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-   -   Not your typical EVO Issue (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=139929)

ryanwesley 01-19-2011 11:26 AM

Not your typical EVO Issue
Let me start off by apologizing if this comes off as a repeat and if i sound like the noob that i am. I am not in front of my laptop that i spent the past 10 hrs trying to read various websites, including this one, to resolve my issue. Not one solution I have seen yet has resolved it. So here is what happened and what not.

I thought I would totally impress people if I had my EVO custom mod'd and just out right coming off fancy. *rolls eyes* So I sought out looking up the ways of going about it.

I first rooted my EVO the easy way using unrevoked and backed up.. woo hoo that was simple enough.. then i though well hell lets keep going.. so I went to the app store and got ROM Manager.. installed just fine and dandy. I went on to research the most commonly used or stable ROMs and found that CyanogenMod seemed to be the one.. so I downloaded update-cm-6.1.2-Supersonic-signed.zip ... well I started off by going to HBOOT and backing up my EVO.. Installed beautifully!

Ok at this point I am happy as pie.. well then I realize when I try do the Exchange account so I can see my contacts... it wont work.. so I do some research and basically I am directed to install the google HDPI.. so I look up the latest for the EVO 20110115 and downloaded.. went to HBOOT to install and it failed.. so i figured ok just reboot.. no problem.. well it got stuck in the Animation and kept looping.. so I said the hell with this let me just go back to HBOOT and restore my previous backup.. Ended up with Error 7 i believe and didnt work.. tried the one previous to that of my backups and the same thing.. so at this point i figured ok why not just clear cache and what not and try again.. nope.. same thing.. so then i reckon I need to do more research.. well i downloaded the android sdk and usb drivers and the missing files from "Tools" of the SDK.. found a version of the Sprint RUU... (sorry i cant think of the orignial one i tried but not at that laptop right now).. well that was going swimmingly and then it FAILED!!! So basically I have a basic HTC Evo black screen with little icons in each corner..

When I run the "adb devices" it is blank but when I do "fastboot devices" it displays my EVO.. I have removed and reinstalled the drivers and remain with the same issue..

Yes I have tried all ways except that magical one you plan to suggest to me.

Please I implore you for your suggestions and advice Almighty Android Guru!!!

Karl 01-19-2011 01:55 PM

Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
let me guess you cant get to hboot ?

PropagandaX 01-19-2011 02:29 PM

Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
So you can't get back to recovery or hboot? Check the bottom of the third post here.



Download Amon_RA Custom Recovery Here: PC36IMG_Recovery.zip

Maybe that will help. I recogmend you flash a couple sense based roms and get comfortable first before you jump to open source land. To be honest everytime I go to ASOP or Cmod I run into things that dont work for me and I end up back at Sense. I can totally see your pain, if you havent been around long the methods to root are extremely confusing (helll just look through the link i posted above), which version, which hardware, its insane. Honestly I just went to XDA to the unrevoked link and followed their method to the letter and had great success.

Edit: Confirmed it helped this person.

PropagandaX 01-19-2011 02:53 PM

Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
Can we get a "sticky" called "I borked my EVO - Get help here thread" These posts are taking over this entire forum.

lkillen 01-20-2011 11:28 PM

Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
Why Noobs have to leap all the way in on their first day, I'll never know.

People, take your time and learn about your phone!

Karl 01-20-2011 11:41 PM

Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
They'll never learn

kevmo1965 01-21-2011 03:20 AM

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; Sprint APA9292KT Build/FRF91) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

Here is the word of the day, research!

elnene20 01-21-2011 05:23 AM

Re: Not your typical EVO Issue

Originally Posted by lkillen (Post 2041160)
Why Noobs have to leap all the way in on their first day, I'll never know.

People, take your time and learn about your phone!


Originally Posted by KarlE (Post 2041167)
They'll never learn

To me it sounds like he knows a little more than some of these other post that I read here! Plus when are you not a noob? When you dont ask questions any more? Either way you have to start some where! So good luck to you OP..... Oh yeah and welcome to the fun....:newb:

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