Originally Posted by 8675309
(Post 144117)
I am curious what everyone thinks about the Touch vs the Mogul. I know there is an ongoing thread under Mogul, but I am curious what people who have owned both devices think.
:)Please post why you voted the way you voted as well.:(
Here is my in depth opinion.
I have been a long time user of this form, and have owned the 6600 (Tried 3 Different ROMS), 6700 (Tried dozens of ROMS), 6800 (Tried dozens of ROMS, and even made my own), and now the Touch (Still on first ROM). As I have owned 2 or 3 of each I am confident that my experience has been with the product type, not a faulty device. I like the Touch the best! Here are my findings, and I have rated each in level of importance on a scale of 1 to 5.
(3) Keyboard - Yes, I do miss the keyboard. I have been practicing with the new Touch keyboard, and I have gotten used to it far faster that I expected I would. I only send about 1000 texts a month, and write maybe a few hundred emails, but I can defiantly live with out it.
(2) Buttons - Now this is a frustration for me! I wish the darn thing had more than one button! I like to use the hard buttons for shortcuts, and only having one is a little bit of a pain.
(1) Flash - Now I am not a cellphone camera user. I think if I am planning to take a picture I will just get a real camera. However the flash on the 6800 and the 6700 for that mater made for a great flash light that I do miss form time to time.
(1) Touch Keyboard - Though I like the Touch Keyboard, I also like using Calligrapher. Unfortunately the Touch Word Completion can not be shut off, and interferes with Calligrapher.
(1) Clarity - While the screen is brighter, it has a fade effect when you look at the device form a an angle.
(1) The SD Card - The card is hidden beneath the side panel of the device which means you have to take of the back, and then undo the side to get at it. What a pain in the but. Someone mentioned that it kept it safer, but I have never had an issue with the MicroSD cards coming out.
(0) I have seen several mentions about IR ports and 802.11. Seriously who uses 802.11 on a phone. I tried once and my phone went dead in 15 min. Also as someone pointed out if you are with in range of WiFi just get out your laptop. And as far as the IR port, I used it once about 3 years ago to play a battle ship game I had, never used it afterwards.
(5) IT JUST WORKS!!!!! - Out of the box with no hacked ROMS and almost no customization the beautiful thing just works!!! Windows has yet to lock up on me. The system has yet to reboot, or freeze!! Windows just seems to work better with the extra memory, and maybe a cleaner ROM. If you just look at the programs in the start up folder there are considerably fewer.
(5) Bluetooth - Yes, bluetooth that actual can be used!! I know it is shocking, but imagine a $300+ phone where they, I don't know remembered that the original use of the device was for making and receiving calls!! I have the JX10 headset (Purchased for $150), and I have had it sitting on my desk for the last year because I couldn't use the darn thing. It was fantastic to dust it off and use it once again.
(5) The Phone - Yes, I know what a novel Idea, but the phone is much better with fewer dropped calls, and better reception.
(4) Memory - Who ever says that the memory is not an issue on the 6800 is smoking something!! I had memory issues all the time to the point I simply stopped installing software. Now I have the majority of my software installed, and I can still use the phone just fine.
(3) Slimmer - I find myself not noticing the device as much. It is smaller and more comfortable to carry.
(1) The Cube - Its nice, but not the greatest thing since sliced bread. I find it fun, but not as useful as I had hoped.
I think the battery life is almost the same, and everything else is close enough that is may be 6 of 1 half a dozen of the other. But that is my 2 pennis worth.
Just FYI these are the software programs I am running on the Touch, that I couldn't have hoped to run for very long on the 6800:
LobsterTunes, Pocket Mechanic, Sprite Backup HiCalc, MindMap, Age of Empires, Pocket Artist, Pocket Player, Brain Zapper, Resco Radio, Resco Explorer, SKTools, Tweaks2k2, Shazaa, Live Search, Pocket RAR, SprintTV, PhonePad Vibrate, VoiceMinder, Pocket Informant, SPB Insight, SPB Diary, Calligrapher, WkTask, iCube, HTC Audio Manager, HTC Home Customizer.
I am also planning on installing a few more programs and I will post how that goes as well. If I had installed all of these on the 6800 it would have crashed by now.
My advice get the Touch! You will miss the keyboard, but you will love the stability.