- Headphones Recommendation
- Bluetooth headset I recommend with the Epic
- Looking for a charger that will charge 2 batteries
- Case, Holster, Both, or Naked?
- Looking for a Case + Holster Combo that works/fits
- Epic 4G video/audio out to RCA or USB for NAV in car? 2008 or 2009 G35/G37
- Gorilla Gadgets Extended Battery For Epic 4g
- body glove case
- OEM batteries are super cheap on Amazon, for real?
- Fishbone Hybrid Hard/Gel Case
- Forte Leather cases for Epic - 30% off
- Anyone have any experience with this silicone case?
- External Radio
- Micro USB to HDMI cable
- Anyone know a good car charger to use while GPS is on?
- Duracell Rechargeable Powerhouse?
- Car Holder
- Case with no keyboard?
- Cellet Vertical Belt Case Review with Pics.
- Seidio Active X Case Black Review 25+ pics
- Armband to carry Epic while running
- Seidio Innocase Active X Now Available
- Case advice
- Seidio Epic 4g Rugged Case Question
- Samsung Epic 4G Chromatics
- Extended Batterys
- PICS: Epic with BB Seido Case next to Touch Pro 2 (56k BEWARE)
- Seidio Innocase Review (GREEN) UPDATED 56k BEWARE
- Sprint Leather pouch from Amazon
- Case With Kickstand?
- Screen Protector Reviews
- Epic 4g Leash/Tether/Strap ?
- OK, this Best Buy Belt Clip/Case has got to go!
- new epic, looking for screen protector and tips