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-   -   Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800! (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=21590)

shaggylive 07-21-2008 11:37 PM

Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!
well, I know there is sometimes a delay between actually collecting it and it showing on the screen, but this is better in

do other gps apps get a lock? just making sure, because navizon does try to default navigate via wifi/cell. (waiting for some of the newer features before I request another "collectors edition" we have to remember that it's the ppl, without a gps that are paying us.

Edit, btw, if you disable your cell data connections, navizon will connect to "open" networks (limited testing, but so far seems to work.) now they need to just add an option to sync if your not moving (much) and an open wifi in range.

didn't mean to get off topic, but I guess, what's your data connection setup? unlimited, wifi, or Local Database?

CozBoogie 07-25-2008 04:01 PM

Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!
Just FYI, I've archived a bunch of the old posts so that y'all don't have to wade through pages and pages.


dutchie25 07-28-2008 07:18 AM

Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!
I sold my Mogul to my brother(my work is making me use their blackberry now) and we completely started new, installed the new rom to wipe everything out. However, he is trying to use Navizon and his account is not giving him points becuase it is saying they were collected on the same device.

Does anyone know how to solve this if it can be changed.


shaggylive 07-28-2008 11:16 AM

Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!
is that the site saying that, or an email? I've not seen that before. I assume you have "reset" the license on both his & your accounts. if not try that.
also you may need to try and put your account on another phone (not sure if you BB will run navizon, but there are BB versions.) with another "liscense reset".

other than that, you'll probably have to contact navizon's support. http://www.navizon.com/phpbb2/index.php
they usually respond within a few days. (I noticed a spammer was having fun the last few days, and they havn't cleared them out yet. Just a warning....)

therustytrombone 07-28-2008 12:22 PM

Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!
I got 10325 points the first day then the wifi broke on my mogul... going to try to get it fixed today (sans insurance)... wish me luck!

dutchie25 07-28-2008 12:47 PM

Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!
It was the messge that showed up when he tried to check his rewards. I will try to reset the license and see if that works.


Originally Posted by shaggylive (Post 363125)
is that the site saying that, or an email? I've not seen that before. I assume you have "reset" the license on both his & your accounts. if not try that.
also you may need to try and put your account on another phone (not sure if you BB will run navizon, but there are BB versions.) with another "liscense reset".

other than that, you'll probably have to contact navizon's support. http://www.navizon.com/phpbb2/index.php
they usually respond within a few days. (I noticed a spammer was having fun the last few days, and they havn't cleared them out yet. Just a warning....)

therustytrombone 07-28-2008 03:52 PM

Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

Originally Posted by therustytrombone (Post 363185)
I got 10325 points the first day then the wifi broke on my mogul... going to try to get it fixed today (sans insurance)... wish me luck!

No go.. went to a Sprint Repair Center and they told me that without insurance I'd have to pay them $100 - $120 to fix it... and if I believe it is a hardware issue then I have to contact HTC and go through the manufacturer's warranty.

P.S.: This was after the Rep told me my "Wifi was just off" and "It's connected now" and it was just connected to ev-do... what a retard

shaggylive 07-28-2008 03:57 PM

Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!
umm, that doesn't sound right. I took an apache in without insurance on it, only cost me $55 and they gave me a refurb. unless this changed july 1st.

therustytrombone 07-28-2008 04:18 PM

Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!
Reading around further I read some posts about them changing the price of PDA phones to $120... bummer...

nuguy 08-10-2008 08:36 AM

Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!
So shaggy, Navizon seems to be working better for you these days, yes?

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