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-   -   ~ SuperRom_S_15 ~5-29-10~wm6.5 2.1~w/Silence Kit~ ****UPDATE NOW AVAILABLE!!**** (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=119831)

pimpol10 05-01-2010 04:20 PM

~ SuperRom_S_15 ~5-29-10~wm6.5 2.1~w/Silence Kit~ ****UPDATE NOW AVAILABLE!!****
9 Attachment(s)
Don't just vote for fun if you haven't tried my rom, don't vote. So, Please! I need everyone that has uses my rom to vote on the poll and leave comments. Thanks and Play nice. We're all here to help each other out! :occasion5:
-Fixed removed HAC bad short cut
-Fixed Album Player search bar
-Cleaned Registry Junk files
-removed outdated GoogleMaps, please install newest version to SD card

Read this by mlin for proof that this rom is the fastest, please note that the test version by mlin was build SuperRom_S_13.1 5/15/10 which is an older version, this update is faster. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=112287

ROM AVAILABLE at bottom of page!!
SuperRom S_15 5/29/10

Now boots up with storage total:315.45mb~inuse:5.10~free:310.35mb makes this rom the lightest rom with manila EVER!! Over 400 manila images where modify using S.V.I. technique for faster UI. Also with S.V.I's keyboard for little to no lag typing. Read this link about S.V.I technique:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=558378 It's the fastest rom IMHO. Enjoy! Please be nice and leave feedback!

__________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

5-1-10 Super_S_13

If you want a light and super fast rom with 6.5 and sense 2.1 then look no further! This is the fast, great battery life, very light 6.5 2.1! I Love 2.1 sense!!! It's been very sable so far. NO EYE CANDY!!

First of all I would like to give thanks to everyone that helped me. I'm just trying to give back the the community with my first rom using Silence 12 kitchen. My goal was to finding the fastest WM6.5 2.1 Kitchen and making it lighter and faster. I remove a lot of the software that I don't uses. Now it boots up with System storage total 291.91mb, In use 14.74mb, and Free 277.14mb. The pagepool is set to 13. Boots up with around 107mb(with weather animation disable). Stuff that I've removed: Titanium UI, Audio_Booster, MS_Facebook, Java_JblendPackage_2_1, MP3_Trimmer, Opera_Browser 9_50, RSSHub, MicrophoneAGC, SlidingSound, TVOutPopUp, TVOutSetting, StreamingMedia, BCR_WWE, I removed 6.5 lockscreen(saves 6mb of ram), Microsoft Myphone, and many more useless things. I used CleamRam 1.8 seems to work best compare to newer version IMO. Setting as Clean Level 3. Check the following in settings: close all app, launch all start up, wakeup device before cleanup, and display today screen when finish. DISABLE exception list! I will also include all the cabs that I have install on my TP2 for download. Please give THANKS!!!!

THIS WILL WORK ON SPRINT, TELUS, U.S.C., and VERIZON ONLY! SPRINT Cab provision included please install first thing after flash!!! For others please use one on the cabs below!

THIS ROM WAS ORIGINALLY VERY FAST BIG THANKS TO SILENCE. Thanks to S.V.I., JD and Tommyr (for tips), and special Thanks to mlin for testing my roms!!

PHP Code:

WM build  21887
 Manila build 2.1.1920

SuperRom S_013.1 Package 

AdobePDF                                2_5_1_0_404840_03   
 AdvancedNetwork                         1_0_12_1
 aGPS_Confirmation_TEST                  1_0_19222811_00
 App_Service                             1_76_0_0  
 Boot_Launcher_TEST                      1_0_19221510_1
 BrowserSnapshot_TEST                    1_0_19222010_00
 Calculator_TEST                         1_1_19222710_00
 ClearStorage                            2_3_1_0
 CMInternetSharing                       1_2_2_0
 CommManager                             2_9_O_7
 Concurrence_Mgr_TEST                    1_5_19222310_00
 DataDisconnect                          1_14_0_1
 DeviceInfo                              2_7_1_0
 DRM_Middleware_TEST                     1_5_19222310_00
 Email_Setup_Wizard_TEST                 2_3_19222811_10
 Field_T_e_s_t                           2_19_0_0
 FlashLiteShareDll_TEST                  1_0_19222310_00
 G_Sensor_Calibrator_Test                1_1_19193325_0
 GoogleLocationService_Test              1_0_1_21
 GPS_GMM                                 3_2_116_1
 HTCAnimation                            1_3_5_2
 HTCApplication                          1_15_0_0
 HTCFont_Link_TEST                       1_0_19221410_00
 HTCFramework_TEST                       1_5_19222811_00
 HTCGeoService_TEST                      1_0_19222811_00
 HTCMessage                              1_00_281_0
 HTCScroll_TEST                          2_0_19222310_00
 HTCSettings                             1_4_3_0
 HTCStartUp                              1_7_0_0
 HTCUtil                                 4_12_0_1
 IE6Enhancement_TEST                     1_0_19222010_0
 Menu_Enhancement_TEST                   1_1_19222010_00
 Mute                                    1_1_2_0
 MyCPL                                   3_13_0_6
 NewMailAccount                          1_11_0_1
 Notification_Enhancement_TEST           3_5_19222911_00
 Picture_Enhancement_TEST                1_50_19222811_00
 PKG                                     1_1_0_0
 Power                                   3_5_1_1
 PowerOffWarning                         2_9_0_0
 Quick_GPS_Test                          2_0_19221425_02
 Random_Access_Test                      4_2_19183026_0
 Redial                                  1_3_0_0
 Resource_Proxy_TEST                     1_0_19222811_00
 Ringtone_Plugin_TEST                    1_0_19222811_00
 RunCC                                   1_1_b_0
 Sensor_SDK_TEST                         4_2_19222811_00
 Settings_Improvement_TEST               1_0_19222010_00
 Shared_Modules_TEST                     1_01_19222911_00
 SharedResource_TEST                     1_0_19222911_00
 SignatureReplace                        1_5_0_0
 StorageLow                              1_0_0_2
 Teeter                                  2_0_19193924_00
 TimeZoneAutoFix_TEST                    1_0_19222811_00
 USB_To_PC_Pop_Up_TEST                   2_3_19222510_00
 USSD_Service                            4_38_0_0
 WiFiSettings                            1_2_5_4
-FiWizard                             1_24_2_0
 WLANSettings                            2_7_10_1
 zlibce_m_TEST                           1_2_30_00
 ConnectionSetup                         3_1_19202627_00
 DelWMPTempFolder                        1_10_0_0
 Album                                   3_0_19203028_1
 AudioManager_Eng                        1_7_19202329_h
 ContactUtilityEngine                    1_0_19194021_0000
 MediaToolkit                            1_0_19203028_00
 NewContactCard                          1_0_19203330_00
 StreamingSrcFilter                      2_7_19162918_00
 TaskManager                             2_1_19213732_17
 VoiceRecorder_TMO_US                    1_10_19171120_1
 VolumeControl                           2_1_19163532_0
 DMRouter                                2_46_0_0
 AppServiceMsg                           1_17_0_0
 Arcsoft_MMS_VZW                         5_2_6_45B
 BluetoothSetting                        2_11_1_0
 ButtonSetting                           3_17_0_2
 Camera                                  6_17_36214_0
 CDMA_RSSI_PPC                           1_28_0_0
 CM_Guardian_Service                     1_20_0_2
 DShow                                   2_0_19203224_00
 EnableNitz                              1_10_0_1
 EPST                                    4_67_0_0
 EPSTLab                                 4_14_0_0
 FieldTrial                              4_23_0_1
 Fuart                                   1_14_0_1
 FullScreenPlayer                        1_6_19173924_00
 HACSetting                              1_0_2_1
 IME_Engine_Western                      2_1_19202626_00
 IME_EzInput_Western                     2_1_19202423_00
 initProv                                2_57_0_1
 InvokeSIMMgr                            1_12_0_1
 LongPressEndKey                         1_2_19143124_00
 manila                                  2_1_19202217_5
 Message_Enhancement                     1_1_19212231_00
 mHubVO                                  1_77_090723_X0
 ModeSwitchRIL                           1_10_0_0
 PhoneCanvas                             5_30_0_0
 Phonecanvas_MASD                        3_40_1920_1930


Please give THANKS. Any donating with be appropriated. Please forward donation to: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=EQQ6H6QNH2P6N ENJOY!

Get Rom Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?rnmcvyztnzt

pimpol10 05-01-2010 04:21 PM

Re: {{ SuperRom Silence 13 }} WM6.5 Sense 2.1 ((Silence Rom_12 Kitchen))
9 Attachment(s)
I take no credit for any cabs posted. Thanks for anyone's cabs that I've used here on my forum. When installing Ninja taskbar make sure to install the volume Fix after.

pimpol10 05-01-2010 04:26 PM

Re: {{ SuperRom Silence 13 }} WM6.5 Sense 2.1 ((Silence Rom_12 Kitchen))
8 Attachment(s)
Screen Shot with all all these cabs installed.

NEW undated darkSuperTheme. Install to your storage card or internal for FULL DARK SUPER THEME!

Please note the the Trans Clock bckgrnd cab is for a SEMI TRANSPARENT CLOCK BACKGROUND I truly recommend this CAB!! It's a must install cab!

Please note if your internet sharing doesn't work, try installing Mr. X Sprint PRL FW profile Update and update PRL and Update Profile.

Avenger666 05-01-2010 04:41 PM

Re: {{ SuperRom Silence 13 }} WM6.5 Sense 2.1 ((Silence Rom_12 Kitchen))
first 1 to gave u a thanks :)

and i cant wait to try it out ^_^

btwn Good Luck

Avenger666 05-01-2010 06:05 PM

Re: ~ SuperRom Silence 13 ~ 5-01-10 ~ WM6.5 Sense 2.1 ~((Silence Rom_12 Kitchen)) FAS
failed link.......... ?

pimpol10 05-01-2010 06:26 PM

Re: ~ SuperRom Silence 13 ~ 5-01-10 ~ WM6.5 Sense 2.1 ~((Silence Rom_12 Kitchen)) FAS

Originally Posted by Avenger666 (Post 1729885)
failed link.......... ?

It works perfect for me try it again. Once downloaded you have to use 7-Zip to unzip it.

QMeli907 05-01-2010 07:43 PM

Re: ~ SuperRom Silence 13 ~ 5-01-10 ~ WM6.5 Sense 2.1 ~((Silence Rom_12 Kitchen)) FAS
Eager to try this out!

anonymity 05-01-2010 08:56 PM

Re: ~ SuperRom Silence 13 ~ 5-01-10 ~ WM6.5 Sense 2.1 ~((Silence Rom_12 Kitchen)) FAS
More screen shots please.

Sixfoota21 05-02-2010 12:26 PM

Re: ~ SuperRom Silence 13 ~ 5-01-10 ~ WM6.5 Sense 2.1 ~((Silence Rom_12 Kitchen)) FAS
Another OUT%&^$^%.STANDING SILENCE MOD..Great JOB !!!!!!!

pimpol10 05-02-2010 12:30 PM

Re: ~ SuperRom Silence 13 ~ 5-01-10 ~ WM6.5 Sense 2.1 ~((Silence Rom_12 Kitchen)) FAS

Originally Posted by anonymity (Post 1730111)
More screen shots please.

more screen shots will be up soon!

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