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Not your typical EVO Issue
Let me start off by apologizing if this comes off as a repeat and if i sound like the noob that i am. I am not in front of my laptop that i spent the past 10 hrs trying to read various websites, including this one, to resolve my issue. Not one solution I have seen yet has resolved it. So here is what happened and what not.
I thought I would totally impress people if I had my EVO custom mod'd and just out right coming off fancy. *rolls eyes* So I sought out looking up the ways of going about it. I first rooted my EVO the easy way using unrevoked and backed up.. woo hoo that was simple enough.. then i though well hell lets keep going.. so I went to the app store and got ROM Manager.. installed just fine and dandy. I went on to research the most commonly used or stable ROMs and found that CyanogenMod seemed to be the one.. so I downloaded update-cm-6.1.2-Supersonic-signed.zip ... well I started off by going to HBOOT and backing up my EVO.. Installed beautifully! Ok at this point I am happy as pie.. well then I realize when I try do the Exchange account so I can see my contacts... it wont work.. so I do some research and basically I am directed to install the google HDPI.. so I look up the latest for the EVO 20110115 and downloaded.. went to HBOOT to install and it failed.. so i figured ok just reboot.. no problem.. well it got stuck in the Animation and kept looping.. so I said the hell with this let me just go back to HBOOT and restore my previous backup.. Ended up with Error 7 i believe and didnt work.. tried the one previous to that of my backups and the same thing.. so at this point i figured ok why not just clear cache and what not and try again.. nope.. same thing.. so then i reckon I need to do more research.. well i downloaded the android sdk and usb drivers and the missing files from "Tools" of the SDK.. found a version of the Sprint RUU... (sorry i cant think of the orignial one i tried but not at that laptop right now).. well that was going swimmingly and then it FAILED!!! So basically I have a basic HTC Evo black screen with little icons in each corner.. When I run the "adb devices" it is blank but when I do "fastboot devices" it displays my EVO.. I have removed and reinstalled the drivers and remain with the same issue.. Yes I have tried all ways except that magical one you plan to suggest to me. Please I implore you for your suggestions and advice Almighty Android Guru!!! |
Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
let me guess you cant get to hboot ?
Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
So you can't get back to recovery or hboot? Check the bottom of the third post here.
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/htc-evo-4g...roms-wipe.html RECOVERY FIX FOR THOSE WHO CANT FLASH ROMS (THIS IS ALREADY INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE ABOVE AND IS FOR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY HAVE ROOTED OR HAVE A BROKEN RECOVERY): Download Amon_RA Custom Recovery Here: PC36IMG_Recovery.zip Maybe that will help. I recogmend you flash a couple sense based roms and get comfortable first before you jump to open source land. To be honest everytime I go to ASOP or Cmod I run into things that dont work for me and I end up back at Sense. I can totally see your pain, if you havent been around long the methods to root are extremely confusing (helll just look through the link i posted above), which version, which hardware, its insane. Honestly I just went to XDA to the unrevoked link and followed their method to the letter and had great success. Edit: Confirmed it helped this person. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/htc-evo-4g...shing-cm7.html |
Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
Can we get a "sticky" called "I borked my EVO - Get help here thread" These posts are taking over this entire forum.
Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
Why Noobs have to leap all the way in on their first day, I'll never know.
People, take your time and learn about your phone! |
Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
They'll never learn
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; Sprint APA9292KT Build/FRF91) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)
Noobs Here is the word of the day, research! |
Re: Not your typical EVO Issue
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