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TurboFool 10-22-2008 07:07 PM

Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

Originally Posted by chavezguy04 (Post 469700)
I searched the thread but no luck what is the price of the pro and the price of the diamond retail thru sprint?

$579.99 and $549.99.

p-slim 10-22-2008 07:09 PM

Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

Originally Posted by kidmet (Post 469614)
Can you get more information? An order #, tracking #, etc.... I think this will help us see if it's orderable, or if you are getting a mystery device. Surprise, it's a Mogul! lol

i just called and they can't order them still.

chavezguy04 10-22-2008 07:32 PM

Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)
Will the updates being flashed on pro will this be able to be used on Diamond? or is there a update on its way for the issues that are happening with diamond?

imneveral0ne 10-22-2008 07:37 PM

Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

Originally Posted by chavezguy04 (Post 469743)
Will the updates being flashed on pro will this be able to be used on Diamond? or is there a update on its way for the issues that are happening with diamond?

you wont be able to flash a pro rom on the diamond if thats what your asking. I'm sure a new diamond rom with all the updates from the pro will follow shortly after the pro's release though. offical or not.

BigDiesel07 10-22-2008 07:47 PM

Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)
I think this kinda relates to the topic at hand.. I apologize if you don't think so..

Well... I must give major props to Criticalaudioinc...
And everybody else who has contributed information relating to the Touch Pro in this thread...

A website that a few of you may know, wmexperts.com, has picked up on this thread.. Well kinda...

They wrote up an article relating to the original information in the very post.
Here is the article

ScrapMaker 10-22-2008 07:52 PM

Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)
I hope critical doesn't get fired from all this...

BigDiesel07 10-22-2008 08:28 PM

Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)
I think that HTC or Sprint would have to trace all these posts back to whoever Critical really is. That could involve tracing the ISP or asking for the profile info about Critical from PPCGeeks. I think the hassle would not be worth what it acheives. IF he signed a NDA (Non- Disclosure Act), then he knows the risks in posting such information.

If anything, HTC and Sprint might look the other way at his posts, considering that the posts are a good back channel way of informing the public about what is going on with the delay in the TP shipments without HTC or Sprint having to take responsibility for them or discuss the reasons. They can deny the posts and stick to their official PR.

Thanks again Critical for these well-informed posts. It's nice to get it straight from the source, and not through a spokesperson or an "unconfirmed" source (ie. GOSSIP). I hope that all goes well with the rest of the re-flashes and that you get that 4-day holiday that was mentioned earlier.

Curious though.. I assume that the TP ROM has been a work-in-progress for at least several months and has gone through several updates. When did all these current issues (GPS, camera, etc.) show up and it was determined that all the product needed to be updated before it could be shipped out? A delay, no matter how small it is, is pretty significant, especially for such a premium product.

I guess that we should be thankful that HTC/ Sprint decided to delay the release slightly and fix these issues instead of releasing the phone and issuing a ROM update later on, unlike Apple with their iPhone and the issues that plagued its release.

chedda_chez 10-22-2008 08:29 PM

Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)
damn nice write up they did...i dont think crit will get in trbl.


litig8or98 10-22-2008 08:55 PM

Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

Originally Posted by BigDiesel07 (Post 469834)
I think that HTC or Sprint would have to trace all these posts back to whoever Critical really is. That could involve tracing the ISP or asking for the profile info about Critical from PPCGeeks. I think the hassle would not be worth what it acheives. If he signed a NDA (Non- Disclosure Act), then he knows the risks in posting such information.

It wouldn't really be that hard for an internal audit at HTC to determine critical's identity...ISP tracing wouldn't be necessary. There's plenty of information in the posts to point the way (I won't be hinting at them). I agree with the last part of your statement, however, and would add, he seems intelligent and sophisticated enough to know what he can get away with.

As for HTC not having a problem with it because it's good "backdoor info dissemination"...I don't think so. The decision about what gets disclosed and what doesn't is made by a guy in a suit; circumventing that would be a no-no.

I truly hope there are no negative repercussions to critical, and thank him for his info to date.

[sammich] 10-22-2008 08:59 PM

Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)
Sooo... critical I think you missed my last question because I made an edit to my post. So:

Do you know whether or not the original Diamond/Pro faceted back [GSM diamond battery cover] is still being considered?

Oh, and if HTC/Sprint/Critical's company wanted info from PPCGeeks, they'd need a warrant. And he could be easily traced by the computer he uses to make his posts. But I highly doubt anything will happen. It's not like he's leaking information that we won't find out in 2 weeks

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