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  #901 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 02:45 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Originally Posted by z28marols1 View Post
I really wish HTC would do something about this, whether it be a software/firmware update that puts the battery through less hell so it can last longer or recall the batteries and give us new ones. But alas, they prolly wont. Ppl are still buying their phones... So instead im gonna check with the sprint store and see what they might do for me.
Exactly. If they can get away with terrible QC/design, then they aren't going to fix it. It's much cheaper to accept a "few" returns and most people will just accept these issues without complaining...

Originally Posted by z28marols1 View Post
Oh yeah, i love that. I will watch the guage plummet after just unplugging it. Only takes a minute or 2 for mine to drop from 100% to 92%. And thats doing absolutely nothing besides having the screen on dim. I even have my push email off that early in the morning!
My Vogue does this too. That is why HTC does NOT include the 1% battery increments.

Originally Posted by Anonymatt View Post
I've noticed (quite anecdotally) that my battery life seems significantly longer the times it does that long extra charge top-off than if I don't do any top-off at all.
Yeah, HTC might be trying some sort of precautionary measure here... makes sense...

Originally Posted by ajac View Post
k update to bump thread at noon I finally got the charge warning talked on the phone a bit since last update and been texting. Now at 10% battery at noon. almost 30 hours off charger impressive.
Are you making many calls, or using push Exchange?
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  #902 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 03:40 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

made several calls used data alot and texting never used push exchange though. Also played music and a few games. Build date 12/27/2008
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Old 01-23-2009, 04:14 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

On mine it gets better and better with age. I am unplugging at 8am plugging back in around 1am. I still have 30% at least with heavy talking and g mail checked regularly. I also stay logged into AIM when away from my laptop. My friend said the same for his. Commented to me about how bad the instinct was compared to this and it's nice not have to carry around the second battery. We both got them in November.
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  #904 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

I can get a hour of Opera Mobile out of it before it will die...
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  #905 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 08:24 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Well, first full day for me, running my battery eating location tracking mortscript + GPSToday App getting fixes every 30 minutes, along with light surfing, 2xemail hourly IMAP, and a few short calls. Looks like it burns about 2%/hour "idle" or 32%/day if I don't touch it at all. So whatever usage I put on top of that (surf/talk == 4 hours max/day) would eat the rest.

Currently off charger for 9 hours, battery @ 68%

Worse then mogul, but then that's not a shocker given 4x the ram, 4x the screen pixels, and 25% more cpu.

Likely will need that 2nd battery. Now, how do they expect me to charge it?
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  #906 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 08:46 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

I ordered a combo pack of flebay from china. 2 battery, a/c charger (will charge via usb or A/C) $22
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  #907 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 12:49 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Ok, well I've only had my Pro for about a week now. I'm reading about everyone complaining about getting 9+ hours out of their TP.

Am I the only one who's getting like, 6? Today, I got up at 6:30, took my phone off the charger (it was fully charged) and went to work. I looked at it at 9:30, and it was at 30%. What is that all about? By 11:00 it was dead. I hadn't used it for a single thing, no texts, calls or email. No bluetooth or wifi on. This is the worst it's been so far, and last night I installed all of the battery tweeks that everyone is saying helps...I had to come home on lunch so I could charge it.

I have no programs running, running on a stock sprint rom. I've only installed the TP cleanup, and gyrator 2, which I've stopped running to see if I get better battery life. For some reason though, a data connection is always established. I don't have the weather updates on. Even after I disconnect it, it establishes another conncetion within minutes. When I turn it off on the comm manager, it comes back on. Anyone else having this issue?

This is the only thing that I could think of that would contribute to such bad batter performance. I haven't read anyone else getting such short time out of. I mean, today I only got 4.5 hours, and I didnt even USE it. I realize I could turn the radio off, and probably get better life, but whats the point of carrying the phone if I can't even receive calls?

I have a second Tp battery, and both of them perform like this...I'm hoping someone out there can give me a foot in the right direction. I like everything about this phone, but if the phone is dead half way through work (or even at the end if I'm lucky) what the hell is the point? I barely use the thing at work, 30 minutes tops on breaks. I don't always go straight home, and I need a phone damnit! My Mogul lasted all day with pretty average use, and heavy net use. I'd hate to have to go back, but I need something I can actually USE without it dying on me.
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  #908 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 01:18 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Sounds like something is using your network pretty much all the time, myhollowworld2.

For me, GPSToday is the battery killer. On == drain battery at about 10%/hour. Off, drain is about 2%/hour "doing nothing".

2% is Ok, should be able to sit there for almost two days, if nothing happens. 10% isn't good

Constant data is going to be much like GPS fixes, radios will be powered up. Turbines will spin. There will be much suffering. Do you have push email? Bluetooth? Underpants Gnomes?
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  #909 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Originally Posted by myhollowworld2 View Post
I have no programs running, running on a stock sprint rom. I've only installed the TP cleanup, and gyrator 2, which I've stopped running to see if I get better battery life. For some reason though, a data connection is always established. I don't have the weather updates on. Even after I disconnect it, it establishes another conncetion within minutes. When I turn it off on the comm manager, it comes back on. Anyone else having this issue?
I can't say for sure yet, but I don't know if Gyrator2 plays very nicely with the battery. I still have to test it out again, so this is just a suspicion. Let me know how your test is going.

That wouldn't account for your terrible battery life, however. My guess is that you have something that is constantly connecting to the internet. You say you don't have the weather updates on. Perhaps it is a different program. There are 2 programs that I found were unexpectedly connecting to the internet:
Pocket Express (the little red circle with a white hand in it in the programs list) - If you open it once, it sets it up to update automatically every 4 hours. You have to open it up again and set it so that it never updates.
Instant Messenger - I had set up my AIM account for some instant messaging, and thought that when I exited, it would close this down. It didn't, though, and was always connected to the internet, severly draining my battery (only getting less than 10 hours maximum life). This would even happen after soft-resets, and what was most confusing is that the program wouldn't even be open (according to the task manager), but next thing I know I'm getting an incoming IM from someone (it must keep some service open that connects to the internet and keeps an active connection for the IM clients). To fix this I opened the program, and now make sure to "Sign out and Exit" instead of just "Exit" now whenever I use the program, and this significantly increased my battery life.

I don't know what "TP Cleanup" you are talking about, or what changes it might make, but you might want to check through that a bit to make sure something there isn't causing your problems.
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  #910 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 02:07 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Originally Posted by BigDiesel07 View Post
I can get a hour of Opera Mobile out of it before it will die...
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