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ModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on repModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on repModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on repModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on repModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on repModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on repModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on repModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on repModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on repModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on repModmyPPC is halfway to VIP status based on rep

ModmyPPC Offline

Almost a VIP

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Timberwolf671
    06-06-2011 07:15 PM - permalink
    You will find more of my themes at XDA in the themes & apps section under the name of Jstine671. I would keep the post here updated if more people would reply of even view the post. Traffic is 50 x's greater at XDA. There are 4 themes and few other apps themed. Enoy and stay in touch.
  2. deathpig
    01-16-2011 01:32 AM - permalink
    Does your Formula 'Facebook Widget' work? I got sprint.. its enver worked on any of Formulas ROMS ive burned.
  3. Brooklyncat
    04-28-2010 07:32 PM - permalink
    I glad to helped your post a little later...
  4. Timberwolf671
    03-17-2010 11:17 AM - permalink

About Me

  • About ModmyPPC
    Pocket PC
    HTC Touch PRO 2 (Sprint)
  • Signature
    Please PM me if you have a sero plan to sell with 1000 mins or more


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 11-15-2012 02:47 PM
  • Join Date: 10-09-2009
  • Referrals: 1


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