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-   -   [ROM] 12/21/10 | Fresh Evo | [Insert Witty Tagline] | New OTA Base (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=130586)

flipzmode 08-03-2010 11:13 AM

[ROM] 12/21/10 | Fresh Evo | [Insert Witty Tagline] | New OTA Base
Geek For Me is proud to release:

Fresh Evo for your Sprint Evo 4g

Featuring the new OTA and multiple updates.

Base: Supersonic 3.70.651.1


Changes from Fresh Evo to
  • Based on the new Sprint OTA (3.70.651.1)
  • New kernel by HTC (#15)
    • Modified slightly to allow app2sd, remount, and enable usb debugging
    • Good battery life is back!
  • Added notification pull down widgets (huge props to jschisurf)
  • Removed USB debugging icon (thanks to jschisurf)
  • Removed GPS icon when it's disabled (thanks to jschisurf)
  • Option to reboot added to power menu (thanks to snq- and aamikam)
  • Updated DarkTremor Apps2sd to
  • Updated Gmail to 2.3.2 (due to some issues in the beta you may need to update this through the market)
  • Updated Google Search to (due to some issues in the beta you may need to update this through the market)
  • Updated Google Maps to 5.0.0
  • Updated Voice Search to 2.1.1
  • Updated Market to 2.2.7
    • Due to many users experiencing issues in the 3.5.0 beta with this you will see the old market after you first flash, however it will be quickly updated in the background to the new one.

  • Updated ES File Explorer to
  • The OTA brought a lot of behind the scenes changes, but also some new apps. I removed most as they are things you could already get off the market. Here's what I did with everything. Keep in mind that some of these apps can be re-installed by clicking in a file browser, while some must be copied to /system/app/ manually:
    • SWYPE -- left this for now
    • WM DRM 10 -- left this for now
    • Blockbuster -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
    • Adobe Reader -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
    • Kindle eReader -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
    • NOVA Demo -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
    • Sprint Zone Update -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
    • New Sprint Nav -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)
    • New Sprint TV -- moved to /sdcard/fresh-removed-apks-3/)

  • New radio (baseband), wimax radio, and PRI and NV can all be found on Fresh Updater after flashing 3.5 or downloaded below.
  • Fixed market bug
  • Fixed location bug
  • Fixed busybox / root apps FC'ing bug
  • I wanted to give a shout out to skullmonkey, mrgq1111, Rolland985 and gordon ramsay (he yells a lot) for sitting in tinychat with me and trying every market fix I threw at them. And an extra special thanks to mrgq1111 for letting me remote in to his computer so I could work on the issue on his phone (because I couldn't duplicate the problem on mine). I wouldn't have been able to fix it without that.

Changes from Fresh Evo to
  • Based on a new Sprint OTA (3.30.651.2)
  • New kernel by HTC (g0f673ed)
    • Modified slightly to allow apps2sd and remount to work
    • Has fps unlocked by default, straight from HTC's source!

  • Upped MMS size limit to 5mb (thanks to calkulin)
  • Added mod to prevent MMS from compressing image unless it's over 5mb limit (thanks to calkulin)
  • Added mod to unlock Sprint wired tether so that you can tether straight through the normal USB menu when you plug in your phone (thanks to calkulin. If it's not working for you then you are probably missing drivers on your computer. Check device manager. Works on 3g or wifi only)
  • Updated Wireless Tether to 2.0.5-pre-11
  • Updated DarkTremor apps2sd to
  • Updated Google Maps to 4.5.1
  • Updated Google Search to 1.1.2
  • Updated YouTube to 2.0.26
  • Updated busybox to 1.16.0
  • There were no radio updates or updates to any system apks or jars in this OTA.
  • Fixed a browser bug. Find the small patch in Fresh Updater if you were on already

Not every mod in this rom is outlined here if it was done in a previous version. It contains all the Fresh goodies as outlined in the Fresh Evo changelog: http://geekfor.me/evo/21/fresh-evo-official-change-log



Install Notes: This update does not require a data wipe if you are on Fresh Evo 3.2 or higher. If you are coming from another rom then a wipe may be required. Always perform a nandroid backup before flashing. Updating to the new radio and PRI is highly recommended. I recommend doing it after you flash the rom. The download is below.

Donors: If you were already on then yes you still need to update or you will not be able to get future updates from fresh updater properly.

If you are experiencing issues:
  • If your gmail FC's on your first boot and you aren't getting push gmail then simply open Settings < Manage Applications < All < Gmail < Clear Data . After that everything should work for you.
  • If your market is FC'ing then you will need to perform a few adb commands after flashing the rom.
    1. adb remount
    2. adb shell
    3. rm -r /data/data/com.android.vending
    4. rm -r /data/dalvik-cache
    5. rm /data/system/packages.xml
    6. reboot recovery
    7. then you should be in recovery. and do (assuming RA) Other < Fix APK UID mismatches

  • If you have tried all of that and are still having issues then you need to go in to recovery and do a full data wipe and flash and all will be fine.

Fair warning: if you ask me something that is already answered in the forum, the change log, or these release notes, then I'm going to ignore it. Sorry.
Need help?
Download: Download: Fresh Evo (New OTA)

Radio, Wimax, NV, and PRI (new with this release. flash after upgrading the rom or download from Fresh Updater): Download: New Radio, Wimax, PRI, and NV


http://geekfor.me/wp-content/uploads...me-180x300.png http://geekfor.me/wp-content/uploads...ut-180x300.png http://geekfor.me/wp-content/uploads...la-180x300.png http://geekfor.me/wp-content/uploads...ms-180x300.png http://geekfor.me/wp-content/uploads...ts-180x300.png http://geekfor.me/wp-content/uploads...25-180x300.png http://geekfor.me/wp-content/uploads...pe-180x300.png http://geekfor.me/wp-content/uploads...35-180x300.png http://geekfor.me/wp-content/uploads...ps-180x300.png

Mystery 08-03-2010 11:18 AM

Re: [ROM] 8/3/10 | Fresh Evo | FroYo | OFFICIAL 3.26.651.6 OTA + fresh goodie
Thanks for the new release man, downloading now. Love your ROMs.

Scientific 08-03-2010 11:50 AM

Re: [ROM] 8/3/10 | Fresh Evo | FroYo | OFFICIAL 3.26.651.6 OTA + fresh goodie
Nice! Downloading now...

rainfreak 08-03-2010 12:11 PM

Re: [ROM] 8/3/10 | Fresh Evo | FroYo | OFFICIAL 3.26.651.6 OTA + fresh goodie
Having been happily running Fresh ROMs on my Hero and EVO since ever, I am happy to see this release! I am downloading it now and will be flashing in moments, but I was wondering if the Market is working correctly? I know I saw a lot of complaints regarding apps not showing up in the Market after updating to Froyo.

reprod 08-03-2010 12:21 PM

Re: [ROM] 8/3/10 | Fresh Evo | FroYo | OFFICIAL 3.26.651.6 OTA + fresh goodie
Market is good now. Seems like Google updated the Market yesterday afternoon and all the protected apps now show up again...

Enjoy flashing rainfreak...

hooover 08-03-2010 12:33 PM

Re: [ROM] 8/3/10 | Fresh Evo | FroYo | OFFICIAL 3.26.651.6 OTA + fresh goodie
After running fresh ROM's on my hero I'm finally happy to give this a whirl...Thanks for your great work...I was excited to see this up so fast!!!

reprod 08-03-2010 12:39 PM

Re: [ROM] 8/3/10 | Fresh Evo | FroYo | OFFICIAL 3.26.651.6 OTA + fresh goodie
I'm actually new to the Fresh ROM game...Before I begin flashing ROMs tonight, I had one question... Does this ROM include Sense. I saw that LauncherPro was installed... does that mean that this is a non-Sense ROM?

rainfreak 08-03-2010 12:52 PM

Re: [ROM] 8/3/10 | Fresh Evo | FroYo | OFFICIAL 3.26.651.6 OTA + fresh goodie
Sense is installed, but you can disable it and use Launcher Pro if you choose to.

rainfreak 08-03-2010 12:52 PM

Re: [ROM] 8/3/10 | Fresh Evo | FroYo | OFFICIAL 3.26.651.6 OTA + fresh goodie

Originally Posted by reprod (Post 1896020)
Market is good now. Seems like Google updated the Market yesterday afternoon and all the protected apps now show up again...

Enjoy flashing rainfreak...

Thanks bro, I saw that most were reporting good things but wanted to be sure. Flashing now :)

reprod 08-03-2010 01:27 PM

Re: [ROM] 8/3/10 | Fresh Evo | FroYo | OFFICIAL 3.26.651.6 OTA + fresh goodie

Originally Posted by rainfreak (Post 1896093)
Sense is installed, but you can disable it and use Launcher Pro if you choose to.

Thanks bro... Seems like I might be giving Fresh a run tonight once I get home from work...

The girlfriend will be complaining tonight... :evil4:

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