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xxsicrokerxx 06-15-2011 04:56 PM

is waze the best option for free GPS?
Hi guys, i just went back to my sprint mogul 6800 ppc. Ive never been curious as to how to get GPS on this phone til now.

I really dont want to spend 10$ a month for gps. I remember when i had the 6700 i had GPS for free.

I have unlimited data plan but i still have to pay for GPS :(

anyways ive heard of WAZE and someone mentioned BING.

Whats the best option? Anybody have a .cab that would be great

thanks guys.

Tmair 06-18-2011 11:57 AM

Re: is waze the best option for free GPS?
I treid Waze, never could get it to work correctly, it seamed slow to me.
Have you tried Bing? You might try downloading it and giving it a try, I liked it, I switched from my PPC back to a palm treo, but when I had the PPC I liked Bing, it gives you turn by turn nav, I think it works as good as Google maps, which is another option, have you tried either of them?
If you down load Bing and it tells you that your device is not supported there is a cab that should work on here some where you will have to search for it.

EyeB 06-25-2011 01:44 AM

Re: is waze the best option for free GPS?
i like google map for gps... bing for voice navigation, but i find google to lock onto location more accurately :S

Tinkerbell 06-25-2011 02:07 AM

Re: is waze the best option for free GPS?
I agree... Bing is the way to go on a 6800. It is included in the Tinkerbell Rom if you are interested. (/shameless plug)

eric12341 06-25-2011 03:22 AM

Re: is waze the best option for free GPS?

Originally Posted by Tinkerbell (Post 2119834)
I agree... Bing is the way to go on a 6800. It is included in the Tinkerbell Rom if you are interested. (/shameless plug)

it wasn't a complete plug since you didn't provide the link. my vote is also for Bing,it is smooth and is accurate when telling u exactly when to turn (unlike sprint nav which says ur turn after u missed it). Google maps doesn't have voice TBT nav.

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