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jamice4u is halfway to VIP status based on repjamice4u is halfway to VIP status based on repjamice4u is halfway to VIP status based on repjamice4u is halfway to VIP status based on repjamice4u is halfway to VIP status based on repjamice4u is halfway to VIP status based on repjamice4u is halfway to VIP status based on repjamice4u is halfway to VIP status based on repjamice4u is halfway to VIP status based on rep

jamice4u Offline

Regular 'Geeker

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. jamice4u
    03-26-2011 11:39 AM - permalink
    I don't think it is more stable but, you can share it others. I notice it reboots when I receive a text message while on 4g.
  2. jamice4u
    03-26-2011 11:37 AM - permalink
    I don't think it is more stable you can share it with others. It tends to have problems when you receive text message while using 4g.
  3. ramstoday
    03-26-2011 10:54 AM - permalink
    hey is wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10.apk better than 1.4-epic-4 wired tether im using this without a drop problem but is the other one faster i want to know before i get it and haveto worry about my phone rebooting uu know lol

About Me

  • About jamice4u
    Pocket PC
    Samsung Epic with Cyanogenmod 7
    Real Estate, Bible
    Daly City California
    Residential and Commercial Real Estate Appraiser
  • Signature
    4G Hotspot tethering with Samsung Epic just start 3G first and then start up 4G otherwise your phone will restart. wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10.apk wifi_tether_v3_0-pre12.apk

    Please don't forget to thank me.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-12-2023 02:14 AM
  • Join Date: 05-11-2008
  • Referrals: 0


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