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adortab knows their stuffadortab knows their stuffadortab knows their stuffadortab knows their stuffadortab knows their stuffadortab knows their stuffadortab knows their stuff

adortab Offline

Regular 'Geeker

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. taco009
    09-26-2011 12:47 AM - permalink
    hey i have a question about your imagio rom the link doesnt work
  2. wanablikhm
    04-19-2010 03:54 PM - permalink
    Not to bug, just wanted to let you know I am in the process of getting my PayPal account reactivated so I am comfortable making online purchases. Am about to use your new 1.8 Rom. I will post to the forum. Thank you.
  3. wanablikhm
    04-08-2010 03:35 AM - permalink
    Well, I understand that, I love playing around with my phones and computers and get a real joy when I figure out things new. I told my husband, I don't understand people who buy a phone that just sits there, doing nothing, you can't get in it to make it better. I have to analyze and change, reformat, perfect, upgrade, add to, etc. He just laughed at me. And yet he is a computer programer on autocad.
    Well, I do appreciate your work anyway, and would love to send a gift to help in any way. Let me know if I can help. Thanks again for your valuable time spent, and patience with us.
    Kathy, wanablikhm
  4. wanablikhm
    04-08-2010 12:25 AM - permalink
    Hi, I sent an earlier PM to you. I have never done that before in a forum but am not sure how to donate for your rom. I explained in my PM. This is the 2nd conversation post because I left before sending and when I came back the 1st one was gone. I also saw someone's post about a Home Screen download. What is that? Themes maybe, I love themes!! I am not sure if I am supposed to send a PM. I just didn't want my info blasted. Thank you for your work and let me know how to donate.
  5. sak50
    04-07-2010 12:19 PM - permalink
    I copied and pasted this let me know if you need more info...Metropcs HostName: wap.metropcs.net and Port Should Be 3128. IP Address "" and http://wap.metropcs.net:3128/mmsc for MMS, simple Ip only,

About Me

  • About adortab
    Pocket PC
    HTC HD2 / HTC Imagio
  • Signature
    [Carrier: T-Mobile] [Phone: XV6975 (HTC Imagio)] [ROM: MyCleanImagio]
    [WM Build: 21874] [Radio: 2.25.00WVL]



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  • Join Date: 03-13-2007
  • Referrals: 0


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