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Conversation Between codybear and Batman
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. codybear
    10-19-2009 11:11 PM - permalink
    well i'm not really telling anyone about the business other than I'm starting one.
    haha. it's the first of its kind, and i want to keep it that way.
    It's gonna make me BANK! lol.

    What kind of car do you have?
    My dad does custom painting and what not, although he's getting really tired of it after like 45 years of custom painting and auto body work. I don't blame him. haha.
  2. Batman
    10-19-2009 10:39 PM - permalink
    yeah school sucks. im alright. practicin tattooin so i can work for my dad. oh and tryin to get my dad to paint my car so we can get it runnin and stuff. whats your online business gonna be?
  3. codybear
    10-19-2009 10:32 PM - permalink
    Eh, not too bad. Just been super busy with school and work and what not.
    Oh, and starting an online business.
    Hopefully that business will help with the work part of my busy schedule,
    but it won't be for a little while. haha.

    What about you dude? How's life?
  4. Batman
    10-19-2009 09:54 PM - permalink
    hey hows it goin cody?
  5. Batman
    08-01-2009 11:19 PM - permalink
    yep the zebra cases are taking over! oh no! they got cody!

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