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mwfielder 05-31-2008 10:37 AM

Verizon XV6900 No Signal
Hoping to consolidate issues with reception after flashing new radios/ROMs on the VzW Vogues...

I ran a stock VzW Vogue for over a month--no issues. Decided to take the plunge and upgrade the device. Ran IMCokeMan's 2.31 unlocker, flashed the leaked Sprint ROM (didn't allow customizations), then ran OMJ's Verizon OEM ROM. All went well, but took forever to get signal (kept "searching...."). Eventually got signal. Activated it online, *228, option 1. That went through. But when it soft resetted (after successful activation), it takes forever to get signal again (like 30 min or so).

Reflashed same ROMs (leaked Sprint, OMJ's OEM Verizon). Same thing.

Then tried the Alltell ROM (to get 3.37.10 radio)....same thing. Flashed JD's hybrid ROM on top just to see if it helps. Nope.

So I have signal now, but if I soft reset...takes forever to lock on.

Anyone else had this issue? Any thoughts on how to fix it? What did I do wrong?

deadparrot 05-31-2008 10:45 AM

Re: Verizon XV6900 No Signal
I've just started having this exact problem yesterday..thing is I've been flashing mine for months. Just happened out of no where..

blasphemous_prime 05-31-2008 11:05 AM

Re: Verizon XV6900 No Signal
Did you try to run the SPL unlocker to overwrite the process? i have read a tutorial here, but i don't think it'll be guaranteed to work unless you've tried it.

lordbrayn 05-31-2008 02:16 PM

Re: Verizon XV6900 No Signal
Hey, I had the same exact problem. I fixed it with a registry edit. I've uploaded it to rapidshare for you.


Just remove the .txt from the end and import it with Memmaid or whatever.

Hope that helps.

mwfielder 05-31-2008 03:28 PM

Re: Verizon XV6900 No Signal

Originally Posted by lordbrayn (Post 300794)
Hey, I had the same exact problem. I fixed it with a registry edit. I've uploaded it to rapidshare for you.


Just remove the .txt from the end and import it with Memmaid or whatever.

Hope that helps.

I tried to import it as a registry setting using Resco Explorer, but it's saying "The specified file is not a registry script". I took the _1_.txt off the end so its showing as a .reg file. Any help appreciated, I really want this to work!

mwfielder 05-31-2008 03:32 PM

Re: Verizon XV6900 No Signal

Originally Posted by blasphemous_prime (Post 300635)
Did you try to run the SPL unlocker to overwrite the process? i have read a tutorial here, but i don't think it'll be guaranteed to work unless you've tried it.

I did install the Titan radio exactly as specified in your link (downgraded the SPL, installed the new radio, and then went back to 2.31). No help either.

Did you mean anything else?

lordbrayn 05-31-2008 04:44 PM

Re: Verizon XV6900 No Signal

Originally Posted by mwfielder (Post 300825)
I tried to import it as a registry setting using Resco Explorer, but it's saying "The specified file is not a registry script". I took the _1_.txt off the end so its showing as a .reg file. Any help appreciated, I really want this to work!

Oh yeah, that _1_ shouldn't be there. So the full file name should be RegistryExportGPSMode.reg and I know Memmaid will make it happen. I didn't think it was specific to the program, but give it a shot. They've got a free trial.

mwfielder 05-31-2008 05:14 PM

Re: Verizon XV6900 No Signal

Originally Posted by lordbrayn (Post 300883)
Oh yeah, that _1_ shouldn't be there. So the full file name should be RegistryExportGPSMode.reg and I know Memmaid will make it happen. I didn't think it was specific to the program, but give it a shot. They've got a free trial.

I have a registered copy of Memmaid too... just hadn't installed it yet. So I installed it and imported those registry settings. Soft reset, and I'm still waiting for signal. I'll wait awhile see if I get connection, and soft reset again. Ugh. Why is this not working for me!!!!! ](*,)

Getitnowmarketing 05-31-2008 05:43 PM

Re: Verizon XV6900 No Signal
Call tech support from another phone and ask for an akey. Tell them you are getting a cannot authenticate error after a hard reset as this is a documented problem on xv6800's and xv6900's. Even if voice is working it is not properly communicating with verizon's towers (tech support can see a communciation error at the network switch) if you are getting the 30 minutes searching after a soft reset or *228. I went thorough 3 xv6800's before data tech support and myself figured this out. Tech support number from landline is 800-922-0204 option 3. If you change the radio to another version you will have to do this again. This seems to only happen on native vzw 6800's and 6900's running a 3x radio and does not happen on other carrier's titan and vogues converted to vzw and running the same exact software and radio version. After you get the akey it should be fine and the radio will survive a soft reset with signal unless you flash another radio to it.

mswlogo 05-31-2008 08:27 PM

Re: Verizon XV6900 No Signal
Is this thread talking about Voice Radio Signal Reception or GPS Signal Reception?

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