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Dragon2 09-20-2009 05:57 PM

weak Weak Keyboard....
so as of up till right now ive been satisfied with the tp2, but i finally found a grip..... Well under my down arrow and left arrow there is air bubble looking crap like that under a screen protector, so now im thinking theres obviously a thin plastic film probably for protection of minor scratches, but anyways it looks like paint chipping off and is ugly... O well, if it dont get bigger i dont care, but upon more inspection, i notice there is a crack on the board where all the keys are, right in between the left and down arrow keys, and thats the reason the bubbles are there......

So checking more i get a needle cause i find what i thaught was another crack but it was a hair, but moving the hair off i pressed slightly in between the buttons on the board and it flexed a little with very little pressure.... So i start pressing all over the board in between the keys and its weak as can be, you could probably put a hole in it or another crack anywhere with slight pressure.... I cant believe how week it feels pressing, imagine everytime you miss the key slightly or accidently putting pressure in the middle it may be slowly wearing and eventually may crack...... Now if it dont get worste im good with it as its hard to see except the bubbles.....

maybe its just me, but it feels week, put pressure in the middle of any keys, youll almost break through to the bottom.....

pbeaul 09-20-2009 06:10 PM

Re: weak Weak Keyboard....
Uh... if you can actually reach that area between the keys... You need to cut your nails and/or contact guinness book of records for the smallest hands/fingers in the world. There's like 2mm of space between the keys... and the keys can't even be depressed enough to come cause stress to that.

I look forward to the new poll that Exil3d's going to post when he sees this. Is Keyboard defective: Yes/No.

Dragon2 09-20-2009 06:20 PM

Re: weak Weak Keyboard....

Originally Posted by pbeaul (Post 1181303)
Uh... if you can actually reach that area between the keys... You need to cut your nails and/or contact guinness book of records for the smallest hands/fingers in the world. There's like 2mm of space between the keys... and the keys can't even be depressed enough to come cause stress to that.

I look forward to the new poll that Exil3d's going to post when he sees this. Is Keyboard defective: Yes/No.

you dont need to exactly touch the board, im just saying, press in between you will see it flex bad..

correct 09-20-2009 06:53 PM

Re: weak Weak Keyboard....
you'll find imperfections in anything if you look hard/long enough.... i wouldn't lose any sleep

freeza 09-20-2009 07:06 PM

Re: weak Weak Keyboard....

Originally Posted by pbeaul (Post 1181303)
Uh... if you can actually reach that area between the keys... You need to cut your nails and/or contact guinness book of records for the smallest hands/fingers in the world. There's like 2mm of space between the keys... and the keys can't even be depressed enough to come cause stress to that.

I look forward to the new poll that Exil3d's going to post when he sees this. Is Keyboard defective: Yes/No.

pure WIN!

Dragon2 09-20-2009 07:08 PM

Re: weak Weak Keyboard....

Originally Posted by correct (Post 1181417)
you'll find imperfections in anything if you look hard/long enough.... i wouldn't lose any sleep

i wouldnt either if my keyboard wasnt cracked and bubbly lookin... easy for you too say...

I got a replacement on the way free o charge anyways, i used the stuck pixels since Insurance probably wouldnt cover that, but its so small they wouldnt notice, it took me 10 min after staring at the bubbles and pondering how they got there and pushing buttons for me to see it...

So whatever, its just wierd, unless the crack has always been there and the bubbles just now appeared...

Exil3d 09-20-2009 07:20 PM

Re: weak Weak Keyboard....
hMMMMMMM.... Bubbling keyboard. Adding to my list.

Dragon2 09-20-2009 07:22 PM

Re: weak Weak Keyboard....

Originally Posted by Exil3d (Post 1181470)
hMMMMMMM.... Bubbling keyboard. Adding to my list.

lol haha

Exil3d 09-20-2009 07:28 PM

Re: weak Weak Keyboard....

Originally Posted by Dragon2 (Post 1181481)
lol haha

Seriously, this thing has more problems than anything we have had in the past. I will keep an EYE for the bubbling keyboard issue. I will visit my friends store and see how hie demos phones are holding up. He has a Telus and Tmobile version of this phone.

Dragon2 09-20-2009 07:43 PM

Re: weak Weak Keyboard....

Originally Posted by Exil3d (Post 1181494)
Seriously, this thing has more problems than anything we have had in the past. I will keep an EYE for the bubbling keyboard issue. I will visit my friends store and see how hie demos phones are holding up. He has a Telus and Tmobile version of this phone.

i was thinking maybe it cracked when i dropped hard and just didnt bubble till today.... But then again the keyboard was shut and its not likely, i baby this biatch also so its definantly wierd..

and also im beggining to think foul play, I let the woman use mine for like 2 days while waiting for hers, and she dont watch it around the kids period, so something else may have happened....

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