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fernie1973 06-08-2008 11:05 PM

I think i just created a paperweight
what would if u were a dumbass and the let the customizations run on the initial setup and now all you are getting is the red, green, blue and white screen. Any help or theory's would be greatly appreciated. I'll have a new phone in 48 hours so i'm willing to try anything (guinea pig).

AceszHigh 06-08-2008 11:08 PM

Re: I think i just created a paperweight
flash a new ROM while on the bootloader (tri-colored) screen. It won't show an activesync connection if youre doing it via USB, but it will still work.

fernie1973 06-08-2008 11:31 PM

Re: I think i just created a paperweight
been trying that all day - i get to 11% and then it keeps saying error 294. Can you suggest any rom? Tried this RUU_Vogue_4350_ALLTEL_WWE_3.04.671.2_Radio_4350H_3 .37.10_Alltel_NV2.00_PRL30008_0331_Ship_withSpecia lNBH.exe but no go.

AceszHigh 06-08-2008 11:40 PM

Re: I think i just created a paperweight
Well if you don't have alltel, there is no reason to even use that ROM, especially if you have Sprint. The Sprint Leaked ROM has the radio update you need for the Rev. A & GPS...so definitely flash this first and run PPST if you do have sprint.

Anyways, what verson SPL does it say on the bootloader screen? 2.31?
If so, then I might recommend the JD Hybrid ROM.

fernie1973 06-08-2008 11:49 PM

Re: I think i just created a paperweight
never done this before was reading and reading and thought it could be used - i'm with telus so what should i try

armus 06-09-2008 04:41 PM

Re: I think i just created a paperweight
what version does it say in the top bar on the screen? If it says somethinglike 2.31 Coke then you can flash most anything. I'm assuming you tried a hard reset and it didn't do anything. There's a tread around here that says stock roms on it, maybe a Telos rom there. Otherwise, go for the sprint leaked rom, it's pretty generic just do a soft reset to kill the customization first. Since you got a new one coming, flash anything and everything!

fusion600 06-09-2008 05:56 PM

Re: I think i just created a paperweight
Been here and it is an (relatively)easy fix.

You need an Microsd you can format
  • format the Microsd to fat32
  • copy for factory .nbh (Rom) file to the card and call it voguimg.nbh
  • put the card in the phone and reboot, it will load this "New" rom onto the phone and you will be back to Stock.
  • You can then do it all over again and NOT let the customizations run next time.
You did NOT create a paperweight.

If you do not have the factory rom .nbh file, they can be found at http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=19071. download your factory rom .exe file and unrar it. inside wil lbe an .nbh file, use that one and just rename it.

It HAS to be the factory rom for this to work.

fernie1973 06-09-2008 10:01 PM

Re: I think i just created a paperweight
tried what both of you said and no go. I am also getting error 240

No1ustad 06-10-2008 12:33 AM

Re: I think i just created a paperweight
Trade you your paperweight for a cookie.

p.s. cookie can also be used as a paperweight.

fernie1973 06-10-2008 10:32 AM

Re: I think i just created a paperweight
cookie tastes better - so my next question is when i get the replacement what should i use to get gps

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