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View Poll Results: Which Custom Manila theme is better for my ROM??
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  #631 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 12:36 PM
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Re: [04-12-09] MysteryROM II [Rhodium Manila All Carriers] (CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 210

For folks that are having serious problems with the ROMs loading - could you please specify which ROM? Since there are three currently available, it would be helpful for users that are thinking about flashing and I'm guessing for Mystery as well.
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  #632 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 08:48 PM
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Re: [04-12-09] MysteryROM II [Rhodium Manila All Carriers] (CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 210

hey just wondering what cabs you used for when i touch the top of the screen that menu displays items like missed calls or new messages? Also what cab was used to change the way incoming message popups appear? Idk if this is a secret or not so sorry ahead of time if it is lol
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  #633 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 10:55 PM
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Re: [04-12-09] MysteryROM II [Rhodium Manila All Carriers] (CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 210

Originally Posted by Spiderman313 View Post
Is it possible to have this clock in a cab please? Thank in advance. http://i651.photobucket.com/albums/u...Screen01-4.png
I'll try to look for it as a cab, since I have it as an OEM I will have to convert it to .cab, which is something I don't know how to do.
Originally Posted by jjairal View Post
Do your think not including youtube in the rom but adding later as a cab would let it work.
Try that already, didn't work. I think I found what the problem is, I will keep you guys updated and see if I finally fix it.

Originally Posted by mrenz999 View Post
So loaded the rom last night. This morning we are locked up solid. On reboot a MortScript.exe box pops up and says it can't be opened. Then the phone locks up solid. No response to anything. Suggestions ? Can't seem to get it into bootloader and active sync wont load.
Try to get into bootloader again, you should be able to do it.
Also I think the Mortscript.exe is because of personalizer, I have gotten it before, I think I will have to remove it because of this problem. If you guys still want to use it, you can download it from post 2.
Originally Posted by Dreading View Post
For folks that are having serious problems with the ROMs loading - could you please specify which ROM? Since there are three currently available, it would be helpful for users that are thinking about flashing and I'm guessing for Mystery as well.
Yeah that will help me. Also to prevent problems, please flash to your shipped rom then flash mines. After you do that don't forget to do a Clear Storage and everything should be working fine.

Originally Posted by hgvidal View Post
hey just wondering what cabs you used for when i touch the top of the screen that menu displays items like missed calls or new messages? Also what cab was used to change the way incoming message popups appear? Idk if this is a secret or not so sorry ahead of time if it is lol
There the new rhodium menu and notification enhancement.
Just do a search and you will find the cabs.
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  #634 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 11:22 PM
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Re: [04-12-09] MysteryROM II [Rhodium Manila All Carriers] (CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 210

help. i cant set a ringtone. get error that all are corrupt, even my personal ones. thanks!
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  #635 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 11:38 PM
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Re: [04-12-09] MysteryROM II [Rhodium Manila All Carriers] (CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 210

Originally Posted by mercado79 View Post
The same thing just happened to me! Since I just flashed your ROM over the weekend, I figured I'd let the battery run down to calibrate it. It was down to about 20 percent and I decided to do a soft reset using ShutXP. The phone restarted but ran through the setup, just like sfxc13 mentioned (calibrate the touch screen, date and time, and customizations).

Now there I see duplicate shortcuts, though not all of them. I'll post a screen shot in a sec. Also, I flashed to Sprint shipped, then to MysteryROM II Rhodium version, then hard reset using clear storage. This is very strange!

EDIT: I was gonna post a screenshot, but it's probably most useful for you to get a list since there were only three shortcuts affected. File Explorer, Opera Mobile, and Task Manager. The duplicates each have (1) after them.

EDIT 2: Under Settings --> Menus there are a lot more that have duplicates. Calendar, Comm Manager, Contacts, File Explorer, Internet Explorer, Messaging, Opera Mobile, Phone, Task Manager.

Also, one last comment. Just before doing the soft reset, I'd opened the Personalizer app. I didn't change anything, but it said I should do a soft reset to save my settings. I didn't do it at that point. I wonder if this caused the issue.
Well, after what happened above, I didn't do another hard reset or clear storage cause everything seemed to be working ok and I figured that a new build would be out soon enough. But last night Opera stopped working. It just wouldn't load. Then today, about mid day I noticed I couldn't open up the Programs directory and some of the shortcuts on the Start Menu were missing. Tonight when I got home, did a soft reset and when it restarted, the background picture was gone and the them was set to standard black. I still couldn't get to Programs and so I thought to browse the device while it was connected to my laptop.

Looks like everything is corrupt and somehow getting increasingly so. What could have caused this?! So weird. I'm off to clear storage and see how that goes, but thought I'd share a screenshot of the Start Menu --> Programs directory as seen from my PC.

Attachment 29607
Sprint Hero - Rooted!!

Hit me with some THANKS!

Last edited by mercado79; 06-09-2009 at 04:32 PM.
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  #636 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2009, 01:56 AM
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Re: [04-12-09] MysteryROM II [Rhodium Manila All Carriers] (CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 210

Typing from the black rom now, everything works great except the ICR.
After starting a recording I pressed end call and the phone froze.
Now my diamond freezes every time I try to make a call.
I flashed stock before this rom, and just came from alrom which had the same issue.
Any ideas or does ICR work for anyone else?
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  #637 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2009, 02:17 AM
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Re: [04-12-09] MysteryROM II [Rhodium Manila All Carriers] (CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 210

After some playing around I just disabled ICR.
hklm/software/htc/phone/EnableICR = 0
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  #638 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2009, 11:20 AM
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Re: [04-12-09] MysteryROM II [Rhodium Manila All Carriers] (CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 210

using latest black rhodium manila ROM:
I got the no sound ringtone bug last night. Soft reset and it appears to be working fine again.

Really liking the ROM. Thanks Mystery
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  #639 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2009, 06:42 PM
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Re: [04-12-09] MysteryROM II [Rhodium Manila All Carriers] (CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 210

Okay guys I finally figure out what was causing the no sound issue in YouTube, the taskbar. I will find a way to fix this issue really soon. Hopefully there is a release either today or tomorrow night!
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  #640 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2009, 08:21 AM
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Re: [04-12-09] MysteryROM II [Rhodium Manila All Carriers] (CE OS 5.2.21042 Build 210

Originally Posted by mercado79 View Post
Well, after what happened above, I didn't do another hard reset or clear storage cause everything seemed to be working ok and I figured that a new build would be out soon enough. But last night Opera stopped working. It just wouldn't load. Then today, about mid day I noticed I couldn't open up the Programs directory and some of the shortcuts on the Start Menu were missing. Tonight when I got home, did a soft reset and when it restarted, the background picture was gone and the them was set to standard black. I still couldn't get to Programs and so I thought to browse the device while it was connected to my laptop.

Looks like everything is corrupt and somehow getting increasingly so. What could have caused this?! So weird. I'm off to clear storage and see how that goes, but thought I'd share a screenshot of the Start Menu --> Programs directory as seen from my PC.

Attachment 29607
Hey Mercado,
Are you using custom themes? I had a similar issue and I traced it back to themes I had installed and uninstalled. It left corrupt files in windows that I could only get rid of after a hard reset. I lived with it for a while because I was waiting on a Mystery release(this was a while ago). But it caused things to slow down like opening file explorer, especially if I navigated to the windows folder,,took forever. Eventually Myst released another rom and I flashed to that and I haven't had many issues other than the odd hard/soft reset thing. Hope this helps!
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