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View Poll Results: What have you done or what are you going to do?
back to 2.1 24 13.41%
sticking with 2.2 148 82.68%
dont know and dont care 7 3.91%
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 10:06 PM
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Re: Who's Going or gone back to 2.1 after trying 2.2? Am I all alone?

Staying with Froyo. Development is based on the most current version. Staying with an older version only means that apps MAY not work properly after a while. So what's the point. Froyo can only get better IMO. Its like going back to the original Xbox just because I'm used to the OS. Don't think so...lol

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 10:16 PM
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Re: Who's Going or gone back to 2.1 after trying 2.2? Am I all alone?

I will be staying as well, flash works perfect for what I need it for.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 10:20 PM
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I'm staying with Froyo. Works perfect for me.

EVO on Tapatalk
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: Who's Going or gone back to 2.1 after trying 2.2? Am I all alone?

I'm going back to Winmo 6.5.5....nah, just kidding 2.2 for me.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 11:27 PM
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Re: Who's Going or gone back to 2.1 after trying 2.2? Am I all alone?

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
i just wish the darn hero would get 2.2
doubt the hero could run 2.2
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 01:40 AM
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Re: Who's Going or gone back to 2.1 after trying 2.2? Am I all alone?

Originally Posted by codyppc View Post
I went with froyo with the first custom ROM. Then again with cyanogen when it came out. Each time going back to 2.1 becasue bugs and stability. When the offical came out i figured this was going to be good.

After a short time I went back to 2.1 and am happy again. While it's not perfect I feel its better than 2.2 at the moment.

Am I all alone?
Who else is back with 2.1?

All the custom ROM builders have basicly stop development on 2.1 and switched to 2.2.

Very weird. Am I missing something? just look at the bug reports here and even more here and how many of the issues have no workaround. This is the reason i left Windows Mobile years ago.

I have watched the boards for a while and haven't seen anyone really going back.
Yup, that sounds just like Windows Mobile. Sounds like the idiots who wanted to stick with 6.1 and who begged me to make 6.1 and then 6.5 only ROMs while refusing to move to 6.5 and 6.5.x. People who refuse to make progress and accept that something may actually be better than what they have. People who hold back innovation and improvement. You are probably around 20 years old, in college, and still running Windows XP on your computer huh?

2.2 is WAY faster than 2.1, it has flash and a host of other great additions to it. It has NO serious bugs at all (in the official version), and MOST people have NO problems with it. What reason would you have to stay with 2.1 (developers crappy, buggy, ROMs are not an excuse)?

FYI, your first link was to a guy running an unofficial (duh) build and some of his "bugs" aren't even bugs. The white HTC loading screen (result of using a task killer guaranteed), the widgets (not consistently reproducible. I have no problems with mine.), flash (duh it makes things slower, however, as a whole, the browser is WAY faster. Turn off plugins if you must.), pop-ups (again, haven't seen it myself, nor seen any other large scale complaints), camera (ditto).

The second link... wtf, half the problems are related to 3rd party apps or hacked apps or are caused by people with the unofficial update.

I would wager that almost all of those "bugs" would be fixed by a wipe, not using hacked apps (i.e., some dev porting something from a 2.1 device to a 2.2 device), and not blaming a 3rd party app being out of date as a 2.2 bug...

Not granted, there are some bugs, but nothing major IMO (though what qualifies as major to one person isn't to another and vice versa).

My advice... If you want to rot in the past, stay with 2.1 and don't complain/post about it. If you want to join everyone else, install the official 2.2 (you could use a rooted stock 2.2 also), wipe your phone, and enjoy a much better experience than available anywhere else.

PS. Don't use a task killer if you don't know wth you are doing.

PPS. I don't know of any task killer that works correctly under 2.2, nor is it necessary.
NagROM [WM Build 23551 for Touch][V0.19 & V3.19]NagROM [WM Build 23551 for TP2][V0.08 & V3.08]
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Last edited by Nagrom Nniuq; 08-09-2010 at 01:43 AM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 04:16 AM
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I hate when the douche bags attack, anyways 2.2 still have problems ( that's not due to apps ) as i've seen around people haveing diffrent issues, i can't seem to get more then 6 hrs of moderate usage and it tends to get sluggish after a few days so iama stick to 2.1 untill the devs can get the 2.2 as flawless as they got 2.1 because these memory & battery leaks are really killing me makes me feel like im on winmo again with all thpe flashing i've done to find the perfect ( in my opinion ) rom

P.s. updateing isn't always best as you should know by now while yes winmo 6.1 < winmo 6.5 winmo 6.5.x < winmo 6.5 and must i say windows xp > vista < 7 so again updateing isn't always best, im just saying&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;
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Originally Posted by KarlE View Post
when i show my EVO to iphone users they go wow loook at the big screen
then i go watch this..
i can hold my phone anyway a want and calls dont drop..
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 04:22 AM
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Originally Posted by PhyscoAssassinx View Post
I hate when the douche bags attack, anyways 2.2 still have problems ( that's not due to apps ) as i've seen around people haveing diffrent issues, i can't seem to get more then 6 hrs of moderate usage and it tends to get sluggish after a few days so iama stick to 2.1 untill the devs can get the 2.2 as flawless as they got 2.1 because these memory & battery leaks are really killing me makes me feel like im on winmo again with all thpe flashing i've done to find the perfect ( in my opinion ) rom

P.s. updateing isn't always best as you should know by now while yes winmo 6.1 < winmo 6.5 winmo 6.5.x < winmo 6.5 and must i say windows xp > vista < 7 so again updateing isn't always best, im just saying&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
So O.P. let us few rot in the past with a stable system while we let the others stress about bugs untill there fixed

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 06:42 AM
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Re: Who's Going or gone back to 2.1 after trying 2.2? Am I all alone?

Ok...2.2 came out on the 3rd, today is the 9th...so 6 days...and your already bitching about bugs and issues...I can understand...it's gonna happen...every OS has bugs at first...once you let the creator know about it...they send out updates. Give 2.2 a chance and sooner or later they will have a update to fix these issues.

2.2 has way more to offer than 2.1 did. Overall speed has been increaded, Move to SD, Flash 10.1...what else...to say your going back so soon come on man...damn..You are the only one..or one of the select few. Do you relize what your are missing in 2.2? I have the TP2 right now with WM 6.5...hate it...would rather go back to 6.1...but the reason I havn't....functionality...it offers SD card Format, 6.1 didn't....Sense UI with Twitter, weather animations....again 6.1 doesn't have that. See where I'm coming from? Yeah it may be slower on my device...but I stick with it. The same will go with my Evo once I get it later this month...I will be sticking with 2.2...and for all the issues it has..yeah I may get irritated...but atleast I know HTC will push updates to fix those issues....and it seems they are doing it more often on Android since it's open source...

So...think about what I just typed...and think of what your "really" missing out on by going back to stock 2.1update1....
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 07:01 AM
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Re: Who's Going or gone back to 2.1 after trying 2.2? Am I all alone?

LOL, c'mon, lets be real, the improvements in 2.2 arent that significant to put up with bugs. I like my phone working, thx. Apps2sd? already on 2.1 custom. Flash? Its nice, but Im not willong to trade stability for Hulu, Ive got work to do. Speed increase? What speed increase? What speed increase? I notice slight speed increases from stock to custom 2.2, but not custom 2.1 to stock 2.2

I'll others be the test subjects and see Froyo in a month, lol! Pandora should work on 2.2 by then.
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