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Devilish 09-18-2008 02:52 AM

Taking picture with Touch / Sprint
I was out taking pictures with my digital camera this AM and I ran out of battery so I started using my HTC touch taking pitures, I could see the camera was taking pictures and the count down was changing. I know the picyures are on my storage card, but I can not find them on the card. I have looked in every folder on the memory card, but they are not there. I tried the exlplorer using the filre explorer in the program files and I also tried using the card reader on my laptop, but still dont see any of the pictures on the memory card.

I did check the setting on the camera and it is set to save the pictures on the storage card.

Did anyone ever run into this problem before? Can anyone help me with this problem??


95FormulaTA 09-18-2008 03:34 AM

Re: Taking picture with Touch / Sprint
They should be located under \storage card\dcim\100media if you have not done any regedits or used Advanced configuration to change the default save position.

Devilish 09-18-2008 03:45 AM

Re: Taking picture with Touch / Sprint
Thanks 95, But I did look there and there is nothing in that folder. I also checked my documents folder on my storage card and that folder is also empty. I dont understand what is going on. I am sure it is a simple thing that I am missing.

gonzoy5 09-18-2008 08:02 AM

Re: Taking picture with Touch / Sprint
Test this out. Switch the location of the pics to the phone, then take a few. If you can see them in the album, then something is corrupt on the card. This would happen to me on occasion with the Original rom. You'll probably need to format your card. Then it will work again. It stopped happening to me when I started loading other ROMs. Hope this helps.

Devilish 09-18-2008 09:22 PM

Re: Taking picture with Touch / Sprint

Originally Posted by gonzoy5 (Post 421509)
Test this out. Switch the location of the pics to the phone, then take a few. If you can see them in the album, then something is corrupt on the card. This would happen to me on occasion with the Original rom. You'll probably need to format your card. Then it will work again. It stopped happening to me when I started loading other ROMs. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the idea. It is saving the pictures on my phone without any problem, but no sign of my photos on the storage card. I have formated my card a few times before and works for a while, but then run into the same problem again. I need these photos and I do not want to reformat the card til I have those pictures. I will walk into a service center and maybe they can recover the pictures som how.

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