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diomark 11-08-2007 07:19 PM

better network performance?
My Resco Radio was starting/ stopping quite a bit - so I dug around in sktools and made a change -
changed the TCP Window Size from the default of (?) 32678 to 98304. I think this made a huge increase in performance for me, and it's very much noticable in slingmobile and in resco radio...

The registry setting is this one -
HKLM\comm\tcpip\params/TcpWindowSize (changed to hex 0x18000 or dec 98304...)

Can someone else test this hack and report back on if they're seeing a performance improvement as well, or if it's just my imagination? (also, what was the default here? I can't remember...)


Genjinaro 02-02-2008 11:41 PM

66536 Dec is the default on my Titan so I assume yours would've been the same.

Touch_Pete 02-03-2008 12:49 PM

TCP Window size
I checked mine and I have never modified this and it is hex 18000 (98304). I have a stock Telus P3050

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