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View Poll Results: Which Windows Mobile Version of BigMaxSense ROM Do You Use?
Windows Mobile 6.5 (21***) 88 26.99%
Windows Mobile 6.5.(x) (23***) 242 74.23%
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  #731 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 04:11 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM} ☼ WinMo 23563 ☼ The Quickest, Most Customizable Manila Experien

Originally Posted by andres79 View Post
Anybody know where the vmail alert is? Sorry if this has been discussed.

voice mail widget is in the works
You light 'em! We fight 'em!!
Net speed tweak by me and kozmo---give him a big "thank you"
  #732 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 04:12 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM} ☼ WinMo 23563 ☼ The Quickest, Most Customizable Manila Experien

Originally Posted by andres79 View Post
Anybody know where the vmail alert is? Sorry if this has been discussed.

Originally Posted by ffkip911 View Post
voice mail widget is in the works
Yes a seperate one is in the works, but the current call alert widget also displays voicemail's

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  #733 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 04:20 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM} ☼ WinMo 23563 ☼ The Quickest, Most Customizable Manila Experien

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
Yes a seperate one is in the works, but the current call alert widget also displays voicemail's
Hey thanks a lot guys.


Thank you very much for sharing your work with everyone. I was wondering if you still need the cab for Opera 10?
  #734 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 04:21 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM} ☼ WinMo 23563 ☼ The Quickest, Most Customizable Manila Experien

Originally Posted by andres79 View Post
Hey thanks a lot guys.


Thank you very much for sharing your work with everyone. I was wondering if you still need the cab for Opera 10?
nope, just got it working perfect!
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  #735 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 04:21 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM} ☼ WinMo 23563 ☼ The Quickest, Most Customizable Manila Experien

Man this is going to be great! Thanks for your work. Do you have an ETA of when you may release this today?
  #736 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 04:30 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM} ☼ WinMo 23563 ☼ The Quickest, Most Customizable Manila Experien

BigMaxSense ROM Updates

23563 & 21901 ROM's will be up tonight..

Both will be a Color ROM w/ Default MaxSense Theme...(add color in post#3)

The ROM's will have the Trans gloss widget backgrounds already setup!

This is running faster than ever! only been testing a few hours, but its a nice improvement all the way around! can't wait for ya'll to try it!

-Added marketplace
-Camera speed is a bit faster
-AGPS reg entries are improved
-voice command is working
-Arkswitch is added
(maxsense default when pressed in upper right corner, on the left side of winmo taskbar & set to start(softkey) press and hold)

Ameba is added
(start softkey tap-start menu/hold-arkswitch) ("x" close softkey tap-minimize program/hold-close program)

HTC message client is installed
Winmo menus ARE smaller
MMS Default carrier is now set for each carrier...(so you don't have to choose default)
Added HTC notification manager & include's taskmanager
Opera 10 is installed and set as default
Added more MaxSense Wallpaper

CHANGELOG for MaxSense
1. Adjusted the home button sensitivity
2. Added 3 more program shortcuts ( 6 now )
3. Added an option in Max Settings for high quality wallpaper (set as default)
4. Fixed appointments count and some other minor issues

This is what the default layout will look like

Last edited by bignadad; 06-03-2010 at 04:38 PM.
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  #737 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 04:34 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM} ☼ WinMo 23563 ☼ The Quickest, Most Customizable Manila Experien

yes! Thanks!
  #738 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 04:57 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM} ☼ WinMo 23563 ☼ The Quickest, Most Customizable Manila Experien

Thanks to the Max Sense my phone looks and feels better than ever, I don't need top jump to the Dark(Super Sonic EVO) Side!
  #739 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 05:04 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM} ☼Fresh 23563/21901 Tonight☼ The Quickest, Most Customizable Man

BIG Thanks to Everyone that has donated!

Really helps me justify spending more and more time on this project..

More MaxSense Designs are on the WAY!
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  #740 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 05:31 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM} ☼Fresh 23563/21901 Tonight☼ The Quickest, Most Customizable Man

so i tried out the rom and had my little issues all line up to come and complain but then i check and see half the ppcg community already said just about everything. and on top of it you are already releasing an update?? how am i summpsed to get out my frustration now??

well a couple things that i didn't see but probably just missed

1. It would be nice if the stock rom had more of a stock look. like the settings tab, start menu icons, dialer, as well as others are still modified

2. some manila elements are missing a slider (this is on and off, kind of buggy) like selecting all tweets or all people. it wouldn't be as bad if we still had swipe functionality in these screens.

3. i usually keep the messaging tab up since i text often, so it's virtually my homescreen. if i get a text it doesnt update/refresh, so i have to go back to the home screen and then to the hometab, or open up the winmo sms app just to see the new sms.

4. It would be nice if we could use the stock or custom taskbars, or at least one wit a percent battery icon since the 4 bars in the battery are not a very accurate representation. also the top notifications were nice to see if you have new email voicemail etc

5. We can change the maxsense font color but this only affects the home. since we have background for all tabs, it would be nice if this changed the font color of all tabs so wwe can use a white background and still see text in the messaging/twitter tabs
Moved on to Motorola Droid 3 and XDA...ya'll kids have fun
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