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Chandler 03-31-2008 01:20 PM

How to solve the BATTERY Problem
Anyone that has the touch knows about the battery problem. It is a great phone but this is a big, big flaw.

Well I have a solution to this problem for all of the touch owners but I need some help from people that know how to execute it.

I propose the way to save battery is to turn off the phone during the day when you don't need it.

The phone automatically goes to sleep mode but this drains battery because it is still active.

All other phones that I have ever had, I was able to TURN OFF the phone.

Does anyone have a program to turn off the phone at will?

gedster314 03-31-2008 01:51 PM

Re: How to solve the BATTERY Problem
Of your past phones that you were able to turn off, how many of them were PDA phones? Every PDA phone I've ever had has been this way. It's how they can be instant on devices. I bet when you turned on your past phones it took 20-40 seconds before you could even think of doing something with them. It's just a trade off for the extra versitility. Remember, once you go black (I mean PPC) you never go back!

Just curious, is the Iphone any different in this regard?

badboy8813 03-31-2008 01:55 PM

Re: How to solve the BATTERY Problem

Originally Posted by Chandler (Post 235991)
Anyone that has the touch knows about the battery problem. It is a great phone but this is a big, big flaw.

Well I have a solution to this problem for all of the touch owners but I need some help from people that know how to execute it.

I propose the way to save battery is to turn off the phone during the day when you don't need it.

The phone automatically goes to sleep mode but this drains battery because it is still active.

All other phones that I have ever had, I was able to TURN OFF the phone.

Does anyone have a program to turn off the phone at will?

i don't find this practical. for most the reason for having a PPC is to have information READILY available.

evertec 03-31-2008 02:39 PM

Re: How to solve the BATTERY Problem
You can turn the phone completely off by holding down the power button. As the others are saying though, I don't see how this is a solution at all... all you're saying is to save battery, turn off the thing and don't use it. You may as well not even have a phone if you're going to do that.

cortez 03-31-2008 10:51 PM

Re: How to solve the BATTERY Problem
i don't consider the battery life a "flaw"; it's a tradeoff. smaller size means smaller battery. since i want the functionality in a smaller device, i accept the tradeoff. but i also want longer battery life, so i purchased a larger battery. ok, i made another tradeoff, slightly larger size for more battery life. ;)

Mbai2 03-31-2008 10:57 PM

Re: How to solve the BATTERY Problem
I found that not using push mail and just having outlook check e-mail every 2 hours saves a lot of battery. I can go the whole day and still have 70% left. This includes making phonecalls, texting, surfing, and listening to music for atleast an hour while at the gym. Obviously if you need push service, this isn't feasible. Otherwise, this is a free way to have your battery last longer.

mowgali225 04-01-2008 01:00 AM

Re: How to solve the BATTERY Problem
There is a thread with registry editor that works fine. I am testing it now. Just go through the threads to find it.

Tenny 04-01-2008 01:28 AM

Re: How to solve the BATTERY Problem
Lately I haven't been using my phone too often, but I've been getting 2 days w/o a charge pretty easily (usually 40% left at the end of the 2nd day). I never really needed it too often, but I pretty much just stopped surfing the web on it constantly, and reduced it to a minute here and there when needed. I do check my email on it (as Mbai2 stated, I stopped using PUSH email since it was so much more battery intense). I also turn off bluetooth when I am away from the car (where the GPS & Headset is located).

I think the key for me was to just stop using it when I had a free minute. Before I used to open it up and do something every time I had a single minute of free time...

bonabob 04-01-2008 10:18 AM

Re: How to solve the BATTERY Problem
Wow... I hate to say it but this idea is ridiculous!! First off, turning off the phone vs phone being in sleep mode, is probably such a little difference in terms of battery life, seriously, when its in sleep mode it can last over 24 hours..

And besides, if you turn your phone off, how do you get calls?? LOL

Ok.. The easiest way to solve this problem, and I have a ton of experience with it..

I am on my phone 6-8 hours a day and online ALL THE TIME, I use the heck out of my phone..

Everyone pay attention to the easiest trick.

CHARGE IT ALL THE TIME, in the car I charge my phone, in my office its on the charger at home its on the charger!! Seriously, unless I am walking around the streets or mall, I am near a charger, CHARGE IT OFTEN!! I never have battery issue's !

deegimus 04-01-2008 01:34 PM

Re: How to solve the BATTERY Problem

Originally Posted by bonabob (Post 237058)
Wow... I hate to say it but this idea is ridiculous!! First off, turning off the phone vs phone being in sleep mode, is probably such a little difference in terms of battery life, seriously, when its in sleep mode it can last over 24 hours..

And besides, if you turn your phone off, how do you get calls?? LOL

Ok.. The easiest way to solve this problem, and I have a ton of experience with it..

I am on my phone 6-8 hours a day and online ALL THE TIME, I use the heck out of my phone..

Everyone pay attention to the easiest trick.

CHARGE IT ALL THE TIME, in the car I charge my phone, in my office its on the charger at home its on the charger!! Seriously, unless I am walking around the streets or mall, I am near a charger, CHARGE IT OFTEN!! I never have battery issue's !

Yeah, ditto. Charge it!

I also carry around two extra (normal) batteries...
They're cheap ($6-10) and it takes a few seconds to swap one out.
(iPhone folks can't do that)

Yeah, trade-offs, I agree.


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