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aau007 07-13-2008 04:46 PM

LocationSetting in registry
So, in the latest leaked Touch ROM, you have to leave Location Setting to "On" in order for the GPS to work.

I located the registry value, hklm/software/oem/phonesetting/locationsetting for turning Location Setting on/off. When "on", ItemValue1 is defaulted to 0 and when "off", ItemValue2 is defaulted to 3. I changed the itemValue2 to 2, soft reset the phone and set the Location Setting to "Off" and GPS will work.

Does anyone kow what exactly does ItemValue 2 and 1 do? The default value of 3 seems to turn off the entire GPS functionality in the Touch and 0 leaves everything on. Wonder how 1 and 2 differ.

Yay 4 Juggs 07-13-2008 04:48 PM

Re: LocationSetting in registry
you can just set location via settings...personal...phone...location no need to be in the reg if you dont know what you're doing...

aau007 07-13-2008 05:15 PM

Re: LocationSetting in registry
That's not what I am going down with. I am trying to get GPS to work as standalone as possible but realize that without the Location Setting to 'On', GPS will not work.
Found this value in the registry and just wonder how different value affects the Location Setting "On/Off".

Yay 4 Juggs 07-13-2008 05:18 PM

Re: LocationSetting in registry
the difference comes based on the position of the switch so to speak...if you go into the settings and tell it 911 only...then the reg only allows it to use current value "2" or what ever...

mindfrost82 07-14-2008 09:55 AM

Re: LocationSetting in registry
One thing I've noticed is that after a soft reset, the location display in the phone app shows as disabled. If you go into the phone settings, it'll be set to ON. If you 'ok' out of the phone app and go back into the phone dialer, the location setting shows that its on.

I'm trying to find a reg setting that ensures its on after a soft reset. Even though the setting is showing ON, it appears to be off until you go into the settings.

After a soft reset on the leaked Sprint ROMs, I cannot get GPS to work until I go into the phone settings to make the Location logo display enabled.

I've had this issue on every Sprint OEM ROM and most custom ROMs.

asuman1179 07-14-2008 12:15 PM

Re: LocationSetting in registry
I am having the same issue with location in the phone app showing as disabled. Just want to jump on thread to see if other have found the solutions with the Sprint OEM Rom. Thanks

mindfrost82 07-14-2008 12:24 PM

Re: LocationSetting in registry
Nothing yet. I looked at those reg settings and they both show 0 and 3 both after a soft reset and after getting the symbol enabled by going into the phone settings.

So in phone settings it shows ON, but after a soft reset its not really on until you go into the settings and OK the option.

So somewhere on a soft reset that setting is actually switching to OFF even though the settings on the screen show its ON.

gdbear 07-31-2008 11:11 AM

Re: LocationSetting in registry
Any update on if anyone has found a fix for the HTC touch defaulting to location = disabled on soft reset, and having to go into the location settings of the phone and clicking OK to make google maps and the like work?

lennysh 09-19-2009 12:54 AM

Re: LocationSetting in registry

;Enable Location Service (GPS)
"GPSOneSetting"=dword:0    ;3 = OFF

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