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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 10:17 AM
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Re: Led Light By Ear-piece

woooow this question is asked almost as many times as the manila background

  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 10:39 AM
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Re: Led Light By Ear-piece

Originally Posted by dcperdue View Post
Who the hell looks at an owners manual seriously?

I myself thought it was an LED and alwayes wondered why it never lights up ROFL
True, most people don't look at the owners manual but rjmjr69 is right though. I mean come on, you have a high end device in your hand, you see something on it you aren't sure about, isn't the next logical thing to do at that point is to read the owners manual before assuming its an led light thats not lighting up? It makes you think how many people have returned items because it wasn't working when in fact it was but they just didn't take the time to figure it out on their own.

  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 11:53 AM
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Re: Led Light By Ear-piece

Its also no coincidence that the OP had CAPS FOR HIS ENTIRE POST! The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree fellas. But anyway, yeahhh - that's not an LED
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 12:05 PM
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Re: Led Light By Ear-piece

Originally Posted by dcperdue View Post
its a phone, it makes and receives calls, its a pda with all the features of a pda. What else is there to know? knowing if its a led or not has nothing to do with knowing how to use the device.
I disagree there are several things covered in the manual that if people read the wouldn't ask dumb questions like this
YounG E
YounG BreeD Entertainment
Minnesota Militia/Touch Pro Division
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 12:08 PM
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Re: Led Light By Ear-piece

Ease up guys...no need to pour salt on the wound. Cut him some slack, he's new.
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Old 01-23-2009, 12:34 PM
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Re: Led Light By Ear-piece

Closed and moved to the general Touch Pro Forum.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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