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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2009, 02:55 PM
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Re: Corner Clock working

Originally Posted by eenieMINI View Post
OK... since we've learned more about all of these manila edits and answering to Brock's call... I've extracted my particular manila files that give me a clean home page and background4all and corner clock and cabbed it up so its on step. I still advise already having a working background4all and flip clock installed. Now... this will give you
  • clock in the corner with a slight outline of tabs (not full flaps, if you want full flaps add file 4e670504_manila--which also puts back AM/PM-- from a clock you like). Additionally digits will look like whatever flipclock you have installed. Notice also that there is no center line that divides the flips. If you want no back at all then edit file 1bbfdc9b_manila and remove everything.
  • All dotted lines and home icons and arrows will be removed.
  • The word "Sprint" (or whatever carrier) will be removed.. does not affect picturemail.
  • Date will remain, missed calls, voicemail, and appointments (not all day) will show up when active. To change this to your liking edit file 590ad244_manila.
  • No alarm whether set or not will show also no all day appointments or holidays will show.
  • All points of press and flip will work.. IE you can press screen where call history or calendar would be printed and still access those screens, you can flip the clock to see more appointments.. flipped clock is still in the upper center.
Here is my current screen so you can get an idea what you're in for... this should be easier to customize.. only know that the removal of sprint/carrier name and all day appointments, alarm and setting clock in corner is a mode9 file that is cumbersome to edit... 1c684cd8_manila.

Thanks to ACoolGuy for the mode9 edit and the developers at XDA who've figured this out for us... and of course the rest of you geeks who, like me, hunt and peck our way through to some awesome changes!

For those who want the carrier to show unzip the 1c684cd8_manila into your windows directory after using the clean corner cab posted here.
This is exactly what I was looking for. I have been to many thread looking for a way to to this. Most of them mention the 590... manila file. The ROM i have does not include that file to edit. This did just the trick for me.
Dis Stick, it's what's for dinner!
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  #192 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2009, 05:37 PM
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Re: Updated single cab! Corner Clock working

I love the work you have done. But I am curious, Has this been done for the 2.1 manila yet? I have seen people with the clean home but not the corner clock.
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