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-   -   July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=31281)

dzuchowski 07-07-2008 08:33 AM

July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch
Lets see its 8:30am Est and still no new rom update for the Sprint Touch. I am now thinking that sprint will never release the a new rom for the Touch with WM 6.1 and evdo rev a I think sprint will say that they want us to purchase a Treo 800 that gets released this week that will come with wi-fi and evdo rev a and wm 6.1 Sprint will also say that the HTC Touch Diamond and Touch Pro will be out in the 3rd and 4th quarters so just purchase them at full price thank you.

WM6.1 is vaperware since sprint has not released it yet officially, and the leaked versions how do we know that they came from sprint and not some person who know how to correctly program so you dont need to unlock your device.

rstoyguy 07-07-2008 08:39 AM

Re: July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch
I didn't see an option for "I have PPCGeeks, who needs an official Sprint Release...."

dzuchowski 07-07-2008 08:40 AM

Re: July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch

Originally Posted by rstoyguy (Post 338817)
I didn't see an option for "I have PPCGeeks, who needs an official Sprint Release...."

good one man i forgot about that one....

jarods350z 07-07-2008 08:50 AM

Re: July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch
I talked with sprint customer support and they said the official release for the vogue will not be available till late fall. must be some kind of marketing thing.

HTCBellUser 07-07-2008 09:16 AM

Re: July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch

Originally Posted by jarods350z (Post 338819)
customer support ... late fall.

If that's true, wouldn't it now put that around November? Just about close to one year when initially promised an update for GPS/RevA at the least.

One question... Is it Sprint / Alltel / Bell / Verzion / etc. that are developing the rom updates or is it HTC themselves and those companies just give it their stamp of approval?

dzuchowski 07-07-2008 09:24 AM

Re: July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch

Originally Posted by jarods350z (Post 338819)
I talked with sprint customer support and they said the official release for the vogue will not be available till late fall. must be some kind of marketing thing.

well just like my brother who called tech support was told the rom would not be released until two months after the new HTC Toouch Diamond and Touch Pro devices are released on sprint. So that would me December since the new htc devices will be released september/october and winter does not start until December 21, 2008 at 12:00pm

dzuchowski 07-07-2008 09:25 AM

Re: July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch

Originally Posted by HTCBellUser (Post 338832)
If that's true, wouldn't it now put that around November? Just about close to one year when initially promised an update for GPS/RevA at the least.

One question... Is it Sprint / Alltel / Bell / Verzion / etc. that are developing the rom updates or is it HTC themselves and those companies just give it their stamp of approval?

alltell has already released a evdo rev a rom for the touch....

nxtech3 07-07-2008 12:48 PM

Re: July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch
HTC works with the various corporations on the ROMs and then they are released. Thats why most of the time you will see the update on the HTC website before you see it on Sprint or Alltel. Either way im happy using the custom ROMS here!!! (No2Chem, you rock!!!!!!!)

Torx 07-07-2008 12:53 PM

Re: July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch
wah wah wah.. told you all... we'll NEVER see an official OFFICIAL rom for the vogue via HTC or sprints websites..

we might see more leaked stuff, but nothing ever official..

DaPeeps 07-07-2008 12:57 PM

Re: July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch
I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but why do you keep posting these polls about an official release? Who cares? With the wealth of ROMS available here and the kitchens, why should any of us truly care about Sprint and HTCs crappy release schedule? I would be willing to bet that over 90 percent of the people who frequent this site won't use that ROM anyway....

I don't know..maybe I am overreacting....

budney 07-07-2008 01:14 PM

Re: July 7 2008 8:30am and still no new rom for the Touch
Please stop with these useless threads!


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