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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2009, 11:42 AM
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Re: Sprint Customer Service.... Terrible!!!

OP - the first problem was doing a web chat. While I myself have been intrigued by the convenience, I have never had any luck. It usually seems like I am stuck talking to the stupidest people alive.

Calling in is the way to go. As NIKKG stated, you may need to call more than once.

I think Sprint has gotten a bad rep over time, mainly due to the out-sourcing fiasco. Personally, I have had Sprint since 2001 and have never had a Customer Service nightmare. But with any company that serves a large customer base, there are always going to be complaints and issues from time to time.

For me, the price I pay for the coverage and plan is well worth the potential headache every now and again (which, knock on wood, I have not had yet).
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2009, 12:27 PM
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Re: Sprint Customer Service.... Terrible!!!

Originally Posted by NIKKG View Post
I switched to Sprint from Att in March and so far the reps have been very good to me and have hooked me up with a free airrave plus they gave me the Pick 5 for free all on my Sero 30 dollar plan. When it comes to customer service, you have to know what you want and show respect while being cool with the reps and you can pretty much get everything you want. That goes for all companies. I even got out of my iPhone 3G contract after only 6 months from ATT without paying ETF just by complaining to the right people. Its all about knowing how to deal with people that gets you ahead in life.
Well said and EXTREMELY true...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2009, 06:23 PM
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Re: Sprint Customer Service.... Terrible!!!

Originally Posted by NIKKG View Post
I switched to Sprint from Att in March and so far the reps have been very good to me and have hooked me up with a free airrave plus they gave me the Pick 5 for free all on my Sero 30 dollar plan. When it comes to customer service, you have to know what you want and show respect while being cool with the reps and you can pretty much get everything you want. That goes for all companies. I even got out of my iPhone 3G contract after only 6 months from ATT without paying ETF just by complaining to the right people. Its all about knowing how to deal with people that gets you ahead in life.

=) I have always got what I wanted from sprint. I am always polite and talk to the reps directly via phone. Just the other week, my original touch pro was having some issues. I was sent a refurbished one and the refurbished phone was all jacked. I simply called in and stated that the refurbished phone was poorly re assembled and that was not acceptable. I asked if they could send me a new one. And they did. For billing issues, I think you got a bunch of dunce's or you may have just been plain out rude and they where not willing to work with you. Personally, all companies are not perfect, and if someone called and started yelling at me I would tell then to go fly a kite.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2009, 06:35 PM
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Re: Sprint Customer Service.... Terrible!!!

Sorry you had such a hard time with their customer service. I for one think their CS is great! A few years ago it was terrible and in fact was rated in the top 10 worst for customer service just below comcast. Since then they have really stepped up their game and I have been quite impressed whenever I have had to call CS or enter a store. Just my 2 cents...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 08:31 PM
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Re: Sprint Customer Service.... Terrible!!!

compared to many other companies sprint is pretty good with customer service fact is that i work as a csr for a major nyc company and i can tell you the nicer you are to me on the phonethe more i will do to make you happy but if you come flying off the handle for something that a is your own fault < for example you call in complainning you have no service and you want to disconnect because this is always happenning to you but when i check the logs of the other calls you made its almost always you never turned on your cable box by pressing the power button> or b your angry about the price of your bill but then again you havent made a full payment for 6 months and you dont have your bill in front of you and the biggest thing is c you call in telling me how rotten your picture looks but then again your the one that bought a 72 inch black and white flat screen with mono stereo speakers for 100 bucks but paid for a 200 dollar hdmi cord and you think its the cable company's fault.

even then i do get customers who call who do have a solid beef with the company and i can see why your angry with us but if your nice to me i will get that supervisor at your home today and give you the credit you deserve for services and a free month of hbo on demand
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