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-   -   So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM? (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=28918)

duelingdragons 06-10-2008 10:52 AM

So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
Or is still just speculation? =(

tj78492 06-10-2008 11:05 AM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
most likely speculation as always, there have been "definate" dates since january. I would just stop worrying about it, one day it will be here and then you will know

slbailey1 06-10-2008 12:08 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
I was told by a CSR that June 20th is the date.

boggsie 06-10-2008 12:14 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

Originally Posted by duelingdragons (Post 310323)
Or is still just speculation? =(

If they're getting that close, where is the next leaked Release Candidate ROM?

storino03 06-10-2008 01:21 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
there is no next leaked rom. the next one would be the official release.


No1ustad 06-10-2008 01:49 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
even if the official release is released, im not sure I would immediately move over to it, roms here are stable and working great for me!

badchad 06-10-2008 02:28 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
I'd say it's just speculation. Funny though how we're so close and the rumors seem to have died down. At this point I've stopped worrying.

Negrito 06-10-2008 04:37 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

Originally Posted by badchad (Post 310503)
I'd say it's just speculation. Funny though how we're so close and the rumors seem to have died down. At this point I've stopped worrying.



Originally Posted by tj78492 (Post 310340)
most likely speculation as always, there have been "definate" dates since january. I would just stop worrying about it, one day it will be here and then you will know

I concur.


Originally Posted by No1ustad (Post 310471)
even if the official release is released, im not sure I would immediately move over to it, roms here are stable and working great for me!

Good point!

jgatter 06-10-2008 10:27 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
I am no longer THAT concerned about the official rom. Roms here are great and stable, my only problems is the overall performance of the vogue. When we had the first alltel rom out it was much faster than sprint, and even with the leaked rom, the performance is still slow but stable. My only hope with the new rom is performance (even though I am not very hopeful), specially on for example, programs screen, as you move the screen up and down its so very slow... i wish it was more like the settings screen for example. Also when going from home screen to the phone screen or contacts or such, it takes such a long time... even after a clean install.

I have been spending more of my time not trying to find out when the new rom will come, but actually trying to find out why the performance is so slow.

I loved the performance and screen performance on the altell rom with GPS but it was too unstable for my sprint phone...

I almost feel like starting a thread and have people trying to find ways to improve performance, but my poor lack of skills does not help much...

Anyone willing to help???

jethro_static 06-10-2008 10:33 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
Everthing is a speculation until it's out. Like the other "phone" (i don't wanna mention it anymore) A lot of speculations came out until it was announced last monday on what it has and doesn't have.

dornier 06-10-2008 11:02 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
I wonder if the new 3g iPhone will ensure a sprint update before july 11th. This way sprint can push the fact that they have 2 touch devices (instinct and touch) with GPS and fast internet. I also wonder if the touch and instinct prices will drop.

kwatcha 06-10-2008 11:54 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
Hello Robert,

Thank you for your inquiry

We understand that it is important you receive all the information to best utilize your device. Currently, our developers have to work with Sprint to determine when and if a ROM upgrade will be available. Unfortunately, there is no estimated time for availability of any ROM update. Please check the HTC America website for any software updates that may be released, http://www.htc.com/us . Just click on the support

jethro_static 06-11-2008 12:00 AM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

Originally Posted by dornier (Post 311089)
I wonder if the new 3g iPhone will ensure a sprint update before july 11th. This way sprint can push the fact that they have 2 touch devices (instinct and touch) with GPS and fast internet. I also wonder if the touch and instinct prices will drop.

I think as far as prices go, People also consider Plans. Prolly more people does not need or understand GPS and internet. I think more people will get a $400 phone with $30 plan rather than $200 phone with $80 plan.

cj10488 06-11-2008 12:08 AM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
There is currently no date as of yet.. Late June is the closest that I can get for the touch... Monday the 15th I will check again and see if I can get a firm date... I would not believe the 20th as If that was the Date trust me I would know about it by now.


phiveye 06-11-2008 08:00 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
While I was at my local sprint tech center fixing my phones lcd screen, I decided to ask if they knew anything about a new rom for the HTC Touch. The tech confirmed that there is a new rom, but he couldn't give me a release date, as they don't know themselves until about 2 days before it's released.

sebo 06-11-2008 10:15 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

Originally Posted by phiveye (Post 311973)
The tech confirmed that there is a new rom, but he couldn't give me a release date, as they don't know themselves until about 2 days before it's released.

he confirmed what jesus already knew.. a new rom coming soon...

dbigdawg 06-11-2008 11:20 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

Originally Posted by jethro_static (Post 311146)
I think as far as prices go, People also consider Plans. Prolly more people does not need or understand GPS and internet. I think more people will get a $400 phone with $30 plan rather than $200 phone with $80 plan.

Edited for clairty--

-Data spend is increasing not decreasing in US.
-PPC/SMARTPHONES will not qualify for $30 RATEPLAN as they are now required to have a minimum $30 DATA PLAN in addition to voice to qualify for rebates.
-AT&T has roughly half the population coverage as Sprint for 3G.
-Instinct will only be available on Everything Plans (excluding SERO or WAP)
-Sprint CEO Dan Hesse stated that WM6.1 will not be seen until lat Q3. WM6.1 on a GSM device has nothing to do with this.
-Rumored ROM update for Touch may only address known issues and add REVA/GPS. May not have WM6.1.

Enjoy reading into that what you will.

jethro_static 06-12-2008 12:24 AM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

Originally Posted by dbigdawg (Post 312116)
Your assessment of customer desire for GPS and internet couldn't be further from reality. Data plans and lcoation based services are being attached to domestic accounts at a record rate. Currently in Japan, 24% of the average bill is related to data/gps services. The US is behind the market at 16%, with Sprint leading the way. Interestingly, Sprint has the lowest price data/gps plans but sells more of them.

As with most of the other PPC/Smartphones, the lowest price for the device will require a certain level of plan and it is not at the $30 level. It has been that way for nearly two years with Sprint and even longer with Verizon and ATT. As always, folks who are cheap will find away to get around the system, but the rebate agreements clearly state the requirements.

Having said that, the new Sprint devices will sell very well and the Touch will continue to sell well. The iPhone success has to do with its innovative GUI and the media blitz. This next generation is going to sell well because it is finally offering a reasonable price with the POTENTIAL for improved data speeds.

Currently, ATT can cover less than 150mm population base with their 3G network. Verizon covers approximately 200mm population base and Sprint leads all carriers with over 240mm population base coverage. T-Mobile has introduced their mobile broadband network in NYC successfully, so I believe that gives them about 10mm population coverage. That means that the draw of the 2nd generation iPhone will be minimized to price only for a lot of customers because they don't live in the markets that provide 3G network coverage.

The Instinct will release on Friday, June 20th. It will be interesting to see the media hype grow and how Dan Hesse markets the largest Sprint device launch to date. The iPhone also released originally on a Friday and very few details were revealed until the days leading up to the release. Similarly, the general public has not been given any details on the plan requirements that will accompany the Instinct release. If Hesse plays his cards right, he could score a major hit with this release.

I have played with the Instinct and it is a very cool device. There are some features that could have been a little cooler, but in all it is going to appeal to much larger customer base than the Touch or Mogul. The flo interface is very smooth, screen resolution is excellent and the form factor is sleek. The only real piece that I did not love was the browser. It is very similar to the Opera 9.5 1102 beta but I did not get to play with it long enough to tell how much it resembles that browser.

As for the ROM update, there is no commitment to an upgrade date. As I stated in the thread from 6/3, I can only get confirmation that there has been development (see the leaked ROM) but there is not a release date. Again, the leaked ROM contains WM6.1 which is not set to be released until Q3 at the earliest and it may not be offered as an upgrade. That component leads me to believe that the leaked ROM may actually be a test for future devices, such as a CDMA Touch Pro.

Just my 2 cents.

Whatever dude.ROTFL!

Negrito 06-12-2008 03:23 AM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
Did you even bother to read it? All those letters make me go cross eyed at this hour.

cj10488 06-12-2008 11:00 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

Originally Posted by dbigdawg (Post 312116)

As for the ROM update, there is no commitment to an upgrade date. As I stated in the thread from 6/3, I can only get confirmation that there has been development (see the leaked ROM) but there is not a release date. Again, the leaked ROM contains WM6.1 which is not set to be released until Q3 at the earliest and it may not be offered as an upgrade. That component leads me to believe that the leaked ROM may actually be a test for future devices, such as a CDMA Touch Pro.

Just my 2 cents.

This rom Will be out towards the end of June.. I have already gotten confirmation of that so long as nothing major happens. Highly unlikely.. I have not gotten a specific date yet but I will.. When I post a date that is the date that it will be with 99% confidence. I will be checking sometime next week (probably monday/tuesday) to see if there has been a date as of yet. This is all dependent on the lab result progress of the new rom.


SprintTouch08 06-12-2008 11:56 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

Originally Posted by dbigdawg (Post 312116)
As with most of the other PPC/Smartphones, the lowest price for the device will require a certain level of plan and it is not at the $30 level. It has been that way for nearly two years with Sprint and even longer with Verizon and ATT. As always, folks who are cheap will find away to get around the system, but the rebate agreements clearly state the requirements.

wow a TON of inaccurate information. first off starting witht he new June 15th rate plans ALL smartphone/ppc devices will require a $30 vision plan OR an SEP plan (no more$15 data) the phones will HAVE to be activated on that data rate. Meaning they no longer have a price advantage over VZW and ATT's $30 data. If you work for sprint you can confirm this to be true.

If not see here :http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2008/...ing-next-week/

"Smartphone MUST be activated on a talk plan with a Vision Pro pack ($30) - or on an Everything plan "


Originally Posted by dbigdawg
Again, the leaked ROM contains WM6.1 which is not set to be released until Q3 at the earliest and it may not be offered as an upgrade. That component leads me to believe that the leaked ROM may actually be a test for future devices, such as a CDMA Touch Pro.

TOTALLY 100% false. check Best Buy's website. The unlocked touch Dual GSM model HAS 6.1 on it out of the box. 6.1 is already shipping on PPC's despite what you think about Q3. There WILL be 6.1 on the Touch gps ROM, have you not bothered to see the leaked copy of the rom n the upgrades section which has 6.1 on it? For the Touch Pro? LOL. You mean a device Sprint hasnt even committed to carrying 6 months out, let alone there is NO cdma version of it yet since its barely out in the first European market? Yet theyre developing a ROM update for it with "Vouge" mentioned in the ROM itself? LOL

Dont spread mis-information if you dont know the correct answers. For someone who is in the "know" about secret dates on the ROM update you dont seem to be educated in even very basic information

matty032 06-13-2008 12:30 AM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

jethro_static 06-13-2008 01:11 AM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
I rather take a sentence that makes sense than a novel with no sense at all. Nice try nephew.

ObviousMan 06-13-2008 03:47 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

Originally Posted by SprintTouch08 (Post 313224)
wow a TON of inaccurate information. first off starting witht he new June 15th rate plans ALL smartphone/ppc devices will require a $30 vision plan OR an SEP plan (no more$15 data) the phones will HAVE to be activated on that data rate. Meaning they no longer have a price advantage over VZW and ATT's $30 data. If you work for sprint you can confirm this to be true.

If not see here :http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2008/...ing-next-week/

"Smartphone MUST be activated on a talk plan with a Vision Pro pack ($30) - or on an Everything plan "


What does it mean for people who have the phone already activated? Is this requirement only for new activation?

Six Foot Midget 06-13-2008 05:08 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?

Originally Posted by ObviousMan (Post 313761)
What does it mean for people who have the phone already activated? Is this requirement only for new activation?

I would like an answer to this question as well.

Negrito 06-13-2008 05:13 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
I would say new activations. Because once you have a plan thats your plan until you change it, no matter if sprint decides not to offer the plan anymore they still honor it to you.

condelestat 06-13-2008 07:00 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
So, Sprint "leaks" thier ROM. You guys figure out whats not working right. Make new ROMs Sprint collects them back. Backwards engineer then they take all the credit and sell them back to us? Is that how it all works?

shaggylive 06-13-2008 07:20 PM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
ok, ok, I gotta comment.. first off the $30 thing was in reference to the fine print in the REBATES for phones.... your not supposed to get any rebates on a $30 plan.

on 6.1, it's my belief that M$ is pushing to wrap up at least the wm6.x line, as they have just launched a totally different "embedded platform"

SprintTouch08 06-14-2008 08:37 AM

Re: So is 6/20 the definite date for the new ROM?
well the point was Sprint is going to enforce all new smartphone data plans are $30 so the rebate shouldnt be a problem either way now...I dunno what embedded platform that is, but 6.1 is surely officially out there despite what the other user said before. The poitn was just for someone with supposed insider info on the ROM release date, he/she seems to have no clue what theyre talking about on even general topics

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