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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2011, 01:17 AM
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Re: biig problem, need to take broken lcd to sprint but phone is rooted

I take 2 times my it was rooted and they don't tel me nothing
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2011, 02:26 AM
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Re: biig problem, need to take broken lcd to sprint but phone is rooted

Originally Posted by djstr0be View Post
Just curious,what kind of insurance do you guys have that lets you repair a broken LCD for free? I forgot the plan I have but basically if theres anything wrong with my phone thats not my fault its free but if I have any physical damage I have to pay the 100 deductable.
Sprint offers TEP for each line on your account. "Total Equipment Protection" is additional repair service along with the handset insurance. If you opt for just insurance alone instead of TEP option, you will be charged for repair services in the store. You can read more about it on Sprint.com or get a pamplet from your local Sprint store. TEP is $7 per month and well worth the benefits and piece of mind for todays expensive smartphones.
Carrier: Sprint
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Devices: HTC EVO 4G
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2011, 08:53 PM
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Re: biig problem, need to take broken lcd to sprint but phone is rooted

Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx View Post
Sprint offers TEP for each line on your account. "Total Equipment Protection" is additional repair service along with the handset insurance. If you opt for just insurance alone instead of TEP option, you will be charged for repair services in the store. You can read more about it on Sprint.com or get a pamplet from your local Sprint store. TEP is $7 per month and well worth the benefits and piece of mind for todays expensive smartphones.

Not necessarily true.

Tried to return a Touch Pro 2 today with cracked screen.. several cracks.

I have had TEP for nearly 10 years.

Went into a Sprint Repair store, dude immediately said "We dont repair phones with pyhsical damage"

I pointed out the flyer on the counter in front of him which plainly stated that physical damage repair WAS covered under TEP for $0 (and $35 if you have NO insurance)
He looks perplexed, goes into the back of the store, comes out 10 minutes later with a different flyer, stating "i shouldnt even be showing you this..."
The flyer had pictures of cracked screens and what to do about each one..

Bottom line - if the crack is less than 1 inch long and there are not more than 2, then they will repair the screen or replace the phone in store.

I had a difficult time accepting this BS, so I went to another store.

The bimbo at that store tried to send me to Assurion for a $100 deductible.
I show her the insurance flyer from the last store, she looks perplexed...
says "when did you get this.. this is not current..."
Goes into the back of the store, comes out 10 minutes later with a different flyer, similar to the one I have, but does not mention "physical damage" at all AND the date on her flyer was November of 2009!!!!

I leave and call customer service. I explain my situation, that I DO NOT want to go throuh Assurion or pay a deductible... she assures me that I will not pay and will not go through assurion, she says my new phone is in the mail. Later, I get a confirmaion email from Assurion confirming my claim, ridiculous... I call back CS, they look into it and say I havent been charged a deductible and therefore will not be charged one.

We will see.
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