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brickcity 04-29-2008 11:41 PM

GPS is funny...
So I finally took the plunge... the new radio, the new dcd, all the newness.

I go right to DL google maps. I set up my gps settings. I start the search.

Now my phone has placed my location.... right off the coast of Nigeria, in the middle of the Atlantic.

This would be incredible, if I was sailing off the coast of Africa right now. Unfortunately I am in Boston.

Any ideas? hahaha

kevank 04-29-2008 11:49 PM

Re: GPS is funny...

Originally Posted by brickcity (Post 266155)
So I finally took the plunge... the new radio, the new dcd, all the newness.

I go right to DL google maps. I set up my gps settings. I start the search.

Now my phone has placed my location.... right off the coast of Nigeria, in the middle of the Atlantic.

This would be incredible, if I was sailing off the coast of Africa right now. Unfortunately I am in Boston.

Any ideas? hahaha

That is 0,0 on the GPS. It is working on getting fix when you are off the coast of Africa. When it happens to me I just leave the GPS on for a while and eventually I get a solid fix.


bkhoste 04-29-2008 11:50 PM

Re: GPS is funny...
Hmmm, did the US goverment sell Boston to Nigeria? That is the only thing I can think of.

Try Live Search, and see where it puts you when you connet to GPS. I have had great success with live search.

cycomachead 04-30-2008 12:21 AM

Re: GPS is funny...
You could also try the Holux GPS Viewer Software and see how that goes. Sorry I don't remember the link.

akijikan 04-30-2008 12:43 AM

Re: GPS is funny...
go to settings>personal>phone>services tab>location settings.

Turn it off and then ok out back to the today screen.

go back and turn it on again. Then fire up google maps and see what you get.

klyMAXX515 04-30-2008 12:48 AM

Re: GPS is funny...
the only problem i had with my gps is the fact that the marker isn't placed on my exact locations. here's an example i'm on one side of the street and the marker shows up on the wrong side or on a building or house. and my gps is only able to lock on to satelites at a certain time of the day but when i get a lock on any satelites it still works when i'm inside buildings though so i guess that's a plus.

by the way i'm using a HTC Mogul does anyone know how i can improve gps on it?

cycomachead 04-30-2008 01:51 AM

Re: GPS is funny...
There's a reg edit over at XDA but I believe it's

HKLM >Software >HTC >SUPL AGPS (???) > GPSMode and change 2 to 4. I think it helps some though it is subjective.

slvrap1 04-30-2008 06:31 AM

Re: GPS is funny...
I had that problem with 3.16 based gps roms, like kevank said it will start you at 0,0 until the gps can get a fix. With 3.35 based roms it doesnt happen to me anymore

jamesus 04-30-2008 08:51 AM

Re: GPS is funny...
Are you using "My Location" of "Use GPS" in the options menu? You should be using "Use GPS".

dschoenike 04-30-2008 08:52 AM

Re: GPS is funny...
im also using 3.35 rom on my mogul, and have gotten great gps performance using that gpstoday plugin. getting very fast satellite fix and accuracy, 8-10 satellite fix within 10-15 seconds.

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