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OMJ 03-13-2008 06:23 PM

User Customization setup
so I'm adding UC to my next version.....UC is pretty slick btw, built a custom .xml that loads most of my settings & all my pop3 accounts. anyways, here is my situation.....

I edited the config.txt file @ \OEM\ExtendedPKG\ as such:



Using Sleuths latest version of SDAutoRun.exe, I copied the file to \OEM\OEMAPPS\

I built this SDConfig.txt file & copied to my storage card:


CAB: \Storage Card\Files\touchpal.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Files\favs.cab
XML: \Storage Card\omjprovisioning.xml
RST: Reset

So what was happening was, the SDAutoRun.exe was not running post flash. If I set "AutoRunFlag" to 0, then manually run SDAutoRun.exe, it would install as it should. Well after playin around & flashing a handful of times, I realized I have an OEM w/ regedits that included setting "AutoRunFlag" to 1.....dumbass, lol. So I set it to 0, and cooked again. Now the customiszation runs, but installs all the Sprint crap. So then I empty the OperatorPKG_PT folder & cook again. Now, when customization runs, I see it run config_operator.txt which trys to run config_PT.txt, which was in the OperatorPKG_PT folder, which is now empty, so it does nothing. So then I edit the config_operator.txt file as such:



Now the SDAutoRun.exe will run & install my SDConfig.txt, but to me this seems like I had to rig it to do what I want...Why wont SDAutoRun.exe run from config.txt?...those of you that are using UC in your ROMS, how do you have yours setup?

jakdillard 03-13-2008 10:25 PM

Re: User Customization setup

Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins (Post 216713)
so I'm adding UC to my next version.....UC is pretty slick btw, built a custom .xml that loads most of my settings & all my pop3 accounts. anyways, here is my situation.....

I edited the config.txt file @ \OEM\ExtendedPKG\ as such:



Using Sleuths latest version of SDAutoRun.exe, I copied the file to \OEM\OEMAPPS\

I built this SDConfig.txt file & copied to my storage card:


CAB: \Storage Card\Files\touchpal.cab
CAB: \Storage Card\Files\favs.cab
XML: \Storage Card\omjprovisioning.xml
RST: Reset

So what was happening was, the SDAutoRun.exe was not running post flash. If I set "AutoRunFlag" to 0, then manually run SDAutoRun.exe, it would install as it should. Well after playin around & flashing a handful of times, I realized I have an OEM w/ regedits that included setting "AutoRunFlag" to 1.....dumbass, lol. So I set it to 0, and cooked again. Now the customiszation runs, but installs all the Sprint crap. So then I empty the OperatorPKG_PT folder & cook again. Now, when customization runs, I see it run config_operator.txt which trys to run config_PT.txt, which was in the OperatorPKG_PT folder, which is now empty, so it does nothing. So then I edit the config_operator.txt file as such:



Now the SDAutoRun.exe will run & install my SDConfig.txt, but to me this seems like I had to rig it to do what I want...Why wont SDAutoRun.exe run from config.txt?...those of you that are using UC in your ROMS, how do you have yours setup?

EXEC: \Windows\SDAutoRun.exe

OMJ 03-14-2008 09:52 AM

Re: User Customization setup

Originally Posted by jakdillard (Post 217036)
EXEC: \Windows\SDAutoRun.exe

yeah, I had tried it w/ & w/o the space, but neither will run.....I tried numerous times this am. It keeps going to config_operator.txt & will install the sprint crap unless I change config_operator.txt:



CFG: \WINDOWS\config_PT.txt



EXEC: \Windows\SDAutoRun.exe

this is the only way I can get SDAutoRun.exe to launch. So what happens is, a 1st customize window runs config_operator.txt, then a 2nd customize window runs SDAutoRun.exe......Is it normal to see 2 customize windows?

FastRX8 03-14-2008 10:50 AM

Re: User Customization setup
I always see 2 windows when using UC rom's.
They both count down the 3 secs, or I can hit OK to start it right away.

OMJ 03-14-2008 11:14 AM

Re: User Customization setup

Originally Posted by FastRX8 (Post 217617)
I always see 2 windows when using UC rom's.
They both count down the 3 secs, or I can hit OK to start it right away.

cool....I wasn't sure as I just starting messin w/ UC. Well I guess the way I have mine setup launching SDAutoRun from the config_operator.txt should be fine, b it just bugs me it wont launch from config.txt.

InvincibleLiving 03-14-2008 11:32 AM

Re: User Customization setup
with my uc, i've never had to do any of the described above... i left my device config.text as is... and setup my sdconfig.txt with all of the items i wanted installed: EXEC, CPY1,CPY2, XML, HIDE, .... took ALOT of tweaking and retrying, but again i never had to edit my device config.txt...

OMJ 03-14-2008 12:45 PM

Re: User Customization setup

Originally Posted by nautica2450 (Post 217697)
with my uc, i've never had to do any of the described above... i left my device config.text as is... and setup my sdconfig.txt with all of the items i wanted installed: EXEC, CPY1,CPY2, XML, HIDE, .... took ALOT of tweaking and retrying, but again i never had to edit my device config.txt...

but are you using UC as a user, a chef or both?

when cooking a ROM, you have to tell it to launch SDAutoRun.exe to execute SDconfig.txt on the users SD card.

abit off topic.....but can anyone tell me why this code is not working in my xml? Am I missing another reg setting?


<characteristic type="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Start Items" translation="filesystem">
    <parm name="BTaudio.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\BTaudio.lnk"/>
    <parm name="DeviceLock.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DeviceLock.lnk"/>
    <parm name="Google Maps.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Maps.lnk"/>
    <parm name="Internet Sharing.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Sharing.lnk"/>
    <parm name="Java.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Java.lnk"/>
    <parm name="Screen Capture.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Screen Capture.lnk"/>
    <parm name="Total Commander.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Total Commander.lnk"/>

InvincibleLiving 03-14-2008 12:51 PM

Re: User Customization setup

Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins (Post 217832)
but are you using UC as a user, a chef or both?

when cooking a ROM, you have to tell it to launch SDAutoRun.exe to execute SDconfig.txt on the users SD card.

abit off topic.....but can anyone tell me why this code is not working in my xml? Am I missing another reg setting?


      <characteristic type="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Start Items" translation="filesystem">
        <parm name="BTaudio.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\BTaudio.lnk"/>
        <parm name="DeviceLock.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DeviceLock.lnk"/>
        <parm name="Google Maps.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Maps.lnk"/>
        <parm name="Internet Sharing.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Sharing.lnk"/>
        <parm name="Java.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Java.lnk"/>
        <parm name="Screen Capture.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Screen Capture.lnk"/>
        <parm name="Total Commander.lnk" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Total Commander.lnk"/>

I strictly a user.... which is making me think it was already pre-set up by the chef (no2chem) which would explain alot....

on first glance i dont see anything wrong with that code... getting that syntax just right is a mother aint it? lol

OMJ 03-14-2008 12:56 PM

Re: User Customization setup

Originally Posted by nautica2450 (Post 217840)
I strictly a user.... which is making me think it was already pre-set up by the chef (no2chem) which would explain alot....

on first glance i dont see anything wrong with that code... getting that syntax just right is a mother aint it? lol

yes, I'm trying to get it setup in the ROM.

yeah, it's not always easy to find what registry setting is being modifed when you enable or disable something.

mrgeoff 03-14-2008 04:01 PM

Re: User Customization setup

Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins (Post 217850)
yes, I'm trying to get it setup in the ROM.

yeah, it's not always easy to find what registry setting is being modifed when you enable or disable something.

When I get home... I can zip up my UC part and put it on the FTP and supply the info that I put for boot. That should get you by. I haven't had issues with my setup.

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