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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 09:17 AM
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Re: Sprint considering a move to tiered data plans

"Hesse also explained that some of the heaviest data users on Sprint have actually ended up costing the carrier money, which is totally within the realm of possibility."

That's the only reason I see why all the carriers are deciding to do this. B/C so many of us exceed 5gb a month. It's going to stink for those of us that do if this happens.

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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 09:20 AM
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Re: Sprint CEO hints unlimited data could end if usage gets crazy

Should have seen it coming...Sprint already put a cap on my broadband (5gb's) Cox here I come!
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 09:59 AM
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It's not about being sold unlimited and then getting capped. It's about abusing a network that is not meant to have thousands of users downloading over 12gbs of data. Just look what happened to iphone. It's a great phone but because of the high data traffic it ruined the experience for everyone else. I don't know about you guys but I still want to have fast connection on my phone when I use it. If capping it is going to help I'm for it. But this only applies to 3g service. 4g can handle the extra traffic.
Also, sprint at any time can change their services. They might have sold you unlimited under the 2 year agreement but after that they can do whatever they want and you either accept it or switch carriers. Again, if you are using more than 10gb of data on a regular basis on 3g don't be surprised if they change their ways. It's as easy as that.
As of now sprint doesn't have a limit on 3g on phones, only on aircards. But don't expect that to stay the same when people are hitting 12 to 15gb all the time. If you really want to use your cellphone for that much then use while you can or switch to 4g which is unlimited for sure.

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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by fivestargentleman View Post
Should have seen it coming...Sprint already put a cap on my broadband (5gb's) Cox here I come!
On your aircard right?

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 10:12 AM
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Re: Sprint CEO hints unlimited data could end if usage gets crazy

Yeah this wouldn't be such a good thing IMO... It's not just heavy users who will leave, it's also mediocre users as myself and the other 3 phones on my account that will leave as well since we all own smart-phone's and love the ability to be able to use as much data as we want and pay one package price... I have no problem flashing my phone to a different service if they implement this some how... But in all reality I think Sprint will lose more than it will gain if they enforce this (which will be the opposite of their intended goal) so yeah, definitely think they should consider all options here because this could be a lose/lose situation or win/win... I know for 100% damn sure I'm not gonna stick around for it to be a lose/win when Sprint's the winners and we're the losers..

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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 10:18 AM
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Re: Sprint CEO hints unlimited data could end if usage gets crazy

Simply put............Sprint advertised it as "UNLIMITED" data...............so with that said who cares how much data one use? When you go to a buffet there is no time or plate limit.....so you can eat till you die! And they are a business......just be glad they didnt silently make the switch.......and you get your bill and its $800!

MrDSL has the right idea......but they at least have to let us know about the changes............and its still unlimited right now! Maybe Sprint should have invested in 3.5G instead of 4G?!
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 10:28 AM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/20.2479; U; en) Presto/2.5.25)

I'll stay and thank everyone for leaving. I don't want Sprints network ending up like ATT and soon to be Verizon if they get the iPhone.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 01:22 PM
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Re: Sprint considering a move to tiered data plans

if this does happen...i hope it will be like how at&t did their tier pricing. applied to new accounts.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
Yeah this wouldn't be such a good thing IMO... It's not just heavy users who will leave, it's also mediocre users as myself and the other 3 phones on my account that will leave as well since we all own smart-phone's and love the ability to be able to use as much data as we want and pay one package price... I have no problem flashing my phone to a different service if they implement this some how... But in all reality I think Sprint will lose more than it will gain if they enforce this (which will be the opposite of their intended goal) so yeah, definitely think they should consider all options here because this could be a lose/lose situation or win/win... I know for 100% damn sure I'm not gonna stick around for it to be a lose/win when Sprint's the winners and we're the losers..
I also have 3 but I pay for 3 unlimited phones. The heavy users have 1 phone and use enough bandwidth for 10

Sent from my fast as hell phone that you can only wish you had
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 02:56 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO hints unlimited data could end if usage gets crazy

Originally Posted by lefty11 View Post
maybe Sprint should stop putting out advertisements for their phone that suggests activating a hotspot when you go somewhere for everyone around you. As in people you do not even know. They actively promote this unbridled usage when they show a scene like a girl going to the airport or some public place and turning on a hotspot for people around her. I mean, really, why would you want people you do not even know using your bandwidth you pay 30 bucks extra for? Just because you can??? That's silly. Before Sprint changes anything they need to quit doing stupid promotions on tv and ads like this .
very good point! =D>
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