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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2008, 10:14 PM
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Re: How to buy the Diamond

just the 150 dollars off thats it.
Well now IVe had the touch pro for about a year and welll its just as dissapointing as the mogul was ....now they may give me this TP2 but i wonder if its time to go a different route than this WM
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2008, 10:34 PM
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Re: How to buy the Diamond

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
Hey.. this thread will prepare some of us who are getting ready to buy this beauty. I have 14 months with Sprint and Sprint already told me I have 75 dollars towards a new handset. They also said I have 100 dollars in kind regards for being a Sprint customer but I need to get a new agreement. Which means most likely they will take away my SERO 30 dollar deal. So I will pass on the 100 dollar offer but will take the 75 dollar credit. So now how would I go about buying this. If I walk in a Sprint store and pick up the Diamond myself can the Sprint store give me the 75 dollar credit on the spot? Or is it a credit Sprint will put on my account later? How does it work? I woiuld rather get the credit on the spot but if the store is unable to do it them I guess ordering the phone thru Sprint is better since they will give me the credit on the spot right? But doing this method would make me wait 2 days for the shipment.. And I cant wait 2 days for the phone to arrive.. I would love to have it now.... :P

You don't have to worry. You can take advantage of your $75 rebate in the store also. Its $75 off the full price of the phone. More then likely you won't have to cancel your sero plan.

Last edited by p-slim; 08-26-2008 at 11:22 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2008, 10:50 PM
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Re: How to buy the Diamond

I hope I'm not hijacking this thread, but it's not carrier specific in the title, so hopefully I'll be able to help out some of my fellow Canadians, at least those of the Telus persuasion!
First, make sure that you login at www.mytelusmobility.com and click on "myoffer/myorder". I noticed that I had a free data device on a 3 year renewal sitting on there for months, so when the Diamond was released, I took full advantage.
I went down to the Telus store to pick it up and the credit was applied at the time of purchase. I also had a $25.00 bill credit on file, so they applied that to the $25.00 handset change fee. To make a long story short, no money changed hands at all, and I didn't have to wait for delivery.
As far as the contract terms upon the renewal, I was able to keep everything, including discontinued plans like My Faves 10 and the original $15.00 unlimited data plan that allows tethering.
Hopefully this will save you either a little money or some time waiting for your contract to end!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2008, 11:04 PM
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Re: How to buy the Diamond

Originally Posted by tc3jg View Post
just the 150 dollars off thats it.

What about renewing the plan for another 2 years, do you get the instant rebate then?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 12:38 AM
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Re: How to buy the Diamond

Originally Posted by quarky42 View Post
Did they say that you would be losing your SERO if you signed a new agreement? Could you clarify with them if your current service would remain unchanged and all you would be agreeing to is to keep the service for two more years?

If they said that you would have to change plans, then sorry I didn't catch that.

A little disturbing email I just received 5 minutes ago. I did ask about my sero account and this is what they said........

I have one more question, I have a SERO account, If I sign up for 2 more
years to get the $150, will my current SERO PLAN change in any way? I am
paying $30 a month and if my plan wont change at all then I might
consider the agreement. Please double check your answer with your
supervisor since you guys have given me incorrect answers before.
Remember, I want to know if my current $30mo SERO will change in any way
or form if I do agree on a 2 year agreement. Thank you.

Thank you for the reply.

We apologize for the breakdown in communication.

As of now we cannot comment whether the HTC Diamond will be a compatible
handset with the $30.00 Sero plan or not.

Once the HTC Diamond is launched on September 02, 2008, please reply to
us. We will assist you further.

On reviewing the account I found that the $30.00 SERO Plan is added.

To enjoy the $75.00 rebate on the account, the minimum service rate plan
of $34.99 should be added.

Since the $30.00 SERO plan is added you will not receive $75.00 rebate
at the Sprint store.

I will request that once you activate a new handset on line
415-911-1234, please reply to us with the scanned copy of receipt
(purchased handset). We will apply the credit of $150.00 from ecare
towards the handset upgrade. You can keep this email as confirmation.

If you wish to have any clarification, please reply to us. We will be
glad to assist you.

Thank you for emailing us.

Vince G.

Looks like us 30 a month SERO grandfathers are going to get jacked from the 75 dollar 1 year customer credit. :P Even thou... if they tell me I need to get rid of SERO, then I will leave to another company. Damn... Sprint and its tactics. Then they wonde why soo many ppl are leaving..
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 12:46 AM
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Re: How to buy the Diamond

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
A little disturbing email I just received 5 minutes ago. I did ask about my sero account and this is what they said........

I have one more question, I have a SERO account, If I sign up for 2 more
years to get the $150, will my current SERO PLAN change in any way? I am
paying $30 a month and if my plan wont change at all then I might
consider the agreement. Please double check your answer with your
supervisor since you guys have given me incorrect answers before.
Remember, I want to know if my current $30mo SERO will change in any way
or form if I do agree on a 2 year agreement. Thank you.

Thank you for the reply.

We apologize for the breakdown in communication.

As of now we cannot comment whether the HTC Diamond will be a compatible
handset with the $30.00 Sero plan or not.

Once the HTC Diamond is launched on September 02, 2008, please reply to
us. We will assist you further.

On reviewing the account I found that the $30.00 SERO Plan is added.

To enjoy the $75.00 rebate on the account, the minimum service rate plan
of $34.99 should be added.

Since the $30.00 SERO plan is added you will not receive $75.00 rebate
at the Sprint store.

I will request that once you activate a new handset on line
415-911-1234, please reply to us with the scanned copy of receipt
(purchased handset). We will apply the credit of $150.00 from ecare
towards the handset upgrade. You can keep this email as confirmation.

If you wish to have any clarification, please reply to us. We will be
glad to assist you.

Thank you for emailing us.

Vince G.

Looks like us 30 a month SERO grandfathers are going to get jacked from the 75 dollar 1 year customer credit. :P Even thou... if they tell me I need to get rid of SERO, then I will leave to another company. Damn... Sprint and its tactics. Then they wonde why soo many ppl are leaving..
Well last time I checked, the $35 or more didnt apply to Sero. So I think were good. Well Im on Sero $30 plus insurance equalling to $37 and at the end paying around $43. California
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 08:10 AM
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Re: How to buy the Diamond

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
A little disturbing email I just received 5 minutes ago. I did ask about my sero account and this is what they said........

I have one more question, I have a SERO account, If I sign up for 2 more
years to get the $150, will my current SERO PLAN change in any way? I am
paying $30 a month and if my plan wont change at all then I might
consider the agreement. Please double check your answer with your
supervisor since you guys have given me incorrect answers before.
Remember, I want to know if my current $30mo SERO will change in any way
or form if I do agree on a 2 year agreement. Thank you.

Thank you for the reply.

We apologize for the breakdown in communication.

As of now we cannot comment whether the HTC Diamond will be a compatible
handset with the $30.00 Sero plan or not.

Once the HTC Diamond is launched on September 02, 2008, please reply to
us. We will assist you further.

On reviewing the account I found that the $30.00 SERO Plan is added.

To enjoy the $75.00 rebate on the account, the minimum service rate plan
of $34.99 should be added.

Since the $30.00 SERO plan is added you will not receive $75.00 rebate
at the Sprint store.

I will request that once you activate a new handset on line
415-911-1234, please reply to us with the scanned copy of receipt
(purchased handset). We will apply the credit of $150.00 from ecare
towards the handset upgrade. You can keep this email as confirmation.

If you wish to have any clarification, please reply to us. We will be
glad to assist you.

Thank you for emailing us.

Vince G.

Looks like us 30 a month SERO grandfathers are going to get jacked from the 75 dollar 1 year customer credit. :P Even thou... if they tell me I need to get rid of SERO, then I will leave to another company. Damn... Sprint and its tactics. Then they wonde why soo many ppl are leaving..
I feel your pain but if you go somewhere else you are just going to be in the same boat if not worse.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 12:58 PM
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Re: How to buy the Diamond

Originally Posted by erick10 View Post
Well last time I checked, the $35 or more didnt apply to Sero. So I think were good. Well Im on Sero $30 plus insurance equalling to $37 and at the end paying around $43. California
Does anone one else know if this is true? That the 34.99 does not apply t SERO?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 01:54 PM
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Re: How to buy the Diamond

Here is a screen cap from ______ posted this morning. The words "IR" stand for Instant Rebate and apply to anyone who purchases the phone on a full 2yr upgrade (explained through customer care as your $150 discount). The MIR is only available to those who have a $25 or up legacy power pack data plan, everything plan, or talk/message/data plan. You do not get the $50 IR on the $75 upgrade which means you are either upgrading to a 1year extension or a 2 year extension when you only have 1/2 of your current 2yr agreement completed. Employees don't make crap off of those $75 upgrades so don't expect to get great service once they find you out. Also, the $75 comes off the SRP and that is your ONLY discount and you lose out on a full upgrade in 1 year. it starts over.

Got a question about a carrier's fine print, TOS, etc? I sell Sprint, Helio, Alltel, T-Mobile, Verizon and Cricket so PM me.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 02:00 PM
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Re: How to buy the Diamond

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
I will request that once you activate a new handset on line
415-911-1234, please reply to us with the scanned copy of receipt
(purchased handset). We will apply the credit of $150.00 from ecare
towards the handset upgrade. You can keep this email as confirmation.

Sounds like they are going to give you the full credit after the fact... I have had this happen before when I didn't get a discount on a phone I called in and they applied it to my account.

Keep that email as proof that they will honor the rebate for you.
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