Originally Posted by joeracer321
Can someone decode what a few of the stock cabs are, for instance, what is REM_Mommy? Also what does the Titan Bootstrap do for us?
SprintDM_DMClientApp_ProdSetting_v0.9.914.cab -- Smith Micro OMC for Over the Air firmware (PRL and Profile) updates for more see:
TitanBootstrap-v1.0.CAB -- Creates the Large T Icon which redirects you to Sprint JAVA
WWE_Remove_WWE_MSFT_MyPictures.cab -- Removes sample pictures from Microsoft
EngStartMenu_Sprint0613.CAB -- Replaces and installs buttons necessary for Manila and the big start menu
REM_Mommy.sa.cab -- Removes a sound file that was included in \Device\My Documents\My Voices\ which when played says "Mommy!"
WM6_PPC_HTC_Opera9_WWE.CAB-- Installs Opera
SprintTV-1_6_Raphael_1044_082708.CAB -- Installs Sprint TV
sprint-navigation-htc-raphael-2.1.10.cab -- Installs Sprint Navigation
PocketExpress_4.26.18.CAB -- Installs Pocket Express
PictureMail_0.2.2.3.CAB -- Installs Picturemail
OzIM_Raphael_Sprint_2.0.77.cab -- Oz Instant Messaging
nouninstall_solitaireHM_HTC2.PPC_2577.WM5.CAB -- Installs the Solitare game that is actually a Demo
JETCET5_v5.0.904.12.cab -- Installs Jet Cet 5 for printing to BlueTooth printers
The only cabs that appear to be important is the EngStartMenu, Sprint_DM , and Opera (if you like Opera, which I do).
The one that removes Microsoft sample pictures and the one that removes that weird "Mommy" yell that sound like some factory worker at HTC had a little fun before the rom hitting production are also useful for deleting this stuff automatically