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-   -   BigE ROM 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=95431)

zevot 11-08-2009 08:47 PM

BigE ROM 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi
Here is my first ROM release.

Thanks to NightRaven and CFay for their awesome contributions.

Get it here: 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi
RealVGA 96 dpi is built in
Titanium weather
Advanced Config
Opera 9.7
Smart Lock 1.7E (start>settings>system)

Known Bugs:
IE crashes with 96 dpi (if you find a fix let me know and I will cook the fix in)
Can't change favorites on home screen (IE related I suspect)
Titanium radar crashes
A few icons/text here and there looks off due to 96 dpi.

wudstock54 11-08-2009 09:53 PM

Re: BigE ROM 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi
How do you flash this file?

zevot 11-08-2009 10:13 PM

Re: BigE ROM 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi
I accidentally named it without the proper 7z (7 zip) extension. I have renamed the file.

wudstock54 11-09-2009 07:05 AM

Re: BigE ROM 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi
Figured that was it. Just flashed and will try it out today. I'll post more tonight. Thanks

drnoir 11-09-2009 11:48 AM

Re: BigE ROM 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi

Originally Posted by zevot (Post 1310291)
IE crashes with 96 dpi (if you find a fix let me know and I will cook the fix in)

Just revert to the old version of PIE and you're good to go!
Regedit: \Local Machine\Security\Internet Explorer\MSTML = 0


drnoir 11-09-2009 02:47 PM

Re: BigE ROM 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi
Other notes about this ROM:
1) Yes, the battery icon fix cab works here too
2) It has MortScript preinstalled (at least it said so when I tried to install it)
3) code and +1 autoadd services are disabled, which make my international user flashing experience much easier.
4) The alt character key in my TP doesn't work, so there is no way for me to insert accented characters or underscores anymore!

The last one is the one that may turn me off what is a great ROM so far!


wudstock54 11-09-2009 06:22 PM

Re: BigE ROM 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi
So far seems to be stable and run smoothly. As mentioned above the alt key functions as a space bar. The top left button no longer functions as airplane mode on/off, which i assume is a regedit fix along with the end button not locking the screen. Call history blurs when scrolling quickly and stays muddled. Had to add s2u2 to lock screen. Haven't had a chance to see how this impacts battery life yet. It does indeed have mortscript installed. Will continue to use through the night and more comments to follow. By the way, I really like the "look" of this rom.

00_MACKIE_00 11-09-2009 08:49 PM

Re: BigE ROM 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi

doubleu 11-10-2009 05:38 PM

Re: BigE ROM 6.5 Build 21857 RealVGA 96dpi
Tried this rom out last night, but only 'cause i was quickly looking for another rom that had the 'Update PRI', 'Update Profile', and IOTA phone preference thing (long story.) But using it briefly made me curious, what are RealVGA people doing to deal with the garbled volume and battery icons?

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