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Old 01-27-2008, 08:12 PM
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Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Check back on this thread every once in a while, as I'll be updating this post when I can with new information.


To use the Titan's internal GPS you must be running a ROM version of at least 3.16.651.0 with a radio ROM version of at least 3.27.00 (to find your ROM version go to the "Device Information" application found in Start->Settings->"System" tab).

Make sure that in the "External GPS" app (found in Start->Settings->"System" tab) matches the following settings:
  • Under the "Programs" tab, the "GPS program port:" is set to "COM4".
  • Under the "Hardware" tab, the "GPS hardware port:" is set to "None", and the "Baud rate:" is set to "4800".
  • Under the "Access" tab, the "Manage GPS automatically (recommended)" option is checked.

Make sure that your phone's location setting is set to "ON". You can do this by launching the "Phone" app (found in Start->Settings->"Personal" tab), then:
  1. Under the "Services" tab, choose the "Location Setting" item in the listbox, and press the "Get Settings..." button.
  2. Make sure the "Phone: Location Setting" is set to "ON"
  3. OK everything, and soft reset your phone

My ROM version is older than the one listed as required above, where do I get the new ROM?

If your ROM versions are lower than the ones specified above, you have to load the new leaked test ROM first.

If you're on Sprint, and want the stock ROM, and you're running Windows XP, then look here:

If you're on Sprint, and want the stock ROM, and you're running Windows Vista, then look here:

If want dcd's custom Titan ROM, or if you're on Verizon, Alltel, or Telus, then look here:

NOTE: After the update some are experiencing loss of phone functions (dial in-out). To recover from this, before updating, make sure you record your MDN and MSID. First go to your dialer and dial ##MSL# (where MSL is your unique MSL code for your phone). The MSL unlock code is used for programming your phone yourself, and is unique for every phone. You can retrieve the MSL for your phone by using the GetSPC application. It's essentially a keygen that calculates what the MSL should be from the hexadecimal ESN (case-sensitive). You can get your hexadecimal ESN from several places including the back of your device if you remove the battery. You can download GetSPC from HERE. Otherwise you can call Sprint technical support, tell them you're a developer, and you need the MSL number for your phone. The MDN should be your phone number. Finally, go to your dialer again, and dial ##3282#, your MSL is the unlock code, then make sure you record the settings there. The important things are your username and AAA password (HA password should be 'secret').

Which GPS enabled applications work with the Titan's built-in GPS?

Pretty much any GPS application that supports the NMEA 0183 protocol (almost everything). You may have to set your GPS application to connect to COM 4 with a baud rate of 4800. I have personally successfully tested the internal GPS with the following software:
  • Sprint Navigation v1.0.21 (Telenav) (Video) (free 2 day trial, downloads maps from an active Internet connection, $10 a month, not included as part of SERO)
  • Google Maps Mobile (Video) (free, highly recommended, downloads map/navigation data from an active Internet connection)
  • Microsoft Live Search (Video) (free, highly recommended, downloads map/navigation from an active Internet connection)
  • iNav iGuidance 4 (Video) (My preferred program for USA navigation, has text to speech for street names, needs workaround to work with the internal GPS, see "known software issues and workarounds for GPS navigation software" FAQ section below).
  • TomTom 6.030 (Video) (My preferred program for European navigation)
  • iGO My way 2006 Plus (Video) (Has maps available for some areas that no other navigation software has, such as Egypt).
  • MGMaps (Video) (Free, Java based, see "known software issues and workarounds for GPS navigation software" FAQ section below)
  • Holux GPS Viewer (free, starts communication with GPS module, gives GPS satellite status)

Software that others have reported success with include:
How much will I be charged for using the GPS?

Accessing the GPS satellite data is completely free. However, some GPS applications (such as TomTom Navigator or Sprint Navigator) are commercial and are not free. Also, be aware that some applications (such as Google Maps Mobile and Sprint Navigator) get their mapping data on-line from the Internet. If you wish to use these "online" applications make sure your service plan includes an appropriate data option to prevent unwanted Internet access charges. All Sprint SERO plans automatically include unlimited data for no extra charge.

Last edited by TalynOne; 01-31-2008 at 11:03 PM.
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Old 01-27-2008, 08:13 PM
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Why does my application never find (or find slowly) my built-in GPS?

It seems that the way the gpsOne chipset is implemented, through Microsoft's Intermediate GPS driver, requires it to be primed/started in way not all GPS applications support. Some people have been using Google Maps Mobile to prime the GPS so it can be used with another application, such as TomTom. I've found a much better way to prime the GPS application, using the freely available Holux GPS Viewer v1.5, which you can get HERE. Once you run the application, make sure, under the Setup tab, that the Com Port: is set to COM4:, then just press the "Open GPS" button. You should start recieving a scrolling list of NMEA protocol messages in the listbox below.

You can check the satellite status by going to the "GPS Status" tab. For an accurate fix you must have a signal to at least 4 satellites (at least 4 blue bars).

Once you have a lock you can start the application you wish to use the GPS with, such as TomTom. Once your application is working with the GPS you can exit the GPS Viewer application if you wish. The GPS may stop working if the GPS Viewer application isn't running, and your device goes into standby mode. You can leave GPS Viewer running the background, so that the GPS restarts on wakeup, but this sucks up around 5% CPU power and uses about 1MB of program memory. Hopefully someone can find/program an application that runs as a service in the background taking minimal CPU power that does the same thing that GPS Viewer does (GPSGate does not work).

I was a little annoyed that I had to reselect COM4: every time I started GPS Viewer, so I created a hacked version that preselects COM4 for you, which you can get HERE.

UPDATE 1 ( 1-27-08 ) - Baffles and tekmaven are working on a background service which will keep the GPS running on demand. It should have support for either keeping it going all the time, when you tell it to, or by detecting when GPS-using apps are running.

UPDATE 2 ( 1-27-08 ) - Some have also reported having good luck with VisualGPSce, which uses around 320KB program memory, and around 15% of the CPU when running in the background.

UPDATE 3 ( 1-27-08 ) - Baffles has just released BAF's GPS Launcher v0.1-test. Mirror HERE (post by yacko). The launcher, will set up/connect to the internal GPS, then launch a specified GPS app (TomTom,iGo, etc.). It's pretty basic in functionality, but it gets the job done for now. The next revision of this will end up being a background service on the phone that automatically enables GPS as needed, but for now, this is a better solution than running Google Maps Mobile/Holux GPS Viewer/etc in the background.

UPDATE 4 ( 1-29-08 ) - Shadowmite has just released GPS Launcher. It's a universal GPS proxy launcher. It works in a similar manner to Baf's launcher, but it's written in native code so it should run a lot faster, and take up less memory.

UPDATE 5 ( 1-30-08 ) - AstronusX has just released AstroGPSLauncher. As with the above launchers it opens the GPS port and launches your specified GPS application. It will close itself when you close the GPS application. It's also written in native code, the program is only 10k and uses a minuscule 2k of RAM. Since it keeps running in background until you exit your GPS software will allow your GPS software to reacquire the GPS signal when your Titan comes back from standby (power button) mode.

How can I keep my GPS alive in the background?

I have found no way of keeping the GPS alive while in standby mode. So your best bet, if you want the GPS always running, is to make sure you don't turn off the Titan (which puts it into standby mode). Instead, just turn off turn off the display back light (to maximize battery power). To keep the GPS alive, run the Holux GPS viewer, or better yet just use the AstroGPSLauncher (referenced above). These programs, while running, restart GPS communication when the phone comes back from standby mode. Be careful though, this can be a big battery drain if you're in a weak GPS signal area.

It takes too long to get an initial lock on the GPS satellites (cold boot), is there a way to make it faster?

Our HTC cousin, the Kaiser/Tilt/TyTn II, also with a gpsOne based GPS, included an application called QuickGPS. QuickGPS downloads current orbital satellite locations from the Internet, helping the GPS get its initial (cold) lock faster. It requires an Internet connection to download the orbital data, it does not initiate an Internet Connection for you (so you may have to connect to the Internet yourself first).

You can get QuickGPS (ripped from the Kaiser ROM) : HERE. Make sure you install this into main memory.

After tapping the Download button in QuickGPS, the status bar would reach 100%, and then gave me a "Connection failed" error. It seems the ephemeris orbital data (xtra.bin) is downloaded to the "\Temp" folder, but never copied to the "\Windows" folder. I was able to fix this by, first making sure my QuickGPS registry settings matched the settings shown HERE, and hacking the QuickGPS.exe as described HERE

I have included a patched version of QuickGPS, along with a Resco Regedit export of my QuickGPS registry settings for download HERE (copy the "QuickGPS.exe" into your mobile device's "\Windows" folder).

I have no idea if QuickGPS actually helps/works, since I haven't really had to opportunity to test it yet.

I've tried everything in this FAQ, but can't get the GPS to respond, what else can I try?

Some things that others have had tried that they claimed helped include:
  • Toggling your phone's location setting is set to "OFF", OKing it, and toggling it back "ON".
  • As with any GPS unit, you the clearer view of the sky you have, the more likely you'll catch a GPS signal. Also, if you're moving often (such as driving a Car) the GPS will have a harder time getting an initial lock. Ideally try standing outside 5-20 minutes with a program that can start the GPS running, such as "Holux GPS Viewer", and see if that helps.
  • Hard reseting.

How can I find GPS radio status information?
  1. In your dialer (Green handset button), dial the Debug code ##33284# (this just runs "\Windows\FieldTrial.exe").
  2. In the application that opens, press the "Debug Info" button (left Soft-Key). In the menu that pops up, choose "GPS".

What kind of GPS device is inside the Titan?

The chipset the Titan uses is the Qualcomm MSM7500. As part of this chipset there's an embedded gpsOne GPS module.

The gpsOne can operate in 4 modes:
  • Standalone - Your handset has no connection to the network, and uses only the GPS satellite signals it can currently receive to try and establish a location.
  • MS Based - Your handset is connected to the network, and uses the GPS signals + a location signal from the network.
  • MS Assisted - Your handset is connected to the network, uses GPS signals + a location signal then relays its 'fix' to the server, which then uses the signal strength from your phone to the network towers to further plot your position. You can still maintain voice communication in this scenario, but not 'Internet/Network service' ie Web Browser, IM, streaming TV etc..
  • MS Assisted/Hybrid - Same as above, but network functionality remains. Normally only in areas with exceptional coverage.

I'm guessing (not verified) that ours runs in "Standalone" mode since the GPS stays on and keeps getting data if the phone is off (to turn off just the phone part of the Mogul, go to the Today Screen, hold down the red hang-up button for 3-4 seconds, and then let go).

Last edited by TalynOne; 01-31-2008 at 11:08 PM.
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Old 01-27-2008, 08:13 PM
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When is the GPS active, how do I turn it off?

The GPS isn't active once you exit all applications that may be accessing it. Trying putting your Titan into standby (press the power button), wait 20 seconds, and turn it back on. If the GPS is still active then that means you most likely have some program running in the background keeping the GPS alive.

To disable the GPS, set your phone's location setting to "OFF". You can do this by launching the "Phone" app (found in Start->Settings->"Personal" tab), then:
  1. Under the "Services" tab, choose the "Location Setting" item in the listbox, and press the "Get Settings..." button.
  2. Make sure the "Phone: Location Setting" is set to "OFF"
  3. OK everything, and soft reset your phone

How do I enable GPS Camera Mode?

Our HTC cousin the Tilt/Kaiser/TyTn II has a feature that lets you populate a camera phone's photo EXIF data with GPS location information. It looks like the Titan has registry entries concerning this feature, but no one has been able to make it work yet. Information on an attempt to enable this feature can be found HERE.

Can I use the internal GPS on my Titan as Bluetooth or USB GPS device for use with my PC?

Yes. though I haven't tested this myself, you should be able to do this through the free application GPS2Blue. To use your GPS via USB cable, check out the section titled "How to use with TCP/IP over USB?".

A commercial alternative to GPS2Blue is Franson GpsGate.


The GPS turns off when the mobile device goes into standby mode (would be nice if there was a way to keep the GPS alive even in standby mode).

If you put the Titan into standby (power off) while it's attempting to initialize the GPS the system will respond very slowly. It will take a long time to turn back on, and may even appear hard locked. Once the GPS is initialized the system responds normally again. This behavior can also be seen if your terminate an application while it's attempting to initialize the GPS.

What's the best GPS navigation software?

This is one of the most often, and trickiest question to answer. It's tricky because the feature-set and selection of available navigation software changes quickly, and some of what's considered "best" is based on opinion. One person may consider a certain feature crucial, while another wouldn't care about it at all. There are tons of articles, forum posts, and reviews you can find on-line comparing navigation software. I will try to do a quick and dirty rundown of available software. To read discussions concerning Windows Mobile navigation software I recommend visiting the GpsPasSion forums (specifically the PDA Navigation subforum. To see what a particular piece of navigation software looks like when running, I recommend visiting YouTube.

Also be sure to read the "software notes" FAQ below for any gotchyas concerning software you may be considering.

Some feature terms to learn:
  • Voice Navigation = The software will direct you with voice prompts (eg. "in 500 yards turn left")
  • Text-To-Speech for road names = The software will direct you with voice prompts that include road name (eg. "in 500 yards turn left at Main street")
  • Offline Navigation = You don't need an active data (Internet) connection to get map/navigation data.
  • Online Navigation = You need an active data (Internet) connection to get map/navigation data. Map data is typically stored on your storage (SD) card. For instance iGuidance requires 1.3GB for its North American mapping data, and TomTom request 896MB for its North American mapping data. iGo has state by state maps available, which are smaller in size (California is about 140MB).

The software that is:
  • Most popular for US/Canadian areas:
    iGuidance (no current European maps), TomTom

  • Most popular for European (and other countries) areas:
    TomTom and iGO

  • Free (currently no free navigation software supports voice navigation, and all are online):
    Google Maps Mobile and Microsoft Live Search

  • Online:
    Google Maps Mobile, Microsoft Live Search, Sprint Navigation

  • Offline (All support voice navigation):
    iGuidance, TomTom, iGO, Garmin Mobile XT, Route 66, Destinator. Mapopolis

  • Supports Text-To-Speech for road names:
    iGuidance, Mapopolis, and Sprint Navigation

Last edited by TalynOne; 01-31-2008 at 11:08 PM.
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Old 01-27-2008, 08:14 PM
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What are the known issues and workarounds for GPS navigation software?

TomTom Navigator:
  • Requires software such as "Holux GPS Viewer" to start the GPS.
  • Set the GPS to "Other NMEA GPS receiver", with a "GPS baud rate" of 4800, and set to "COM4:".
  • Requires 896MB of storage space for North American mapping data.
  • When starting TomTom, the sound is muted, and you have to choose the "Change preferences"->"Turn on sound" menu item twice to turn the sound on. This is a known behavior for TomTom if you start the application with an active data connection. If you start TomTom without an active data connection the sound will start out muted.

iNav iGuidance:
  • Requires software such as "Holux GPS Viewer" to start the GPS.
  • Requires 1.3GB of storage space for North American mapping data.
  • GPS seems to be detected (icon turns green), but will rarely refresh the screen with updated location data. This issue is discussed HERE, HERE, and in this thread. I remember having problems with iGuidance before, when targeting it to the Microsoft GPS redirector port with my Bluetooth GPS. I had to point iGuidance directly to the Bluetooth COM port. This seems to be a problem with iNav's inability to work properly with the Microsoft GPS redirector driver. Customers should shoot off an email to INav, so that hopefully they can fix this issue.

    A workaround is to install a different redirector, such as Franson GpsGate. Once installed GpsGate installs a tray icon in your Today screen (red or green icon in lower right hand corner of the Today screen).
    1. Tap the tray icon, and choose the "Settings" menu item.
    2. On the "Input" tab set it to "COM4".
    3. On the "Output" tab, choose "Virtual COM Port" under the "Add output" section, and press the "Add" button.
    4. Set the "Virtual port" to an available COM port, such as "COM2".
    5. Press the "OK" button.
    6. On the "Input" tab press the "Open" button.

    In iGuidance:
    1. Go to the "Tools" menu, and choose the "GPS Options" submenu, then choose the "COM Port" submenu item. Set it to the same port you used for your "Virtual Port" (COM2 in the example above).
    2. Go to the "Tools" menu, and choose the "GPS Options" submenu, then choose the "Baud Rate" submenu item. Set it to "4800".
  • A freeware alternative to GpsGate, named GPSProxy, is available HERE. (untested)
  • I created an iGuidance one tap autolauncher. If GpsGate is not running, it starts it. The script then stores your device's current power timeout, and backlight timeout and brightness settings. Then sets your device for no timeouts for power and backlight, and sets your backlight to maximum brightness. It then sets iGuidance to skip the startup warning dialog, before launching iGuidance through AstroGPSLauncher. Once you exit iGuidance the script will restore your previous backlight/power settings. The only thing not working in the script right now is that it doesn't terminate GpsGate on exit if the script started GpsGate. I have not found a reliable way to close GpsGate. All current methods I've tried of closing/terminating GpsGate leave an unresponsive icon in the tray of the Today screen.

    For those who are interested, I've made a copy of this script available for download HERE. Instructions on how to install/use the script are in the included "iGuidanceInternalGPSLauncher.mscr" Mortscript file.

Garmin Mobile XT:
  • The current version of Mobile XT is tied to the Bluetooth GPS they sell it with. At the recent CES show a rep from Garmin indicated that they will soon be selling a new version that can be used with any GPS device. Until then, our Kaiser/Tilt cousins have created some hacks that make Mobile XT work their internal GPS, that should also work on the Titan. Information on this is HERE.

  • Also sold under the Navigon MobileNavigator and MioMap names.

Sprint Navigation
  • Included as part of the extended ROM installation after a hard reset. If you skipped the extended ROM installation, or are running a custom ROM, you can find the CAB install HERE.
  • Costs $9.99 a month or $2.99 a day. Includes a free 2-day trial.
  • Not included with SERO plans (part of the "Sprint Power Vision Navigation Pack" and "Sprint Power Vision Ultimate Pack").
  • More info HERE.

Route 66 Navigate 7:
  • Requires software such as "Holux GPS Viewer" to start the GPS.

  • Java Based, works with included Java Midlet Manager (Jeodek). Does not work with JBed (doesn't support serial communication).
  • Get the generic full version, Sprint version doesn't work.

What are the GPS related registry entries and their default values?

These are all the registry settings I could find relating to the GPS and their default values. This is from a virgin Sprint v3.16.651.0, with extended ROM apps skipped, and only Resco Explorer/Regedit installed.

"ServiceDescExt"="but will not hide your general location based on the cell site serving your call. No application or service may use your location without your request or permission. GPS enhanced 911 is not available in all areas."
"ServiceDesc"="Turning location on will allow the network to detect your position using GPS technology, making some Sprint PCS applications and services easier to use. Turning location off will disable the GPS location function for all purposes except 911,"
"ServiceTitle"="Phone: Location Setting"
"ServiceName"="Location Setting"
"GpsSaveFolder_0409"="My POI"
"Description"="Services PPP events on behalf of GPS"
"DisplayName"="GPS Daemon Service"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Multiplexer]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Multiplexer\ActiveDevice]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Drivers]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Drivers\GPSOneDevice]
"FriendlyName"="QualComm GpsOne Card, version 0.0"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Drivers\GPSOneEmulate]
"FriendlyName"="QualComm GpsOne File, version 0.0"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Drivers\GPSOnePort]
"FriendlyName"="QualComm GpsOne Card, version 0.0"

Last edited by TalynOne; 01-31-2008 at 11:07 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 08:14 PM
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[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Multiplexer]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Multiplexer\ActiveDevice]
"Key"="SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\GPS Intermediate Driver\\Multiplexer\\ActiveDevice"
"FriendlyName"="Virtual GPS1"
Other reading:

Jake's GPS 101 Tutorial on Aximsite
Detailed article on AGPS
Wikipedia Article on AGPS
Wikipedia Article on gpsOne chipset
General GPS Info
How Quick GPS Works
More info on how Quick GPS Works

Other Apps:

MMeteo (AccuWeather.com + Wetter.com in HTC today and GPS Ephemeris synchronization (same as QuickGPS), haven't tried it)
VisualGPSce (does what GPSViewer does, only 320KB running program memory, around 15% CPU usage when running minimized)
Globalsat GPSInfo (does what GPSViewer does, haven't tried it)
HTCGPSTool.exe (preproduction tool, download link at the bottom, doesn't work too well, but might be of interest to some).


duttythroy for providing the QuickGPS cab from the Kaiser.
McHale for his QuickGPS registry discoveries.
Ruptor for his QuickGPS.exe hack.
vetvito for his rip of 3.16.651.0's EXtROM (included CAB install for Sprint Navigation).
Baffles for BAF's GPS Launcher
Shadowmite for his GPS Launcher
AstronusX for AstroGPSLauncher

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Old 01-27-2008, 08:16 PM
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Old 07-02-2008, 05:45 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

kinda supports the theory that the chip can't do all the work by it's self though. still needs a nudge from a tower. (I believe the e911 is a broadcast, and that's why flight mode works.)
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Old 07-02-2008, 06:03 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
kinda supports the theory that the chip can't do all the work by it's self though. still needs a nudge from a tower. (I believe the e911 is a broadcast, and that's why flight mode works.)
Yeah, except the chip (the gpsOne) fully supports standalone mode.

I vote for "some stupid other reason"

I'll let you all know how my tilt does in the UK. I know, I know - bad comparison, since the tilt will have cell service there (yay GSM) but if it does *not* work, that rules out the tower theory and introduces the various conspiracy theories.
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Old 07-02-2008, 08:34 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

I just upgraded my verizon xv6800 last night to official rom version 3.35.651.2 and radio version 3.42.02. I installed google maps on my phone. I made GPS Programs Port is set to Com4, Hardware port set to none, Baud rate set to 4800 and that manage gps automatically was enabled. I installed google maps on the phone and attempted to do a search of my current location. The software said it could not connect to the network, as if the phone was not hooked up to the internet. However i was connected to the internet through wifi as i could browse web pages in IE. I had the exact same problem with Microsoft Live Search, it acted as if I was not online. Anyone know what I should do?
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Old 07-03-2008, 10:04 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by phunzoid View Post
i sent an e-mail to HTC today asking about GPS functionality outside the US....below is their response....not sure if it makes sense to me


Hello XXX,

Thank you for sending your email inquiry to HTC today. I understand you have an HTC Mogul on the Sprint network and you wanted to know about the GPS feature. If you purchased the device directly from Sprint, your device is on the CDMA network so the GPS will not work overseas. If you purchased your device directly from HTC, your device will be unlocked but it would need to be on the GSM network for the GPS to be global. If you have any other concerns, please feel free to click onto www.htc.com/US or www.htcwiki.com which is the customer-based web site.

I hope we have answered your question in detail. Feel free to contact us again if you have any further questions.

HTC Technical Support
I got my callback from Sprint yesterday afternoon (Tier 2 support). The rep was 100% insistent that it required CDMA access to use the GPS. Again, possibly party line. But, the rep was not that familiar with the GPS details like we are, and kept stating that they only "supported" the Sprint Navigation option and if I was having issues with other 3rd party apps (like TomTom or even the HTC GPS app) I needed to contact that manufacturer directly.

I'm considering a snail mail letter to Sprint and CC'd to HTC with a more direct question. Hopefully it would get to someone who would know more details. The ideal case would be to find someplace in the lower-48 where there was no CDMA coverage of any kind and at least see if no possible e911 has any real impact.
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