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rkmoray 02-12-2010 03:15 PM

Re: *Updated February 3rd* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs

Originally Posted by fusion600 (Post 1561172)
It's called HTC Sense under settings - home - Items

Thanks, just what I was looking for

cmajewsk 02-12-2010 06:03 PM

Re: *Updated February 3rd* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs

Originally Posted by NFSFAN (Post 1561184)
Updated Changelog:
Release 1.05

Nice - any ideas when v1.05 will be released?

Arclight 02-12-2010 08:22 PM

Re: *Updated February 3rd* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs
Text message problems here. Fully broken, cannot send or receive. Hard reset after flash and all that. Reverting to diff. Rom for now, really liked this one otherwise.

the-wrangler 02-12-2010 08:44 PM

Re: *Updated February 3rd* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs

Originally Posted by cmajewsk (Post 1561548)
Nice - any ideas when v1.05 will be released?

sounds like it wont be too long...waitimg on lanscape vga port im guessing..tho just a guess


Originally Posted by Arclight (Post 1561795)
Text message problems here. Fully broken, cannot send or receive. Hard reset after flash and all that. Reverting to diff. Rom for now, really liked this one otherwise.

absolutely no text problems here..been working fantastic, with both HTC and WM messaging

Chris_Mc 02-12-2010 09:33 PM

Re: *Updated February 3rd* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs
if you are having text problems, try backing up only your contacts and appointments ( no messaging) then hard reset.

I was having text problems, tried the above, now everything seems to be working fine.

Tekzel 02-12-2010 10:16 PM

Re: *Updated February 3rd* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs
I have had zero problems with texting on 1.04. I don't text a lot though, so don't have a huge archive of texts on my device.

the-wrangler 02-12-2010 11:17 PM

Re: *Updated February 3rd* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs

Originally Posted by Chris_Mc (Post 1561918)
if you are having text problems, try backing up only your contacts and appointments ( no messaging) then hard reset.

I was having text problems, tried the above, now everything seems to be working fine.

ya NFSFAN has mentioned that before, and a good rule to follow..i only ever back up contacts and appointments. maybe thats why i havent had the issues

Giggles 312 02-13-2010 12:17 AM

Re: *Updated February 3rd* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs

Originally Posted by NFSFAN (Post 1561184)
Updated Changelog:

Release 1.05
Sponsored by WMPowerUser.com

not to sound like a pain in the a$$ but i didnt see anything about HTC Messaging 2011. maybe i just didnt look hard enough, but i really like having the manila cover all of windows mobile. i guess for me its all or nothing XD haha. but never-the-less i'm still looking forward for this update. love your roms man. they are the best for gimmped VZW TPs.

the-wrangler 02-13-2010 12:28 AM

Re: *Updated February 3rd* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs

Originally Posted by Giggles 312 (Post 1562235)
not to sound like a pain in the a$$ but i didnt see anything about HTC Messaging 2011. maybe i just didnt look hard enough, but i really like having the manila cover all of windows mobile. i guess for me its all or nothing XD haha. but never-the-less i'm still looking forward for this update. love your roms man. they are the best for gimmped VZW TPs.

lol ok, so ive seen quite a few posts of yours in various threads about this htc 2011 messaging...whats so wild about it? just curious...and if its in the changelog, then im sure itll be there..if not, then nfsfan would have a good reason (which is his right after all as the cook) not too..
just curious mate..

End3r 02-13-2010 04:46 AM

Re: *Updated February 3rd* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs
This morning I started getting the following message on phone (running NFSFAN 1.04) bootup: "This concludes the beta test of this software release. Thank you very much for your time and effort in helping make this a great product for our customers. To obtain a newer release or further information, please revisit the website that you used to obtain your current beta release"

Unfortunately, this means I'm locked out of my own phone. Not so great.... Advice? Many thanks.

EDIT: After a hard reset things seem to be running ok for now.

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