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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2008, 12:42 PM
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Red face Re: Sprint and MMS: It's coming!

I read through this thread and others linked to this one and I noticed that I'm dumb on this topic, so, I come looking for enlightenment.

I peeked in to my Picture Mail account. I see that it has an inbox, an e-mail address and a .com address to a password protected account. It can forward pics to an e-mail address, so it has mailing capabilities. I don't really understand how messages are sent and received to this account (protocols).
That's the reason for my dumb questions.

Why can't I set it up on my phone like yahoo or gmail? I see that there was a hack that attempted to do it and it don't work anymore. I just don't understand the "why" and it's been nagging me for a while now. Please set me straight.

go ahead I can take it.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2008, 01:00 PM
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Re: Sprint and MMS: It's coming!

Why Dont they contact SomeGuysMMS or Arcsoft MMS Arsoft did a great job, until it was blocked. Im pretty sure about it being blocked, but could be wrong. Now SomeguysMMS is linked to your account through Sprints website and made it easy for us to send pics. They both have working solutions and we can have it NOW, not later.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2008, 02:20 AM
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Re: Sprint and MMS: It's coming!

My friend has a Samsung smartphone with MMS from Verizon, his works fine, and Verizon is CDMA and it is a Windows Mobile 6.1 phone. He doesn't have Rev A. or GPS but at least he has MMS.... I also kinda wanna know when the heck they are gonna release Sprint TV for smartphones.... They sure are taking their sweet *** time huh?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2008, 11:29 AM
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Re: Sprint and MMS: It's coming!

Originally Posted by medinatwin View Post
Why Dont they contact SomeGuysMMS or Arcsoft MMS Arsoft did a great job, until it was blocked. Im pretty sure about it being blocked, but could be wrong. Now SomeguysMMS is linked to your account through Sprints website and made it easy for us to send pics. They both have working solutions and we can have it NOW, not later.
ArcSoft MMS is a third party application that adds a new inbox to your messaging. While it works well, its not quite as smooth and well integrated as the "real" messaging is. For example, when composing an MMS using Arcsoft, you can't start typing the person's name and have it pull the rest of the number automatically like you can with the text or email composing screens.
It appears that what MS and Sprint are working on is a more native support for CDMA handsets, that will integrate better with the system.

SomeGuy MMS (sMMS) is even further removed from a native app... his app is just a fancy "skin" for the picture messaging web site that you could have logged directly into all this time from pocket internet explorer. If the website doesn't work, his application won't either. It also has absolutely NO INTEGRATION INTO THE OS OR MESSAGING AT ALL. That means that when you click send from the camera menu or HTC Album, you can't select smms and start composing since its not a messaging box.

Originally Posted by xbergermanx View Post
My friend has a Samsung smartphone with MMS from Verizon, his works fine, and Verizon is CDMA and it is a Windows Mobile 6.1 phone. He doesn't have Rev A. or GPS but at least he has MMS.... I also kinda wanna know when the heck they are gonna release Sprint TV for smartphones.... They sure are taking their sweet *** time huh?
Sprint TV for smartphones already exists. It was all over the net at first because it worked on ANY PPC device due to lack of security (people on ATT, T-mobile, heck even Orange in europe were able to install and watch free TV content at the cost of Sprint's servers). So, now they locked it down to only work on new devices that they can monitor, such as the Touch.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 04-30-2008, 08:46 AM
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Re: Sprint and MMS: It's coming!

Originally Posted by dishe View Post
ArcSoft MMS is a third party application that adds a new inbox to your messaging. While it works well, its not quite as smooth and well integrated as the "real" messaging is. For example, when composing an MMS using Arcsoft, you can't start typing the person's name and have it pull the rest of the number automatically like you can with the text or email composing screens.
It appears that what MS and Sprint are working on is a more native support for CDMA handsets, that will integrate better with the system.
That is even more confusing. You are saying that MS cant figure out how to make a gui that predicts names and phone numbers for picture mail.. but they can for text messaging? I thought the arcsoft app worked just like real picture mail. Sure the GUI wasnt the best but it worked, and not through the website either. Im going to call a temporary shenanigans until someone drops some science on me, or we figure out why they disabled it in the first place.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 04-30-2008, 09:07 AM
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Re: Sprint and MMS: It's coming!

nueMMS is still working ok for me.

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 04-30-2008, 02:54 PM
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Re: Sprint and MMS: It's coming!

Dishe, Yo dude, all Im trying to say is that they both have workable solutions for the time being and something that is working NOW and easy to apply. No need to drop all that science. Yeah they have their drawbacks, I agree.

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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 04-30-2008, 10:14 PM
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Re: Sprint and MMS: It's coming!

I feel like the square peg here...I hardly know what any of this means but I catch on quick and I'll get it all eventually.

But for all I know I thought I could only receive picturemail but couldn't send it myself. Which always seemed like such a bummer.

glad they're working on this
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 04-30-2008, 10:20 PM
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Re: Sprint and MMS: It's coming!

Originally Posted by LittleLady View Post
I feel like the square peg here...I hardly know what any of this means but I catch on quick and I'll get it all eventually.

But for all I know I thought I could only receive picturemail but couldn't send it myself. Which always seemed like such a bummer.

glad they're working on this
Just go here ??

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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2008, 11:34 AM
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Re: Sprint and MMS: It's coming!

Well thanks for the info, I guess we will have just keep waiting on and on and on and on etc....
I just want to send some damn pictures like everyone else.
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