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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 08:28 PM
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Re: *Blazing Fast & Stable* Maverick MobileShell ROM *SYS 23135* UPDATED!

thank you...downloading now
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 08:44 PM
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Re: *Blazing Fast & Stable* Maverick MobileShell ROM *SYS 23135* UPDATED!

i have downloaded it when you had only one link and now that there is the generic and sprint all have the expired ver. of SPB can i get it with out this
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 09:45 PM
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Re: *Blazing Fast & Stable* Maverick MobileShell ROM *SYS 23135* UPDATED!

to tell you the truth i kinda like it that way with the oc not ALWAYS ON...i mean sometimes I do like it at its regular pace...I mean I have mines set up to where I just press your RUN OC as a link on my homepage and STOP link also lol..so just one click and im speedy lol
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 03:05 AM
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Re: *Blazing Fast & Stable* Maverick MobileShell ROM *SYS 23135* UPDATED!

yo maverick on V1 how can i get the link to run the OC like you had it. with just one click it ran the OC..i cant find the cab for that oc tool
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 02:32 PM
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Re: *Blazing Fast & Stable* Maverick MobileShell ROM *SYS 23135* UPDATED!

Just FYI, there's nothing wrong with the ROM, it is NOT frozen on first boot. The reason you see some widgets and the ocean background but the only thing you can do is "register" is because the trial version of SPB is expired. Your phone is not frozen. Once Maverick updates with an unexpired version of SPB ya'll will be able to use it for 15 days for free.
Nice first run on the rom--quick and a great memory footprint. Was having probs connecting to data even after provisioning with 2 diff sprint cabs and after updating PRL and Profile. A bit vexed (was on generic-first run). Other than that---it looks and runs very nice.
You light 'em! We fight 'em!!
Net speed tweak by me and kozmo---give him a big "thank you"
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 02:58 PM
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Re: *Blazing Fast & Stable* Maverick MobileShell ROM *SYS 23135* UPDATED!

Gonna try v2. where do i get the over clocking cab?
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 04:23 PM
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Re: *Blazing Fast & Stable* Maverick MobileShell ROM *SYS 23135* UPDATED!

Okay, all links updated to v2 now. Changelog in first post. Also, links to the overclocking cab are in the first post. This update should fix most of the problems everyone is encountering.

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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 06:29 PM
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Re: *Blazing Fast & Stable* Maverick MobileShell ROM *SYS 23135* UPDATED!

Originally Posted by ffkip911 View Post
Just FYI, there's nothing wrong with the ROM, it is NOT frozen on first boot. The reason you see some widgets and the ocean background but the only thing you can do is "register" is because the trial version of SPB is expired. Your phone is not frozen. Once Maverick updates with an unexpired version of SPB ya'll will be able to use it for 15 days for free.
Looking forward to trying this ROM again. I'll flash the stock ROM and then Mav.

However, I am pretty familiar with frozen. Frozen, as in the hour glass spins on the start-up screen then stops and nothing happens for 10 minutes or so. Subsequent flashes met with differing levels of freeze. I have a SPB license for 3.5, but pressing the register key had no effect. All keys were frozen including the power button. The only way to turn it off was to pull the battery. Other times, it let me past the spb screen only to freeze with the hour glass stuck again.

Hopefully the stock flash will let me give this one a try, although it seems strange that it would not work after Task29. Could the version of the Radio have any impact? That seems to be the only variable left.

Doug M.
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 07:05 PM
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Re: *Blazing Fast & Stable* Maverick MobileShell ROM *SYS 23135* UPDATED!

Originally Posted by dwmackay View Post
Looking forward to trying this ROM again. I'll flash the stock ROM and then Mav.

However, I am pretty familiar with frozen. Frozen, as in the hour glass spins on the start-up screen then stops and nothing happens for 10 minutes or so. Subsequent flashes met with differing levels of freeze. I have a SPB license for 3.5, but pressing the register key had no effect. All keys were frozen including the power button. The only way to turn it off was to pull the battery. Other times, it let me past the spb screen only to freeze with the hour glass stuck again.

Hopefully the stock flash will let me give this one a try, although it seems strange that it would not work after Task29. Could the version of the Radio have any impact? That seems to be the only variable left.
Doug M.
I have another explanation. The original ROMs had overclocking built-in at a level that was stable on my phone. However, there was some iffiness with it, in that it would start overclocking on some resets and not on others. My guess is that on your phone, the overclocking was kicking in during bootup, but that it was set too high for your particular chip (and it seems pretty well documented that different chips are capable of being overclocked to different speeds). That would explain why only some users are seeing frozen phones, while it was working just fine for everyone else.
I am calling eureka on this

Version 2 of the ROMs have the overclocking tool taken out, and you need to manually install the cab and set if according to your chip. My bet is that v2 will solve your issue, no flash to stock necessary (if you've Task29ed already).
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 07:15 PM
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Re: *Blazing Fast & Stable* Maverick MobileShell ROM *SYS 23135* UPDATED!

Thanks for the reply. I bet you are right on the money. I have had differing results with the overclocking from some other members. I'll take another swing at this and let you know how it goes.

Doug M.

You were right. V2 of versizon loded without any trouble. ROM looks great so far. It is great to have something totally different to play with.

A quick question. I cannot seem to ge the backlight to stick with my preferred settings which is always and max brightness. I go into power, select backlight, change it to full bright and uncheck the auto setting. It seems to work for about 2-3 minutes, then it just goes back to the auto setting all by itself.

Just figured it out. I took Lumos out of the startup menu. Problem solved.

Last edited by dwmackay; 09-17-2010 at 08:00 AM. Reason: Update
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2 > CDMA TP2 Development

cdma rom, fast, overclock, stable

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