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00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP00_MACKIE_00 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP

00_MACKIE_00 Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. GirlGoneGeek
    03-20-2010 01:20 AM - permalink
    You're welcome and now working on getting the mods, super mods and new mods to have their own sections for this specific reason! I knew it was coming. It's not that they aren't doing their job, just the site has so much going on it's hard to catch it all. Sorry for your request being overlooked!
  2. GirlGoneGeek
    03-20-2010 01:05 AM - permalink
    Done! Puff did it for you

About Me

  • About 00_MACKIE_00
    Pocket PC
    3VO for me, EVO for wife
    on the Now Network™ from Sprint®
    bein a geek
  • Signature
    Device: 3VO
    Case: Platinum 2 in 1 Covert with holster


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-28-2019 12:32 AM
  • Join Date: 04-03-2009
  • Referrals: 1


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