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FalloutMan 09-18-2008 12:29 PM

using the Touch with Linux?
I bit the bullet and jumped to Ubuntu Linux after my install of Vista started BSODing (physical mem dumps) more often than it used to. I never did use the windows sync tool so that wasn't a big deal but i did use PDAnet frequently. Now with Ubuntu 8.04.1, when I plug my phone in it charges but doesn't do anything else, nor does Ubuntu. Does anyone know of a program or driver to recognize the phone or better yet an internet connection tool?

commonplace 09-18-2008 08:44 PM

Re: using the Touch with Linux?
This is definitely a shortcoming in Linux, mostly due to the fact that Activesync, Windows Mobile, etc. is all proprietary and closed-sourced Microsoft stuff.

Here's a thread that might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=869229

You can always post for more help in that thread, which will bump it to the top. I believe the instructions will work for the Touch, but I'm not sure. From reading the comments, they don't appear to work on the new Touch Diamond.

All you can do is try! Welcome to the world of Linux. It's 99% great. :)


FalloutMan 09-19-2008 12:51 AM

Re: using the Touch with Linux?
Thanks for that thread! Do you know if it is undetected by sprint or will i get a charge for phone as modem usage :D

commonplace 09-19-2008 08:21 AM

Re: using the Touch with Linux?
To be honest, I'm not sure, but I know there's a bunch of threads on it either here or PDAPhonehome or XDA or somewhere. I never use the phone-as-modem feature. I know on the 6700, they couldn't tell if you were tethering or not. I'm not sure how it is on the Touch, though, just because I haven't checked into it. You should definitely find out first, though, just so you don't end up racking up a bunch of charges!


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