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elephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPelephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPelephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPelephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPelephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPelephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPelephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPelephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPelephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPelephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPelephant007 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP

elephant007 Offline

domo arigato mr roboto

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. levelsmanx
    11-12-2013 08:53 AM - permalink
    please, I need good working u.s freevpn to use on my tp2 with cisco
    07-04-2010 10:14 AM - permalink
    Thanks I have figured it out!
  3. berniemac
    05-20-2010 11:55 PM - permalink
    I already updated my phone to eclair off of the sprint website can I still use one. Of the methods described in the forums to root my phone
  4. elephant007
    04-17-2010 06:22 PM - permalink
    doing pretty good, just checking out this place to see if there's been any updates to some of the threads I've put my 2 cents in!
    Watching, get this... Ghostbusters on Comedy Central
  5. Psychobaby
    04-17-2010 02:54 AM - permalink
    Hi Elephant! How ya doin?
  6. Psychobaby
    03-25-2010 01:53 PM - permalink
    Hi! Thanks for the penis lol!
  7. elephant007
    03-02-2010 04:48 PM - permalink
  8. rainfreak
    03-02-2010 04:28 PM - permalink
    Nice work on the "How To" walk through for rooting a Moment with the stock CL14 update installed.
  9. elephant007
    09-11-2009 11:40 PM - permalink
    No disrespect taken.
    I saw that you were joking and I'm cool with that
    I only posted because it deleted my entire SDCard
    I say we find a way to flash our phones using Linux and we wouldn't have to worry about those silly things call viruses/trojans/blah blah blah
  10. rootlinux
    09-11-2009 11:34 PM - permalink
    Didn't mean any dis-respect to you my friend.
    There have just been a crap load of AVG posts lately and it is getting tiering answering them.

    I would have maybe freaked out too but there has been so many posts about it today alone.

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  • Last Activity: 07-02-2014 03:25 AM
  • Join Date: 01-20-2007
  • Referrals: 4


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