NAND driver... Cotulla not help me... Say: not opensource codes... I analyze & hack Cotullas magldr but not completly... Can you give me what you have arround HD2 sfuff and boot files? I need bootloader. Tinboot - GOOD stuf! MagLDR work with Rhods and Topa with some tuning and rebuild... Sorry... for my runssian_english..
  4. [ACL]
    10-10-2010 05:59 PM - permalink
    Have someone help you get dmesg and logcat. You should be able to do it through adb. The commands below should help. Run them after trying wifi for a few times.

    dmesg >/sdcard/klog.txt

    for logcat

    logcat >/sdcard/logcat.txt &
  5. twobeaglesjtj
    10-10-2010 08:10 AM - permalink
    I downloaded the new kernel 10/9, formatted the sd card, tried running wifi on winmo before booting android and even reflashed with current Energy rom, just because and it seems the incall issue is better but no wifi...says error...I used the correct modules and used the 9/17 rootfs but no go.....what is dmesg and how do I run it??? I'm out of ideas.....It weird because if I use the test 5 kernel, I get wifi fine............
  6. twobeaglesjtj
    10-08-2010 12:06 PM - permalink
    ARRGGHH tought I should contact you as I am having problems running the newest Kernels on my Verizon,CDMA, Rhod500 TP2...Every time I install the new modules and zimage and reboot, I get error message on wifi, incall issues are more frequent and OS in just unstable....The only kernel that runs well and does not have any of those issues is the test 5 kernel here.....TESTING: global kernel with a lot of changes ... - xda-developers have tried reformat disk, using the startup utility, not using it and running haret from the andboot file etc. but no go...I have tried the latest kernel 10/7...same thing...but as soon as I put the test 5 kernel back in, it runs great....Any ideas on what's going on as I have heard a few other rhod500 users with similar issue? Any help would be appreciated...thanks!!!
  7. turruso
    09-09-2010 02:19 PM - permalink
    also you may wanna contact refermattness from XDA i posted there about the situation, hopefully a donor will step up

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  • Last Activity: 05-22-2012 02:59 AM
  • Join Date: 02-09-2010
  • Referrals: 1


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06:05 PM - vzihome mentioned [ACL] in post Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (1.2.3)
[ACL] here are the radio ...
06:12 PM - vzihome mentioned [ACL] in post Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (1.2.3)
[ACL] tri-color screen num...
01:06 PM - [ACL] mentioned Android in post Re: [DEV] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - CDMA ONLY
...ve incoming call? - Android Developers | Google ...
12:50 AM - [ACL] mentioned abel in post Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)
...n fastboot fyi rootabel-desktop:/media/FS2/x...

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