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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 04:35 PM
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Question HTC TOUCH PRO: Unlocking Web (Data) & Picture Messaging

Aloha from Hawaii.

I am very new at all of this. I sure hope I am posting in the right section.

Anyway, here's my problem. I unlocked and flashed and even put a custom ROM on my HTC Touch Pro (Sprint). I took my phone down to my carrier Mobi PCS (which I *THINK* is similar to Metro PCS but I could be wrong) to put the phone on my account. The guy at the store offered to "FULLY" unlock my phone for $55 which would enable a data plan and picture messaging on my phone, but I told him NO because I figured I could have someone help me here and save me the cash.

Like I said before I did unlock it but when I tried to transfer the phone under my account through customer service, it didn't work. So I just went to the guy at the store to do a "BASIC unlock" which was just text messaging and unlocking the phone itself and of course putting it under my account which was a free service. I don't want to go back and pay 55 dollars to unlock the WEB and PICTURE if I don't have to. If someone could point out to me how to get this done, that would be great. Then I'll go add the web and picture messaging services onto my account today

I hope my question is clear...unlocking DATA web services and PICTURE MESSAGING for my HTC TOUCH PRO (Sprint) under a CDMA carrier (Mobi PCS). Is there a cab that will just unlock it for me?? I do have that code, is there somewhere I need to put that code for my phone to unlock??

Well help me please

Last edited by swthaynluvn; 09-23-2009 at 04:49 PM. Reason: HELP ME PLEASE...NO ONE IS HELPING ME :(
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 04:50 PM
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Re: HTC TOUCH PRO: Unlocking Web (Data) & Picture Messaging

please help me please!!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 05:12 PM
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Re: HTC TOUCH PRO: Unlocking Web (Data) & Picture Messaging

why is no one helping me??
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 05:16 PM
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Re: HTC TOUCH PRO: Unlocking Web (Data) & Picture Messaging

Hey bud, I know you're anxious and wanting help, but try waiting a little longer than 15 minutes for an answer. lol

To my knowledge (and somebody please feel free to correct anything that is wrong), in order to "unlock" MMS, you must "unlock" your data, and to "unlock" your data you must know the server your phone is going to contact and your phone's username and password that it uses to communicate with the servers. When you turn on data with your carrier, you will provision your phone for data by doing a *228 which in turn will put codes into your phone that will allow it to properly address the server.

Once your data is on, you can configure your MMS with the gateway it contacts, the port it uses, the server it uses, and the connection you use to dial out with.

I don't know the specifics of your carrier, but I know with Alltel it's a relatively simple process.

Try searching for a few guides by using google or the search feature on this site using terms like "activate MMS" and "activate data" along with "Touch Pro" and even try throwing your carrier name into the mix to see if someone has done it before specifically for your carrier.
If I helped you, Thanks are always appreciated. Just hit that little button to the bottom right to let me know I did my job.
little humping Android made by me : )
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 05:20 PM
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Re: HTC TOUCH PRO: Unlocking Web (Data) & Picture Messaging

you will also need to mod some info in EPST. user name and password is in there. your password is your phone number @whoever.com. you will need to SEARCH to find that info. you should be able to find almost all the info you need by SEARCHING(that requires use of the SEARCH button).
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 06:41 PM
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Re: HTC TOUCH PRO: Unlocking Web (Data) & Picture Messaging

Originally Posted by swthaynluvn View Post
why is no one helping me??

too funny.

looks like you got some help after all.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 08:47 PM
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Re: HTC TOUCH PRO: Unlocking Web (Data) & Picture Messaging

@lightninjay...thanks for your help.

@mylt1...i appreciate your help but not your attitude. i DID use the search button, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

And to everyone who has attitudes to the "noobs" when their questions may seem "DUMB" to you....why, instead of you answering the questions with your smart ***...just ignore it and move on?? We dont need to hear it.

But i didn't get the help that I needed so I just came back from paying 55bucks for someone to "fully" unlock the web services. Thank you.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 09:39 PM
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Re: HTC TOUCH PRO: Unlocking Web (Data) & Picture Messaging

Originally Posted by swthaynluvn View Post
@lightninjay...thanks for your help.

@mylt1...i appreciate your help but not your attitude. i DID use the search button, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

And to everyone who has attitudes to the "noobs" when their questions may seem "DUMB" to you....why, instead of you answering the questions with your smart ***...just ignore it and move on?? We dont need to hear it.

But i didn't get the help that I needed so I just came back from paying 55bucks for someone to "fully" unlock the web services. Thank you.
dude seriously lighten up lol, there were just trying to help out
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 12:03 AM
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Re: HTC TOUCH PRO: Unlocking Web (Data) & Picture Messaging

Originally Posted by lightninjay View Post
Hey bud, I know you're anxious and wanting help, but try waiting a little longer than 15 minutes for an answer. lol

To my knowledge (and somebody please feel free to correct anything that is wrong), in order to "unlock" MMS, you must "unlock" your data, and to "unlock" your data you must know the server your phone is going to contact and your phone's username and password that it uses to communicate with the servers. When you turn on data with your carrier, you will provision your phone for data by doing a *228 which in turn will put codes into your phone that will allow it to properly address the server.

Once your data is on, you can configure your MMS with the gateway it contacts, the port it uses, the server it uses, and the connection you use to dial out with.

I don't know the specifics of your carrier, but I know with Alltel it's a relatively simple process.

Try searching for a few guides by using google or the search feature on this site using terms like "activate MMS" and "activate data" along with "Touch Pro" and even try throwing your carrier name into the mix to see if someone has done it before specifically for your carrier.
I recently flashed a sprint TP to Alltel. What is the process to unlocking the web (data) and picture messaging for Alltel? You know what the server is?
Thanks Richard
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 10:08 AM
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Re: HTC TOUCH PRO: Unlocking Web (Data) & Picture Messaging

Originally Posted by swthaynluvn View Post
@lightninjay...thanks for your help.

@mylt1...i appreciate your help but not your attitude. i DID use the search button, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

And to everyone who has attitudes to the "noobs" when their questions may seem "DUMB" to you....why, instead of you answering the questions with your smart ***...just ignore it and move on?? We dont need to hear it.

But i didn't get the help that I needed so I just came back from paying 55bucks for someone to "fully" unlock the web services. Thank you.
dont really care if you like the attitude. most of us here use the major carriers so we dont have much to do with ones like cricket much less Mobi PCS. the cricket topic comes up at least once a week. i can tell you there has been at least 3 topics about it so far this month, with yours making 4. yes, the search sucks but so does someone bumping there thread every 10 min because there not getting help. ever think its because we have no clue because we dont use it? you could have done a quick search for cricket and just gone through the pages till you found what you wanted. or you could have posted in that thread to ask your question. dont be so impatient.
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