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tpdtopcop 08-09-2008 04:07 AM

What contact app is everyone using
I am using pocketcm and wondered if there was something better out there that people are using.


spamftw 08-09-2008 04:22 AM

Re: What contact app is everyone using
I'm a huge fan of VITO FunContact... (and if you need a new sms app, you gotta check out VITO SMS-Chat)

other than that, the only other finger friendly contacts manager i know is the one that comes with SPB Mobile Shell. It's easy to use, and incredbily fast to find contacts with the search.

Unfortunatly, neither of those are free. sorry man

jimt29 08-09-2008 06:49 AM

Re: What contact app is everyone using
I used PocketCM and it is a fine product.

I'm now using IContact and for me it is a better alternative.

hueman84 08-09-2008 10:04 AM

Re: What contact app is everyone using
Face Contacts and iContact

henryl 08-09-2008 03:13 PM

Re: What contact app is everyone using
i agree anything vito is hott...sms chat fun contact and goodwin are the best combo for my vogue...and btw all mine were free lol

Yay 4 Juggs 08-09-2008 03:14 PM

Re: What contact app is everyone using
i like icontact...finger friendly....free....easy to use...

pcskibum 08-09-2008 06:24 PM

Re: What contact app is everyone using
I have a related question about these contact apps. I tried the built in contact list and iContact so far. In both cases I have a really hard time controlling the scrolling list of names. In other words, it's always scrolling too far/fast, and if I try to slow it down it frequently opens a contact that I didn't want. I've tried with the stylus and finger, but it's bad either way.

In contrast, the iPhone/iPod touch scroll perfectly and each actual selection is exactly the one I wanted.

Using the contact list is the most annoying, frustrating part of this otherwise great phone. Am I missing something, like a sensitivity setting for the screen, or do they all work like that?

augy 08-09-2008 07:08 PM

Re: What contact app is everyone using

Originally Posted by pcskibum (Post 377591)
I have a related question about these contact apps. I tried the built in contact list and iContact so far. In both cases I have a really hard time controlling the scrolling list of names. In other words, it's always scrolling too far/fast, and if I try to slow it down it frequently opens a contact that I didn't want. I've tried with the stylus and finger, but it's bad either way.

In contrast, the iPhone/iPod touch scroll perfectly and each actual selection is exactly the one I wanted.

Using the contact list is the most annoying, frustrating part of this otherwise great phone. Am I missing something, like a sensitivity setting for the screen, or do they all work like that?

I had this same problem until I came across the cab file listed in this thread. It's one of the best things I've ever done to my touch.

http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...en+sensitivity Post #22

augy 08-09-2008 07:18 PM

Re: What contact app is everyone using
I'm using icontact with the Diamond skin. I have it mapped to the right softkey and it opens very quickly. That was the reason I switched from pocketcm, it took an extra second to load.

TheIgster 08-09-2008 07:50 PM

Re: What contact app is everyone using
Used Vito's FunContact and liked it, but I didn't like how long it took to load and I didn't like it running in the background.

I have since switched to PocketCM and find it nice and easy to use and it does load faster. Fast enough for me anyway.

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