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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. GirlGoneGeek
    10-23-2010 11:36 AM - permalink
    Happy birthday
  2. demonlordoftheround
    10-23-2010 08:10 AM - permalink
    Happy birthday! Have a great day.
  3. GirlGoneGeek
    09-19-2010 05:39 PM - permalink
    check out the news section and see if you have any input. don't have to add anything if ya don't want.
  4. GirlGoneGeek
    06-22-2010 10:35 AM - permalink
    I did catch a glimpse of what's going on and I'm so sorry to hear that! Keep your head up and remember were here if ya need to get away. I'm sure you'll find someone special for you one day! Life does go on.
  5. GirlGoneGeek
    06-21-2010 02:13 PM - permalink
    Sooooo, when are ya coming to visit us again? We enjoy your company!
  6. [sammich]
    06-05-2010 02:16 AM - permalink
    Not gonna lie, that's a kick-ass picture. Paint mask FTW lol
  7. funcrusher
    02-22-2010 09:27 AM - permalink
    I'm at the end of my rope again.
  8. bradart
    02-22-2010 04:04 AM - permalink
    you betcha
  9. funcrusher
    02-22-2010 12:01 AM - permalink
  10. jerrygon
    12-02-2009 10:17 AM - permalink
    Looking to get in that android wave you started. My address is jerrygon@gmail.com. Thanks!

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